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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. was I supposed to name every different kind of business in Thailand or just give a few examples of the kind of businesses most at risk?
  2. Hang on, didn't you say that vaccines don't stop people from getting infected?
  3. Thailand does not have 90% vaccinated and until they do the risk of hospitalisations overwhelming the health system, causing staff shortages through illness and overwork and destroying public confidence is great. Australia's case load was low until we opened the borders without quarantine then it exploded. It is more expensive to support an overwhelmed hospital system than it is to impose restrictions. Australia's economy did fairly well during the lock downs but tanked when omicron infections exploded because people simply would not risk infection even when they knew the risk was lower for the omicron variant.
  4. Businesses are places where people congregate in close proximity, especially pubs, clubs, cafes and food outlets. The staff have a heightened risk of becoming infected and too ill to work. The public have greater confidence of not being infected when they go there and so fewer will tend to avoid the place.
  5. More of the same misinformation. The vaccine does prevent many, if not most, infections
  6. The vaccines do prevent infection very well for delta and around half for omicron. Stop spreading the party misinformation.
  7. There is evidence that a third shot significantly boosts antibodies well beyond what 2 shots does.
  8. I believe that data is in relation to infections, not serious illness and deaths.
  9. There's no evidence that mRNA vaccines are not providing long term protection from serious disease and death.
  10. Where do you get those figures from? This is a thread about Thailand. This data indicates that omicron is much less prevalent in Thailand than delta as at the end of last year. In fact the levels of omicron are very low compared to other variants. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21655979.2022.2031417
  11. They are "rare" for delta. It doesn't need to be restated that delta is way more dangerous than omicron.
  12. I agree. This article provides some insight for both sides of that argument. https://theconversation.com/will-an-omicron-specific-vaccine-help-control-covid-theres-one-key-problem-175137
  13. Partial protection is better than no protection as you acknowledge and that applies to vaccines as well. Until we have no SARS-2 coronavirus we will need vaccines, I think we should all agree on that. Our only chance of eliminating this virus is through vaccines. I think that article implies that natural immunity won't do it and neither will our current vaccines. Both Moderna and BioNTech-Pfizer have started testing Omicron-specific boosters of their vaccines in human clinical trials. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/omicron-specific-booster-may-not-be-needed-us-monkey-study-finds-2480696
  14. Natural immunity from omicron does not stop reinfection. You can't play this both ways. Furthermore, you have absolutely no evidence supporting your claim that a new vaccine would "likely require two doses. That's pure speculation on your part. https://www.dw.com/en/omicron-is-natural-immunity-better-than-a-vaccine/a-60425426
  15. Long COVID affects adults of all ages as well as children. Research shows it is more prevalent among those who were hospitalized, but also strikes a significant portion who weren’t. https://apnews.com/article/long-covid-omicron-research-45986f5b42e47e656d5b385bd51b2bb2
  16. and it also stopped that person from getting infected. Just while we are on the subject of semantics. I also see that those who wish to die on the hill of anti vax are also frequently vaccinated themselves which screams politics.
  17. So based on that data we can safely suggest that anyone who says that vaccines don't prevent infection (and by extension, transmission) is just lying and spreading misinformation if they don't at least qualify their statement to acknowledge the significant efficacy that these vaccines have.
  18. Your words speak for themselves. They reveal an intent to convey misinformation by obfuscation. It is lying by omission.
  19. "vaccination does NOT stop you getting the virus, it simply" are merely weasel words intended to imply that vaccines are useless. This is deceit.
  20. 5% is still quite prevalent. Most people would not ignore that level of risk. Delta is highly dangerous without vaccination and both variants cause long covid issues.
  21. You forgot to read the delta bit. Portugal would have a much higher rate of infections but for the vaccines, like everywhere else. The reason that infections are increasing is because omicron is far more infectious. No rational person could conclude that the vaccines are not significantly reducing infections of all variants and delta in particular. Delta is the most dangerous variety and is quite prevalent.
  22. You can't transmit the virus if you're not infected. The vaccines are EXTREMELY good at preventing infection form the most dangerous variant. It is rare to have breakthrough infection from delta and the vaccines do reduce infection rates from omicron. Don't spread misinformation. Vaccines reduce infection. Your post implies that they do nothing. Don't spread misinformation. Vaccines reduce infection. Your post implies that they do nothing. Don't spread misinformation. Vaccines reduce infection. Your post implies that they do nothing. This repetitive "vaccines don't stop infection and transmission" garbage is too prevalent lately. It is clearly coming from some far right misinformation talking point. It is nonsensical, especially in regard to the delta variety. Those who spruik this trash rely on a pedantic use of the word stop to mean that if something is not 100% effective then it is logically ineffective. Totally disingenuous and made with intent to deceive.
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