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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. So, they shouldn't have bothered to indict Mladic and Milosovich? Or anyone else?
  2. To be fair, almost all CPU's have integrated graphics. A GPU card is a desirable option and anyone over 6 playing games should really have one. You are correct on your other points. A basic card like a GEFORCE GT 1030 would probably not overload the power supply and should provide decent graphics. Serious gamers would not have bought that machine.
  3. That's just pure speculation and even if you are right, is that some kind of reason not to indict him?
  4. I don't believe I'm misleading anybody. The CPU in my machine and his use the exact same GPU and will likely face the same issue. This is not a driver or operating system issue.
  5. I'm posting from very recent personal experience. I bought a QHD monitor to replace an FHD monitor and found it would not work at out of the box settings with the GPU in my i9:990K processor which has the same GPU as the machine purchased by the OP. I then bought an MSI GeForce graphics card, plugged it into the PCIe slot and it worked fine with the satndard driver. It's now using the standard repo listed proprietary nvidea-driver-510-server which was installed using the Ubuntu UI. In theory the internal processor should have worked but doesn't. Both Philips and Viewsonic monitors failed to work at all.
  6. Nope, if they need to attack Moscow it won't be Ukraine doing it. That would only happen in the case of a major nuclear/chemical/biological first strike by Russia.
  7. Confusingly, the answer is both. That computer probably uses the built in GPU in the CPU. It's not really good enough for gaming and doesn't support a monitor beyond FHD. Monitors these days are typically QHD at least. You will want to add a separate GPU (GeForce) at some point. It will slot into the pcie slot which most mainboards have. Then the CPU will automatically notice the external GPU and use it instead of the inbuilt GPU.
  8. I'd say IT professionals use linux, especially Ubuntu but professionals otherwise use Apple in the main. Home users use Windows. Apple is heavily used in the US in particular. Macos is closely related to Debian linux and is a very fine operating system and the machines themselves are high quality.
  9. Ninety years ago, Joseph Stalin’s Soviet regime inflicted a devastating famine on Ukraine, killing 3.9 million people in what became known as the Holodomor, or genocide by hunger. Now Vladimir Putin, whose invasion has stalled on the battlefield, is trying to starve Ukraine into submission again. Russian troops have laid waste to farmland, destroying agricultural equipment and planting landmines in the rich soil where crops should grow. https://www.politico.eu/article/the-starvation-of-a-nation-how-putin-is-using-hunger-as-a-weapon-in-ukraine/
  10. Finland appears to be getting closer to joining the NATO military alliance despite Russia's threat of military consequences if it becomes a member. The country's politicians and NATO itself have both pointed to the possibility of Finland joining soon, and a recent survey showed a majority of the country in support of membership in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. https://www.businessinsider.com/finland-joining-nato-appears-closer-despite-russia-threats-2022-4
  11. Can you explain what these alleged Ukrainian "nazis" have done which is so egregious that it warrants invasion, bombing of hospitals and execution of civilians? I'm not excusing nazis in Ukraine, I'm saying that, apart from the usual small numbers of far right extremists which infest every country, they don't exist. Russia is ruled by a far right right fascist and has a small cadre of useful idiots supporting him here.
  12. Are you suggesting that the massacres would not have happened if those Russians weren't shot in the legs?
  13. By stopping the war you stop deaths. Simples. There is one nation which should stop this war right now.
  14. Was the Nvidia Optimus problem exclusive to Linux? None of the problems you mentioned have affected me. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/discover/464751/problem-with-nvidia-optimus/ https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/geforce-graphics-cards/5/207358/windows-10-and-optimus/
  15. "Putin and his supporters will feel the consequences" of their actions, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a statement to reporters. German Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht said the European Union should talk about ending Russian gas imports. read more Germany, Europe's largest economy, has so far resisted calls to impose an embargo on energy imports from Russia, saying its economy and that of other European countries are too dependent on them. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-demands-new-russia-sanctions-over-massacre-2022-04-03/
  16. Those unarmed civilians provoked the Russian soldiers so they tied their hands up and shot them. Then they buried them in mass graves. Good luck with that. Sounds like an excuse for further atrocities after their baseless demand is refused. Either that or they're trying to create a narrative to excuse their war crimes. Biden was right on message, Putin cannot remain as head of state in Russia. Once he is indicted for war crimes the country will be forever under sanctions until Putin faces a trial in the Hague.
  17. I'm guessing that maybe 2006 was the last time you used linux as well? I've been using an NVMe for several years now without issues. I also recently installed a graphics card which also worked out of the box with the default driver. I since changed to the nVidea 510 driver which was listed in the third party software options and had no issues with that either. In fact I haven't had a driver issue with ubuntu in about ten years.
  18. The liberation of Bucha, northwest of Kyiv, was cause for celebration, but sickening pictures of what Russian troops left behind is shaking the world. After several weeks of Russian occupation, Ukrainian forces, reporters, and humanitarian groups arriving in the town found streets littered with civilian bodies, civilian mass graves, and evidence of mass civilian executions, of torture, and other war crimes. Some Russian vehicles destroyed as they tried to flee the region were loaded with looted civilian goods—a sign that even as Russia was readying for retreat, thievery remained at the top of individual unit agendas. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/3/2089821/-Ukraine-update-Russian-retreats-leave-evidence-of-shocking-war-crimes
  19. French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on Sunday condemned what he called the "massive abuses" committed by Russian forces" in Ukraine in recent weeks. Le Drian highlighted the town of Bucha outside Kyiv, where Ukrainian authorities say a deliberate "massacre" was carried out by Russia. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/france-condemns-massive-abuses-committed-by-russian-forces-ukraine-2022-04-03/
  20. I linked the support. Here's more: The former chief prosecutor of United Nations war crimes tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda has called for an international arrest warrant to be issued for Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Putin is a war criminal,” Carla Del Ponte told the Swiss newspaper Le Temps in an interview published Saturday. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/02/prosecutor-arrest-warrant-putin-00022549
  21. A leading rights group said on Sunday it had documented what it described as "apparent war crimes" committed by Russian military forces against civilians in Ukraine. Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a statement saying it had found "several cases of Russian military forces committing laws-of-war violations" in Russian-controlled regions such as Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Kyiv. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/human-rights-watch-accuses-russian-forces-apparent-war-crimes-ukraine-2022-04-03/ An aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday that Ukrainian troops had found the bodies of women who had been raped and set alight as well as the bodies of local officials and children. "There are murdered men whose bodies bear signs of torture. Their hands were tied and they were killed by shots to the back of the head," Oleksiy Arestovych told Ukrainian television. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-claims-control-over-kyiv-region-russia-looks-east-2022-04-03/ Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said scores of killed civilians were found on the streets of Bucha and the Kyiv suburbs of Irpin and Hostomel in what looked like a “scene from a horror movie.” Arestovych said some people were shot in the head and had their hands bound, and some bodies showed signs of torture, rape and burning. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-kyiv-europe-evacuations-665fd06b92852547d7b27627b99509a6
  22. Please point to an unsupported claim made by the "correct side".
  23. Programming and system administration is where the money is for professionals. Windows is mainly for home use. I do agree that support for analog apps is lacking like music, CAD, etc. Most don't use these anyway and the better apps run on Macs. Linux is way more secure than Windows. I haven't had a security issue in the 12 years that Ubuntu has been my main OS. If I ever get time away from coding and sysops I will move to nixos.
  24. The other side is out there and easy to find, you just can't quote it here unless it meets prescribed standards.
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