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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. A Russian chess legend is predicting that Russian President Vladimir Putin might be facing a revolt from his inner circle much sooner than later. Although the Russian military's advantage is faltering, Kasparov explained why Putin will continue to portray the situation as if he is heading toward victory. He added, “It’s a matter of political survival and in many cases … of physical survival. https://www.rawstory.com/russian-chess-player-reveals-how-he-believes-putin-could-be-ousted-by-his-own-allies/
  2. Interesting that you should mention that. It led me to read about Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits an occupier from transferring or deporting parts of its own civilian population into an occupied territory. That is exactly what Russia is doing in Crimea and the Donbas region.
  3. Nations that have invaded other countries in Europe since WW2: 1.
  4. Again, Russia would have to consider that the threat of an actual attack might occur, if not there's no provocation is there?
  5. For Russia to want to threaten Finland by moving more weapons closer it would need to imagine that Finland might attack Russia. Do you think that's even remotely likely?
  6. So you admit that joining NATO is their right and isn't provoking Putin?
  7. How about you stop accusing others of saying stuff they never said? That might work. I'm still waiting for you to show that anyone suggested attacking Russia, as opposed to defending Ukraine or perhaps withdraw the accusation?
  8. I didn't read that bit. I don't think anybody suggested attacking Russia, just not surrendering is the message. At least you're on message from the Russian pov. Russia’s defense minister has accused the U.S. and other Western nations of supplying Ukraine with weapons so that it continues fighting “until the last Ukrainian.” Sergei Shoigu said Tuesday at a meeting with the top military brass that Washington and its allies are doing all they can to drag out Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-business-europe-donetsk-56a3dd893da43c67f99260eb2ee9ae66
  9. Starting a war? There already is a war! Immediate total surrender wouldn't end it. The war would simply spread. It's too late to stop the war, containment must be thew goal. Nobody in their right mind believes that ceding control of Ukraine to Putin would stop his grandiose ambitions.
  10. No you can't. If you're obliquely referring to middle east countries you would be very wrong. Abuse of women in those countries is rife, like every other country.
  11. I believe Putin is in a must not lose situation for his own sake and will eventually use banned weapons over and above those he has already used like mines and cluster bombs. For the West, Putin is in a must not win situation and so should roll the dice now and impose a no fly zone over Ukraine. Ukraine's defences already prevent Putin from achieving his goals which will inevitably push the West into a hard decision.
  12. One of my friends just died of covid after having three vaccinations. It was time for his fourth which may have saved him. He was diabetic but it was well controlled and he was 78. My best advice is take the lower risk road and get whatever vaccinations that medical experts suggest.
  13. Did I do that? Yes, which is why the "feminists" were protesting, as is their right. If you accept that it occurs in every country it makes your complaint about the protests moot and pointless. To suggest they should be protesting about every injustice done to every individual woman in circumstances which are being adequately handled by police is at least sublime. Self evidently, they are motivated to protest against issues and events which they feel reflect the need for societal change, which is as it should be. It's rather instructive that the usual suspects jump on far right and misogynistic hot button issues in a knee jerk fashion.
  14. who didn't? It's obviously a slow week for him.
  15. Do you dismiss the possibility that one of those scenarios is representative of a structural or attitudinal problem in society which they want to change and the other is an ordinary run of the mill crime which is adequately dealt with? The fact that you are complaining about an issue which you make out is peculiar to Thai society when it is universal is hardly irrelevant.
  16. That's irrelevant. Violence against women is rife in every country. Your comment was off base and just a gratuitous bash at feminists.
  17. maybe, just maybe, they didn't need to protest because the police were already on it, do you think?
  18. When somebody shows you their true colors, believe them the first time.
  19. He was right. I didn't watch the video.
  20. Putin can't take much more of this: What lies ahead, defeat or apocalypse? With the sinking of the Moskva, Putin's war has become an almost unthinkable disaster. That increases the danger https://www.salon.com/2022/04/16/putin-cant-take-much-more-of-this-what-lies-ahead-defeat-or-apocalypse/
  21. A diplomatic note revealed by US media warned Western powers of "unpredictable consequences" if they supplied Ukraine with advanced weaponry. CNN also reported that one source familiar with the document said the complaint could mean Moscow is getting ready to adopt a more aggressive stance against the US and NATO as the invasion of Ukraine continues. "This new package of assistance will contain many of the highly effective weapons systems we have already provided and new capabilities tailored to the wider assault we expect Russia to launch in eastern Ukraine." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-16/ukraine-latest-russia-armoured-vehicle-plant-kyiv-warns-us-nato/100995630
  22. https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/04/ukraine-is-getting-a-massive-shipment-of-uk-weapons-to-fight-russia/ RED LINE Britain and NATO could send troops into Ukraine if it’s proved Russia has used chemical weapons, minister warns Putin https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18238576/britain-nato-troops-ukraine-russia-chemical-weapons/
  23. He wants a Ukraine which is either part of Russia or strongly affiliated with Russia by virtue of a Russia friendly puppet government. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56720589
  24. The bodies of more than 900 civilians have been discovered in the region surrounding the Ukrainian capital following Russia’s withdrawal — most of them fatally shot, police said Friday, an indication that many people were “simply executed.” The jarring number emerged shortly after Russia’s Defense Ministry promised to step up missile attacks on Kyiv in response to Ukraine’s alleged assaults on Russian territory. That ominous warning followed the stunning loss of Moscow’s flagship in the Black Sea, which a senior U.S. defense official said Friday was indeed hit by at least one Ukrainian missile. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-kyiv-business-black-sea-22d7279f32c15d4a7037a2195113fb57
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