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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That was probably before Russia invaded Crimea and Ukraine in 2014 in the first invasion of a sovereign nation in Europe since WW2. It takes two to keep an agreement. Russia also ridiculed US assessments that it was about to invade Ukraine this year. Russia has abrogated any moral high ground as far as accusing other nations of breaking agreements.
  2. They've obviously thought about it. They no doubt consider the downside to Russia holding Europe to ransom over food supplies and the many other natural resources that Ukraine has to be greater risk than Russia falling off the turnip truck and attacking Europe when Ukraine joins the EU. Otherwise they simply wouldn't be offering EU membership. Cowering in fear forever from the threat of Russia going rogue and starting WW3 is probably not something that the EU is willing to endure.
  3. Nowhere does he say he's teaching sexuality. In fact he denies that he is. He's saying the law would prevent him from even answering the kid's questions about his partner in photos. Are you saying that for the first time in history, teachers should be banned from displaying photos of their families?
  4. Show some evidence that this is happening. Social studies has been on the curriculum forever. Whose values should be taught to the kids and when? No social values or ethics at all? Do you consider that to be a home skoolin' curriculum item?
  5. the thing of it is that nobody is. This is just right wing paranoia and political talking points playing to people's weaknesses. Moreover, teachers are not trying to influence the kids or to make any decisions. Quite the opposite., You also wrongly imply that homosexuality or any other variations of binary sexuality are somehow down to choice instead of genetics.
  6. I agree. I think this war will drag on and sanctions will remain on Russia and continue to ratchet up as long as Russia keeps targeting civilians and stays in either the Crimea or Donbas regions. Eventually, Russia will have to cry "uncle". Biden was right when he said Putin must go even though the white house walked back the regime changing aspect. It's inconceivable that the west will now accommodate an indicted war criminal going forward. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that he will be indicted by the ICC. The western move away from reliance on Russian gas and oil is now a one way street regardless. In this respect, Putin has done his country a great disservice.
  7. Teaching social tolerance is very much within the remit of a school's responsibility and always has been regarded as such.
  8. Not everyone is as old as we are. I was in my final year of high school in 1971.
  9. Who pretended it was a surprise? Link please.
  10. I didn't think the claim that Putin had poisoned his opponents was in contention anymore and needed a link. Am I wrong?
  11. so just imagine how much of the Amazon has been destroyed since 1971.
  12. You're always trying to make the case that both sides are as bad as each other but on the issue of supporting claims that's manifestly not the case. I'm not insulting anyone for any reason, I'm calling them out for not supporting their claims, not for the claims themselves. That said there is a very strong correlation between BS and failure to provide supporting links. Show me where I insulted anyone for having an opposing idea as opposed to insulting the idea itself.
  13. Only some of the left wing parliamentarians were outraged and the Azov regiment is largely de-ideologised and integrated into the Ukrainian army now. It's reportedly the Wagner group, led by Putin's pal that doing much of the killing and raping. They are the real nazis. "Intercepted radio chatter apparently consolidates claims that Russian troops committed atrocities in the town of Bucha, the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel has reported. It also said that the Russian mercenary unit called the Wagner Group played "a leading role in the atrocities." The claims by the publication come on the heels of separate audio released by Ukraine's Security Service, which although not independently verified, purportedly also shows Russian troops getting orders to kill civilians. The US and European Union have linked Yevgeny Prigozhin, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to the Wagner Group, which has been accused of committing war crimes and human-rights abuses in Syria in 2015. https://www.newsweek.com/der-spiegel-russia-ukraine-troops-bucha-wagner-putin-1695974
  14. well, Ukraine can stop it by ceding it's entire territory to Russia and cease to exist but would also need to forgive the war crimes with no guarantee that its citizens would ever be safe. On the other hand, Russia could simply stop the killing and the attacks. Which do you think should happen?
  15. The USSR was never "Russia". It's off topic to discuss how many German women were raped by Russian soldiers at the end of WW2 but suffice to say it was more than "all sides did it".
  16. Thailand did get involved in the Vietnam War. The early European colonial empires were essentially competitors in carving the world up.
  17. I think they're identical. A foreign country does a land grab by force. You're use of the word "woke" makes it difficult to take your intention to debate in good faith seriously.
  18. Not really answering the question when put on the spot, are you?
  19. You're advocating people shouldn't care about human rights abuses or war crimes? You mentioned two countries which have suffered egregious violations.
  20. I don't see you suggesting that straight teachers leave their personal lives and sexual proclivities at home. I'm guessing you'd have no qualms about teachers reinforcing the straight two parent family values together with Christian values? This isn't about liberty, it's about restrictions. Teaching about diversity is a very good thing. Many of those kids will not be straight and not come from Christian or religious families. For the record, I am a white, anglo saxon, straight male who has been married three times (to women) and has (at least) three kids.
  21. This is akin to shooting oneself in the foot and then complaining that it hurts. "Russia gave the most sombre assessment so far of its invasion of Ukraine, describing the "tragedy" of mounting troop losses and the economic hit from sanctions, as Ukrainians were evacuated from eastern cities before an anticipated major offensive. Moscow's six-week long incursion has seen more than 4 million people flee abroad, killed or injured thousands, turned cities into rubble and led to sweeping sanctions on Russian leaders and companies. In a symbolic move, the United Nations General Assembly suspended Russia from the U.N. Human Rights Council, expressing "grave concern at the ongoing human rights and humanitarian crisis." Russia then quit the council." https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-laments-tragedy-troop-deaths-ukraine-braces-major-offensive-2022-04-07/
  22. I must apologise for failing to indicate that my post was sarcasm.
  23. Published: February 14, 2022 Our results demonstrated that 90.2% of the participants were either willing to vaccinate or were already vaccinated. As vaccine hesitancy and refusal ratio were found to be substantially lower than in a previous study for Thailand and other countries, public authorities should poll the public to identify vaccine-hesitant populations and their reasoning and provide appropriate information directly to the general public. https://www.cureus.com/articles/84271-analysis-of-peoples-attitude-toward-covid-19-vaccine-and-its-information-sources-in-thailand
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