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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I live in Australia and am 67. I have watched BlackPink videos for the past 2 years so that's an indication of how famous they really are.
  2. A spokesperson for Mariupol's Mayor says almost 5,000 civilians — including 210 children — have died in Mariupol since Russia's invasion began, with the UN adding weight to the claim, saying there could be "thousands of deaths" in the besieged city https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-30/ukraine-russia-live-war-updates-/100950004
  3. The Crimeans won't change their opinion after seeing nearby Mariupol demolished, hospitals and theatres bombed with huge loss of civilian life? They still want to be part of Russia? They wouldn't dare hold an honest referendum now.
  4. If Russia caries out a chemical attack anywhere, especially a NATO country would you expect the US not to retaliate in kind? The US won't be the first user but such an attack will likely start WW3.
  5. prove it or can it. We're all sick of these conspiracy theories.
  6. Education: University of Alabama at Birmingham (1999–2005), University of Michigan (1994–1998) https://research.kent.ac.uk/gcrfbiopharma/person/professor-anan-jongkaewwattana/
  7. Did Ukraine "legally exit"? By your reasoning, Crimea still belongs to Ukraine except by brute force of "winning wars" and forcing the country to capitulate. Where does it end? Does Russia have the right to attack Finland, force it to capitulate and then own it?
  8. Then Russia still owns East Germany. Did they "legally exit"? If so, how?
  9. By what mechanism did they "legally exit" the Empire? What if Ukraine passed a similar referendum, would you accept that? What gives Russia that right? There is no way that law is in accordance with international law. Did any former Soviet nation complete those requirements?
  10. The War Crimes Watch Ukraine project launched by AP and Frontline includes details of apparent targeted attacks as well as indiscriminate destruction of civilian buildings and infrastructure. The AP/Frontline online database will continue to be updated as long as the conflict lasts. The goal is to provide an independent accounting of events, apart from potentially inflated claims by advocates or misinformation spread by state-backed propaganda. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-crimes-tracker-b39137c3a96eef06f4ba1793fd694542
  11. That would be the logical equivalent of Cambodia having a referendum to claim it is the successor to the Khmer Empire and restoring it's territorial integrity over Thailand and Myanmar.
  12. Their claim was the sooner we get this shot the sooner covid goes away.
  13. In oz, the fossils can get a 4th shot from April 4, provided the shot is not less than 4 months after the last shot except in exceptional circumstances where it must be not less than 3 months. I want to go back to Thailand so I'm going to see a quack on Tuesday to try to get approval for an early shot. ATAGI claim that a 4th shot would reduce infection by 2 1/2 times and serious illness by 4 times so it's worth waiting to get it.
  14. I think the reason they want to give the Mig 29's is because the Ukrainians know how to fly them. The issue is they'd need to strip the updated avionics weapons systems and then they'd need to put the original Russian stuff back in. I may be wrong but that's how I read it anyway.
  15. Show us where Putin stated that was his only objective before the invasion this year.
  16. They won't. Ukraine has said that they will never surrender either Crimea or Donbas. The west is certainly not going to tell them to do so. What do you think they will do with all their new weapons?
  17. Editor's Note: Six years after Russia illegally annexed Crimea, Ukraine lacks the leverage to restore sovereignty over the region, but the West should not accept it since doing so would only encourage Russia to believe it can get away with annexing territory from other countries, argues Steven Pifer. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2020/03/17/crimea-six-years-after-illegal-annexation/ Following the adoption of the state strategy, Ukraine convened the Crimean Platform, a major diplomatic push to keep Crimea on the international agenda. Its inaugural session in August was attended by 46 country and international organization representatives. “We do not and will not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by Russia,” European Council President Charles Michel told the meeting. https://www.politico.eu/article/crimea-peninsula-relation-russia-ukraine/ The structures of the Crimean Tatars’ self-organized community are shattered. Dozens disappeared; more than a hundred Crimean Tatars are serving long prison sentences; as many as 60,000 of the small population of 250,000, have been driven from their homeland. Only with an end to Putin’s regime can the legacy of Stalinism and the Russian empire, now being expressed in its most aggressive form, start to be overcome. https://www.justsecurity.org/80726/from-chechnya-to-crimea-putin-saw-green-light-for-his-assault-on-the-world-order/
  18. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy angrily warned Moscow that it is sowing a deep hatred for Russia among his people, as constant artillery barrages and aerial bombings are reducing cities to rubble, killing civilians and driving others into shelters, leaving them to scrounge for food and water to survive. “You are doing everything so that our people themselves leave the Russian language, because the Russian language will now be associated only with you, with your explosions and murders, your crimes,” Zelenskyy said in an impassioned video address late Saturday. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-business-europe-moscow-e65957837aed8286cc866b1eb943ab97
  19. The Black Sea port of Odesa is mining its beaches and rushing to defend its cultural heritage from a feared Mariupol-style fate in the face of growing alarm that the strategic city might be next as Russia attempts to strip Ukraine of its coastline. The multi-cultural jewel, dear to Ukrainian hearts and even Russian ones, would be a hugely strategic win for Russia. It is the country’s largest port, crucial to grain and other exports, and headquarters for the Ukrainian navy. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-business-europe-black-sea-224009801161d899abb0cc94c9b17d2f
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