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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Photos depict continued wreckage, destruction as Russian invasion of Ukraine continues https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-04/russia-invasion-ukraine-photos-friday-march-4/100880972
  2. ...the idea of Ukraine as a Nazi state is deeply rooted in the Russian nationalist narrative. Similarly, Putin’s claims of “genocide” in Ukraine reflect Russian nationalism. Ukraine has a large ethnic Russian population, especially in its East, and many Ukrainians of all ethnicities speak Russian. In Putin’s paranoid telling, these people are not merely rightful Russian citizens wrongfully separated from the motherland; they are potential victims of an ethnic cleansing campaign by the neo-Nazi Ukrainian government. https://www.vox.com/2022/2/24/22948944/putin-ukraine-nazi-russia-speech-declare-war
  3. Then why didn't he go after the nazis in Russia? When Vladimir Putin announced Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at dawn on Thursday, he justified the “special military operation” as having the goal to “denazify” Ukraine. The justification is not tenable, but it would be a mistake simply to dismiss it. Vladimir Putin is himself a fascist autocrat, one who imprisons democratic opposition leaders and critics. He is the acknowledged leader of the global far right, which looks increasingly like a global fascist movement. Putin, the leader of Russian Christian nationalism, has come to view himself as the global leader of Christian nationalism, and is increasingly regarded as such by Christian nationalists around the world, including in the United States. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/25/vladimir-putin-ukraine-attack-antisemitism-denazify Widespread xenophobia among the Russian population also continues to provide fertile ground for neo-Nazis and other ultranationalist groups. Many Russians blame immigrants for stealing jobs and committing crimes. https://www.rferl.org/a/russian_neonazi_sentences_welcomed/24263471.html “We will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine,” the Russian leader said in an address last week ordering a military attack on Ukraine, adding his goal was “to protect people who have been abused by the genocide of the Kyiv regime for eight years.” The accusations only got more bizarre a few days later, when Putin said Ukrainian soldiers should “take power into your own hands” against “this gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis.” Putin’s rationale for invading Ukraine was the most high-profile example of disinformation experts say the Kremlin has tried to percolate for years. https://thehill.com/policy/international/596649-putins-nazi-claims-jeered-in-west-but-stoke-russian-pride
  4. Yet more excuses to expand the war. The hypocrites are the world's epicenter for hacking but now we get this... A top Russian space official said any cyber attacks on the country’s satellites would be considered “a cause for war,” while denying that a control center had been taken down by hackers. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/02/russia-space-chief-hacking-satellites-war-00013211
  5. Just what kind of crabs are we talking about here?
  6. Russia may well prevail in Ukraine, it's too soon to tell. The haven't been able to deploy air power yet because of the threat of AA defenses. If they do subjugate Ukraine it will be at great expense and Russia will regret supporting the fascist dictator.
  7. On the other hand it may turn out to be a good thing. After Germany and Japan were defeated they became model world citizens. Unfortunately, a lot of people died and many war crimes were committed by all sides to expunge the fascists.
  8. Kind of weird. I agree with half what this guy is saying and vehemently opposed to the other half. https://www.rawstory.com/ukraine-american-russian-tanks/
  9. An advance team left the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for "the Ukraine region" on Thursday to start investigating possible war crimes, its top prosecutor told Reuters in an interview. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/icc-prosecutor-advance-team-has-left-begin-work-ukraine-investigation-2022-03-03/
  10. Russia says its actions in Ukraine are a "special operation" not designed to occupy territory but to destroy its neighbour's military capabilities and capture what it calls dangerous nationalists. Heaven forbid that Ukraine should want to remain a sovereign nation. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hedgehogs-v-tanks-kyiv-braces-russian-onslaught-2022-03-03/
  11. I already did, apparently you don;t read posts either ???? here's the link, pardon me for giving you yet another link...
  12. Yeah, you said so previously. Never mind, I won't attempt to educate you further. Careful that fence doesn't give you a splinter ???? Just kidding.
  13. Perhaps Russia should do what it preaches. Russia Deploys Hypersonic Missile To Baltic In Range Of NATO Capitals https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienroblin/2022/02/08/russia-deploys-hypersonic-missile-to-baltic-in-range-of-nato-capitols/?sh=33b516fe217e
  14. China’s Belt and Road strafed by Vladimir Putin Having miscalculated by openly backing Putin, Beijing is now trying to hedge that position. Unless it can orchestrate peace, however, the diplomatic and commercial damage will be hard to repair. https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/chinas-belt-road-strafed-by-vladimir-putin-2022-03-03/
  15. Without some support for your assertion that the name changed was forced, etc, I'm not taking your post too seriously. For my part I could care less where my surname originates, I have no clue. I am not a nationalist. Not that I am accusing you of being one.
  16. That's true, it was another poster. You came awfully close though and certainly the post below looks a lot like support for the other poster's contention that Russian was banned.
  17. It's perfectly reasonable for any country to protect it's national language in official affairs. The UK Queen's family changed their surnames too. No biggie.
  18. just once more, there is no law banning the use of Russian by ordinary citizens in their ordinary lives anywhere in the Ukraine. The laws you refer to relate to the use of Ukrainian as an official language, not more.
  19. Despite an initial battle plan that Western countries said was aimed at swiftly toppling the Kyiv government, Russia has captured only one Ukrainian city so far https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/top-wrap-2-russian-troops-strategic-black-sea-port-city-kherson-mayor-says-2022-03-03/
  20. They should forget 3 days after the event? There has been a continuing and escalating dispute between Ukraine and Russia since the annexation. Did you actually read the article I linked? Oh, that's right, you said you haven't been reading much.
  21. You confirmed that Russian is not banned in public life. It is not unreasonable that Ukraine wants to teach kids to speak Ukrainian in schools. The regional language law again did not involve ordinary citizens speaking Russian in their daily lives.
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