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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. While I was not aware of this solution, I'd have to say it's a non starter for the average punter. It would require a router with OpenWRT or similar and some knowledge of networking and port forwarding. Simple drive sharing would probably work as well but I haven't tried it.
  2. The Russian reports aren't objective because of heavy censorship and threats to jail anybody not toeing the party line. Anything the Kremlin disagrees with is being labelled as "fake news". The Russian propaganda machine is on full power. Show me a single anti Putin news article emanating from Russia in the past week. Failure to do so will prove my point. When the BBC which is mandated by law to be unbiased ceases operations because it fears arrest of their journalists it's telling.
  3. We've seen a history of Russian troll armies online since about 2016. I suspect there's been a renaissance of them lately.
  4. Putin put them on alert. Show me where the west did the same. “This is unprecedented in the post-Cold War era,” Daryl Kimball, the executive director of the Arms Control Association, a Washington nonprofit, told NBC. “There has been no instance in which a U.S. or a Russian leader has raised the alert level of their nuclear forces in a middle of a crisis in order to try to coerce the other side’s behavior.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/02/opinion/ukraine-putin-nuclear-war.html
  5. I'm not a subscriber, I just pressed OK on the banner that said so. Anyway, I posted the bit I thought proved my point.
  6. The Russian military has continued its unsuccessful attempts to encircle Kyiv and capture Kharkiv. The Russians continued to attack piecemeal, committing a few battalion tactical groups at a time rather than concentrating overwhelming force to achieve decisive effects https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-march-3
  7. The outcome is far from known. The Russian military is under performing to the extent that the Russian madman is now threatening use of nuclear weapons. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/02/no-youre-not-imagining-it-russias-army-is-inept.html Military analysts have identified five main problems with the Russian attack: the failure to quickly replace the Ukraine government; not enough soldiers to cover three fronts in a country of 44 million; an inability to control the skies; poor coordination between the attacking forces; and fuel shortages. “It is clear that the initial plan failed,” said Michael Shoebridge, the director of the Defence, Strategy and National Security Program at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute https://www.afr.com/policy/foreign-affairs/why-russia-s-military-strategy-is-failing-20220304-p5a1ov
  8. “People throw the term bots around a lot, but what we saw here was lots of accounts demonstrating inauthentic activity and astroturfing,” Jones said. “They’re not bots. They’re a lot harder to check than that. Imagine a call center setup. Think of the amount of damage you can do.” https://www.rawstory.com/russia-propaganda/
  9. A NAS yes, but average external hard drive, no. A NAS is really a computer with big storage.
  10. An idiot who wants to prevent indiscriminate bombing and an escalation of civilian deaths perhaps? The Russians have a poor track record when it comes to protecting civilians in war.
  11. This is a standard but meaningless dodge. Would you care to flesh out just what lies this might pertain to from the "other" party"? Look over there, it's a squirrel.
  12. commonly referred to as speaking out of both sides of his mouth. I think the lie carries more weight than the warning. He could have ruled out "not invading". There's no defense of Putin worth a c*** cup full of cold water.
  13. The floodgates of military aid for Ukraine appeared to burst open this week as European countries lined up to announce the delivery of tens of thousands of rockets aimed at striking Russian tanks and helicopters, along with other critical supplies. The decision to ship the supplies by road into Ukraine has emerged as a remarkable wartime improvisation, made necessary by the inability to fly aid into the country; Russian jets and radar and air defense systems make flights almost impossible. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/04/ukraine-funneling-weapons-military-aid-00014189
  14. In a bitter and emotional speech, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has criticised NATO for refusing to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, saying it would allow Russia to continue escalating attacks from the air. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-05/nato-ukraine-no-fly-zone-explainer/100885236
  15. I have read two possible reasons for this. Fear of AA missiles and lack of precision guided bombs and pilot training for them.
  16. Putin told Chancellor Olaf Scholz that reports about “ongoing air strikes of Kyiv and other large cities are gross propaganda fakes.” https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/1646412671-putin-denies-russia-bombing-ukrainian-cities
  17. ...reports coming out of Ukraine that Russian soldiers are sabotaging their own vehicles because they don't want to take part in the invasion is a bad omen for Vladimir Putin. https://www.rawstory.com/vladmir-putin-nightmare/
  18. State media repeat Beijing’s position that the United States and its European allies are to blame for the Ukraine war because they failed to respond to Russian concerns that its democratic neighbor should be barred from joining NATO, the Western military alliance. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-china-seeks-to-unify-public-support-1a0fbda7db0554ca40569470fa48db6c
  19. The ICC, whose jurisdiction Russia doesn't recognise, has gone to Ukraine to investigate war crimes now. There's obviously some prima facie evidence thy occurred. We've all seen it on TV.
  20. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-28/inside-the-resistance-to-vladimir-putin-s-invasion-of-ukraine/100866594 https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/3/3/2083740/-Putin-Might-Declare-Martial-Law
  21. In response to them shelling Ukrainian troops and civilians in order to further their separatist ambitions? Sure it's OK. Are we talking here about the same Russian speaking people in the Donbass who downed a civilian airliner (Malaysian Airways) or the Russians in the Donbass region supporting the separatists?
  22. What is the connection. Do those events disqualify the connected countries from voting? Or should they? Should every country that has ever committed a human rights violation in its history likewise be excluded from voting?
  23. There is no connection between what is happening now and what happened 30 years ago in Iraq just as there is no connection between Japan's votes now and Pearl Harbor.
  24. Not at all. Would that half the world would cease striving to understand the world as binary instead of nuanced as it is.
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