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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The human toll from Russian aggression. Ukraine accuses Russia of continuing assault during agreed evacuation ceasefire One woman, struggling to carry half a dozen bags, wept when the snacks she had packed for her and her young son, who was clutching a green dinosaur toy, fell to the ground. She gave the boy a bag to carry as they trudged slowly on. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/top-wrap-1-europes-largest-nuclear-power-plant-fire-after-russian-attack-mayor-2022-03-04/
  2. One of the ordinary Russians adversely affected by the fallout from the war criminal Putin's actions. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-05/haas-ends-f1-contract-russian-driver-nikita-mazepin-ukraine/100885966
  3. It's a problem not peculiar to the Thais. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2005-01-13/prince-harry-apologises-for-nazi-fancy-dress/617866
  4. I do feel for those Russians who are adversely affected by Putin's actions and I hope that will help steel their resolve to oppose them. The situation will only be resolved by ordinary Russians condemning Putin in the way that ordinary Germans condemn Hitler's actions now and ordinary Japanese condemn Hirohito and ordinary Italian condemn Mussolini and ordinary Spanish condemn Franco and ordinary Cambodians condemn Pol Pot. All peas in a pod.
  5. I agree, which is why everybody should be vehemently opposed to Putin and why I attack apologists for his actions.
  6. The rest of the world is clearly very worried judging by the depth of sanctions they are are willing to impose despite knowing they will themselves be severely harmed economically.
  7. **** Removed post edited out **** One thing I admire about the US is their commitment to bring home their MIA's.
  8. It appears that the Russians want to concentrate on taking nuclear plants to use them as blackmail bargaining chips. "Nice nuclear plant you have there, it's be a shame if something happened to it".
  9. Ukraine, it was their territory. That's irrelevant to your question and I think you just confirmed that they did use force.
  10. No need, I'm sure they have read this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Times
  11. The Global Times is a daily tabloid newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party's flagship People's Daily newspaper, commenting on international issues from a nationalistic perspective. The newspaper has been the source of various incidents, including fabrications and disinformation.
  12. I haven't been here long enough to really know. I know that some probably feel like I've been here forever but I do think the incessant gratuitous Thai bashers are toxic to the forum. Paradoxically, they rant about stuff that occurs every day in their own countries.
  13. Some photos of Ukrainian refugees. https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/ukraines-million-refugees-long-trek-to-s-idUSRTS606RB
  14. Some photos of Russian war crimes https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/destruction-across-ukraine-as-russian-in-idUSRTS5ZDSC
  15. I learned a new word today. Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection
  16. According to a report from the Washington Post, Vladimir Putin has upset and enraged the citizens of his own country with his invasion of Ukraine, which has led to devastating sanctions that are crushing the Russian economy in a way that may take decades to recover. https://www.rawstory.com/russians-totally-devastated-after-putin-flushed-their-economy-down-the-toilet-in-five-days-report/
  17. Those advocating that Ukraine surrenders are only helping Russia.
  18. Did you already call the Ukrainian president and ask him to surrender?
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