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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. not really, domestic cats don't form part of a natural ecology and kill a lot of small animals. All feral animals and any animals not part of the original ecology should be culled or strictly controlled. In Australia, incredible amounts of damage is done by cats, dogs, donkeys, horses, foxes, pigs, buffalo, carp, sparrows, cuckoos, rabbits, cane toads, etc.
  2. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/03/23/kyiv-ukraine-nuclear-weapons-attacks-russia-kremlin-state-tv-propaganda/
  3. ok, but isn't that self evident? Which army ever invaded without orders? That's a tautology.
  4. Then, what was the point of your comment that his troops were only "following orders" if not to somehow excuse them of culpability? We know from history that this excuse has been a go to defense for war crimes. Calley used it in his defense in the My Lai massacre trial.
  5. The point is we didn't see the usual suspects complaining when Trump installed Federation Society black money picks. edit: and Thomas won't be around forever, Jackson will then be the only black and only woman. Even if blacks do get over-represented, it might make up a little for the massive under-representation over the decades.
  6. Although the Kremlin says its operation is going to plan, Russian forces have taken heavy losses, stalled on most fronts and face supply problems. They have turned to siege tactics and bombardments, causing huge destruction and many civilian deaths. Blinken said there had been "numerous credible reports of indiscriminate attacks and attacks deliberately targeting civilians, as well as other atrocities". https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/invasion-milestone-ukraine-urges-solidarity-western-leaders-gather-2022-03-24/
  7. Which president ever did that? Trump explicitly said he would not pick a woman. You admit that it's impossible to pick the "best" so that leaves no basis for complaining about picking a demographic which has never been represented on the supreme court and is demonstrably at least as capable as the partisan hacks and outright corrupt judges already there.
  8. The SC nomination is not a states issue. The President is legally permitted to nominate a person of his choice and, once again for those who fail to comprehend, affirmative action is not illegal in Federal law.
  9. NATO estimated on Wednesday that 7,000 to 15,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in four weeks of war in Ukraine, where fierce fighting by the country’s fast-moving defenders has denied Moscow the lightning victory it sought. By way of comparison, Russia lost about 15,000 troops in Afghanistan over 10 years. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-kyiv-europe-nato-e35e54b40359e52f3ffd4911577b669a
  10. The Biden administration could authorize a second Covid-19 booster shot for older Americans within weeks, amid rising concern over a potential resurgence of cases, four people with knowledge of the matter told POLITICO. The move under consideration by senior health officials would recommend the additional vaccine dose for adults 65 and older, in an effort to better protect high-risk people and stave off a wave of hospitalizations should infections climb rapidly as a result of the spread of the Omicron subvariant, BA.2. Currently, second boosters are only recommended for those with compromised immune systems. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/23/biden-booster-shot-recommendation-00019665
  11. [Senator Ossoff] asked Jackson to speak to one of her most famous rulings thus far: the one in which, ruling that Donald Trump could not block former White House counsel Don McGahn from congressional testimony, she wrote, “presidents are not kings.” In response, Jackson spoke at length about the separation of powers, explaining how the framers designed the U.S. government not to replicate a monarchy, and saying, in lines even Republicans would have to reach to criticize, “The separation of powers is crucial to liberty. It is what our country is founded on, and it’s important, as consistent with my judicial methodology, for each branch to operate within their own sphere. That means for me that judges can’t make law, judges shouldn’t be policymakers. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/3/23/2087614/-Ossoff-asks-Judge-Ketanji-Brown-Jackson-about-her-ruling-that-presidents-are-not-kings
  12. So what Trump did was discriminate against black women - which is against the law. What's not against the law is to discriminate for black women. The irony is painful but the far right will shrug it off.
  13. Affirmative action is not illegal in the US contrary to what the low information extremists will have you believe. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/affirmative_action
  14. How would you determine that any person was better qualified? You'd need to do that at a minimum. The previous guy did exactly the same but somehow you ignore that. Trump vows to nominate a woman for US supreme court vacancy within a week. “I think it should be a woman because I actually like women much more than men.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/20/trump-vows-to-nominate-a-woman-for-us-supreme-court-vacancy-within-a-week
  15. Complete rubbish. Nobody was excluded. She was selected because Biden wanted balance and diversity on the court and she was well qualified. Nobody can point to any person, regardless of race or creed who is better qualified. Nobody was discriminated against. All I see here is far right dog whistling.
  16. South Korea's total coronavirus infections topped 10 million, or nearly 20% of its population, authorities said on Wednesday, as surging severe cases and deaths increasingly put a strain on crematories and funeral homes nationwide. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/skoreas-total-covid-cases-top-10-million-crematoria-funeral-homes-overwhelmed-2022-03-23/
  17. What was he supposed to do, pick a candidate by lottery? Do you think any SC nominee in history has ever been the most qualified candidate?
  18. Kavanagh and Barrett were likewise 50/50 splits, or close to it. SC justices are the one time where a consensus pick should be mandatory. Then we wouldn't get the same kind of flawed and outright corrupt decisions that we are seeing now. Look at how many cases are being decided on straight political divisions. In any case, Jackson will get a decent Republican vote in the Senate.
  19. It's laughable how many on the right try to disguise their bias with false claims of "color blindness" and other dog whistles. At least just admit you are right biased. But anyway, we can play that game.
  20. Firstly, he has nominated a person. Confirmation is made by the whole US Senate. Secondly, he is attempting to balance the SC similar to the way that juries are meant to be demographically balanced. Thirdly, it's far more than just a job. Finally, give it a rest, you are just attacking her because she's a black woman without basis. How do I know? You have no basis for considering that any other person would be any better for the nomination so you can't have a genuine motive.
  21. Kavanaugh was accused of sexual misconduct or rape by an actual victim. Blackburn is accusing Jackson of wanting to introduce "critical race theory" into schools and protect pedophiles. There is no equivalence and you are engaging in whataboutery. There is no question that Blackburn's diatribe in uncivil, or worse. The term critical race theory is nothing more than dog whistling to racists.
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