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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Never said it was a problem did I? I simply explained what I considered to be Russia's tactics.
  2. I should be ashamed of my posts now? Your victim blaming is disgusting.
  3. Means they plan to level the towns by indiscriminate artillery and missile attack to clear out military defenses. Army offenses have not achieved their objective.
  4. And The Ukraine doesn't have everything to lose if they give up? Stop shilling for Russia.
  5. This is lies. Show any credible report that attacks were made against Russians from these blocks. They were attacked from afar by Russian artillery.
  6. You keep pushing this garbage that the Ukrainians should surrender in order to save lives while ignoring the real cause of civilian deaths. It is not Ukrainian intransigence, it is Russian aggression and war crimes. The Russian incursions in the Ukraine are the first invasions of a sovereign country in Europe since WW11. Just stop it. There is one side clearly on the wrong side of history here and it isn't Ukraine.
  7. There are many ethnic minorities living peacefully in many countries in the world. When they use force to achieve political ends in the absence violence of they lose legitimacy. Ukraine never attacked Russian civilians in the Donbass. The uprising in the Donbass is an artifact of Putin's aggression.
  8. No, the Ukraine is not a NATO country and Putin knows it. It would have been a futile and aggressive gesture and nothing more..
  9. All sides commit war crimes and all war crimes should be prosecuted. The ICC explicitly said that they intend to investigate war crimes by both sides in the Ukraine.
  10. The Kremlin has a centuries-long history of conflict and near-genocidal repression of Chechens, who have been seen by many in Russia as particularly defiant. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described Chechen fellow prisoners in the Soviet gulag as the one ethnic group whose members “refused to accept the psychology of submission.” https://www.rferl.org/a/the-second-chechen-war-in-photos/30185257.html
  11. The real shame is this continued inexcusable and apparently racist bashing of Thailand.
  12. It still doesn't excuse war crimes now does it? Pointing to an occasional misfired missile doesn't justify the level of indiscriminate shelling of civilians. Which of these numbers is larger? 10 or 2,000?
  13. That would have been an escalation and given Putin some level of justification. The west also believed Putin's lies about not invading. NATO was never going to cross the border so what would have been the point to amass troops on the border?
  14. No buses to Moscow from there? Yanukovich wasn't always in power. The catalyst for the upheaval was presidential balloting that had been rigged in Yanukovych’s favor. After assuming the presidency, Yanukovych seemed to embrace a time-tested approach of using Ukraine’s notoriously corrupt judicial system to consolidate his political authority. He quickly moved to prosecute his main political rival, Yulia Tymoshenko, his most serious challenger in the 2010 election. Yanukovych used the corruption issue as a political cudgel: Tymoshenko ended up being convicted of abuse of power and embezzlement in connection with a gas supply agreement with Russia in 2009, receiving a seven-year prison term and a $188-million fine. The case was widely viewed by international watchdogs as politically motivated. In 2013, the European Court for Human Rights ruled that her arrest and conviction were “arbitrary and unlawful.” https://eurasianet.org/a-brief-history-of-corruption-in-ukraine-the-yanukovych-era
  15. What isn't ok is to attack civilians while making accusations that they are using civilians as human shields. It's still a war crime anyway you want to paint it, whether true or not and I don't believe Russia had the intelligence data to support any such accusation.
  16. I believe a number of war crimes from WW11 onwards have not been tried but that doesn't mean Putin's bombing of civilians in the Ukraine wasn't a war crime. Look over there is a deflection, not a defence.
  17. Reasonable people aren't avoiding balanced viewpoints. The issue here is that one side is clearly wrong and committing crimes against humanity and war crimes. Russia blocked Facebook and some other websites and passed a law that gave Moscow much stronger powers to crack down on independent journalism, prompting the BBC, Bloomberg and other foreign media to suspend reporting in the country https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/top-wrap-1-europes-largest-nuclear-power-plant-fire-after-russian-attack-mayor-2022-03-04/
  18. You said it applies equally to both parties so cough up instead of making meaningless and unsupported innuendos.
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