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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday suspended Russia from the U.N. Human Rights Council over reports of "gross and systematic violations and abuses of human rights" by invading Russian troops in Ukraine. Suspensions are rare. https://www.reuters.com/world/un-vote-suspending-russia-human-rights-council-over-ukraine-2022-04-07/
  2. The US isn't the poster child for vaccinations. Australia is waay above that and so are most other developed countries. The international standard for opening up the country is 85% fully vaccinated. Thailand has a way to go to get there.
  3. again, is that justification to invade Ukraine and kill, maim and rape thousands of civilians?
  4. Did you present this as some kind of justification for the invasion of Ukraine by Russia? Ukrainians hate Russia, why is this so hard to understand?
  5. It's Ukraine. The only official language should be Ukrainian. Russian speakers are permitted to speak Russian. Show evidence that "international human organisations" have criticised Ukraine. Just to put it in context, Singapore mandates English as the medium of teaching in schools and universities. Other languages are taught as secondary languages. Ukrainians hate Russia, why should they teach Russian?
  6. It can't be about the Donbass because the Russians have exclusively held that since 2014. There has been no brutal war against the Donbass because the Russians have controlled it. If Russia had a problem with Ukraine they could have raised in in the UN General Assembly or the ICC instead of going to war. If they did raise in in the UN it obviously fell on deaf ears as not being true. There was no justification for a general invasion of Ukraine over the Donbass and certainly none for commission of major war crimes.
  7. Who is responsible for the brutality and war crimes? It isn't just Putin.
  8. Ukraine never passed any law forbidding use of the Russian language.
  9. About the time the Berlin Wall came down that was probably not true. The problem is really the rise in fascism and the natural reluctance of an non-confrontational liberal society to act against fascism, leading to situations like we are seeing today. Hungary being the latest example.
  10. They won't and it seems that many of the pro Russian propagandists here appear to have gone quiet lately which is great. The evidence is becoming abundant and too overwhelming even for the Putin apologists to defend.
  11. and more: Ukraine thought Bucha would represent the worst of Russian atrocities. New horrors awaited them in Berestyanka When Vira Holubenko returned to her once sleepy village near the Ukrainian capital Kyiv yesterday, she found condoms and empty alcohol bottles in her ransacked home, and a shallow grave in her neighbour's backyard. Rockets and ammunition lay strewn in the fields behind Ms Holubenko's house in the rural village of Berestyanka, which was looted and set alight late last week by Russian soldiers retreating from a brutal monthlong occupation. "They broke everything in my house, they burnt down my neighbour's house," she said. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-07/fears-for-ukrainian-town-of-berestyanka/100972266
  12. The United States targeted Russian banks and elites with a new round of sanctions on Wednesday, including banning Americans from investing in Russia, in response to what President Joe Biden condemned as "major war crimes" by Russian forces in Ukraine. The new sanctions hit Russia's Sberbank (SBER.MM), which holds one-third of Russia's total banking assets, and Alfabank, the country's fourth largest financial institution, U.S. officials said. But energy transactions were exempted from the latest measures, they said. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-allies-ban-investments-russia-sanction-banks-2022-04-06/
  13. Here's a clue How Russia’s unanswered propaganda led to the war in Ukraine A lot has been written about Russia’s disinformation campaigns and efforts to spread fake news, which flooded western countries in the past decade and had different effects around the globe. But many failed to see, or perhaps ignored, what all of this meticulously planned propaganda might lead to. But the war could have been avoided altogether if the West had taken more decisive action much earlier. https://theconversation.com/how-russias-unanswered-propaganda-led-to-the-war-in-ukraine-180202 https://www.propublica.org/article/infamous-russian-troll-farm-appears-to-be-source-of-anti-ukraine-propaganda
  14. I think Putin realised that and so coveted Ukraine for its rich farmland and natural resources. He knows that Russia is ultimately doomed otherwise.
  15. Historically, I have never seen this. Every time a crime is discovered, they [Russia] deny it the same day in detail. These quick denials are explained by the acceleration due to social media, and by the fact that the war led by [President Vladimir] Putin is supported by unimaginable propaganda. Any loopholes in the propaganda must be closed right away. https://www.rawstory.com/french-priest-renowned-for-uncovering-massacres-warns-of-buchas-everywhere/
  16. Just make sure you know how to spell czhechos.... ????
  17. Merkel, Schroder and Putin did. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/05/germany-angela-merkel-power-to-vladimir-putin-russia
  18. Evidence that Russian troops murdered hundreds of Ukrainian civilians is leading some U.S. lawmakers to insist that America and its allies keep sanctions on Moscow so long as Vladimir Putin remains in power — even if he withdraws from Ukraine. The sentiment is likely to grow in a Congress where anti-Putin feeling is strong and bipartisan. It could put the White House in a tricky position, making it potentially harder to bring peace to Ukraine by enticing Putin through sanctions relief. The lawmakers want to punish Putin for what he’s done to Ukraine and innocent civilians in particular, and they recoil at the idea of allowing Russia’s economy to be revived with Putin still in power, in part because they don’t trust him not to re-invade Ukraine later. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/06/biden-russia-putin-sanctions-00023429
  19. Apparently the planet is too large for mankind to affect it and God won't let it happen anyway.
  20. Second time in a century. Unfortunately, Germany has always had its fair share of Russian appeasers. Fascist like fascists.
  21. If they don't support their claims with links to evidence others are entitled to call them out on it. It's a constant problem here that the Putin apologists don't make any effort to do so. For obvious reasons.
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