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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. so, you would agree that the argument is still relevant for delta which is still prevalent?
  2. Darwin's theory clearly states that variation occurred randomly in a species. I'm not in favour of continued lock downs after the rate of infections drops to a steady level. I'm in favour of mandatory vaccines and restricting the movements of the unvaccinated. Restrictions on civil liberty, of which we have many right now, never killed anybody.
  3. The reason is that Australia recently decided to open up to international arrivals without quarantine. The now out of control infections are a direct result of that decision and nothing else.
  4. It is simply illogical that any country has an infection rate 50 times that of another country given similar vaccination rates. Furthermore, we know that Australia has vastly higher rates of vaccination than does South Africa so that means the infection rate in SA would be meany times higher if the data you provided was weighted for infection rates.
  5. More children will die from the disease than the vaccine.
  6. Complete rubbish. You have not even attempted to provide evidence of your claim. There is not a shred of logic or common sense which would dictate that the infection rate of any population is 50 times that of another after adjusting for vaccination rates.
  7. The reasoning behind vaccination of kids is less about protecting them from serious illness as it is from stopping them spreading the disease and incubating new mutations. The vaccines are highly effective at preventing the transmission of the delta variant which is still quite prevalent. There will be new vaccines coming before long which will dot he same for omicron.
  8. More pointless Thai bashing. The police fail to stop brawls all over the world on a regular basis. What were they supposed to do, shoot people?
  9. It was very curious that the only deaths reported are from Vietnam but the cause of death has been identified as anaphylactic shock, an allergic reaction that is usually treatable. This is a risk for any vaccine, not just covid vaccines. Most vaccinators make recipients wait 15 minutes after a vaccine in case of anaphylactic shock. The death of a Vietnamese girl reported by vnexpress can't be attributed to any failing of the vaccine itself. I can't find any confirmation of the other deaths which are last reported as being under investigation. "Reported in multiple Vietnamese media including VN Express—yet no mainstream media" https://trialsitenews.com/at-least-three-children-die-120-hospitalized-by-pfizer-biontech-vaccine-in-vietnam/
  10. This post demonstrates that you know zero about Darwin's theory of evolution.
  11. The Omicron variant, which is spreading far faster than previous versions of the coronavirus, is not likely to help countries achieve so-called herd immunity against COVID-19, in which enough people become immune to the virus that it can no longer spread, leading disease experts say. Vaccines in development that provide immunity against future variants or even multiple types of coronaviruses could change that, said Pasi Penttinen, the top influenza expert at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, but it will take time https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/how-omicron-highlights-fading-hope-herd-immunity-covid-2022-01-20/
  12. Yes he is. He at least posts links to evidence. You hardly ever do. I see lots of anecdotes. No we don't. I make a point of not posting any claims here without links to evidence from credible sources. If I am not satisfied that a reasonable person would consider those links reliable, I simply don't post. If I don't include a link it's always because I have posted links to the specific claim previously. Very occasionally, I will post without a link if the claim is very easily verifiable because it's widely covered in the MSM and very easily found. Did I mention very?
  13. or you do a quick google search and find out that it is indeed a different frequency.
  14. Isn't that called "government"? I think you are simply libertarian and anti government?
  15. As I said lack of evidence means it's a conspiracy theory or a falsehood. Before posting, ask yourself "do I have any evidence for my claim? If the answer is no and the claim relates to science then it shouldn't be posted.
  16. You're confusing infectious with virulent. Ebola is extremely virulent and kills before it can spread far The same was the case for MERS. Omicron is extremely infectious but less virulent. A mutation which is both would be a catastrophe. It remains a possibility. The process is entirely random. This is why we need to vaccinate as many as possible. Vaccines are known to reduce viral load even in omicron and therefore reduce transmission. It is also why big pharma are working on new vaccines.
  17. link please? ???? PM is ok if you prefer. I'd like to subscribe.
  18. I live in croc central where croc burgers are a tourist attraction. The locals don't eat it. Even the indigenous people don't eat it. I've never tasted anything more revolting in my life.
  19. Why is it so hard for the bashers to post links? Here is a link to what a British scientists said recently which supports the Thai experts' view After reports emerged that a new coronavirus (COVID-19) variant 'Deltacron' has been detected by a scientist in Cyprus, a UK-based virologist has refuted the claims, terming it a "lab contamination" and not a new strain. https://www.wionews.com/world/covid-19-is-deltacron-a-new-variant-a-uk-virologist-explains-what-it-could-possibly-be-443546
  20. Then at least respect other peoples' intelligence by posting links to evidence.
  21. I know that the common claim that goes along with the deliberately manufactured conspiracy theory is that it was intended to be used as a weapon - otherwise why make the virus? Not claiming to be correct and yet still making an insinuation of a conspiracy theory? Not exactly responsible is it? As I said, it's just sad that you have properly read and digested the evidence that has been previously posted which clearly states that scientists believe that the virus occurred naturally and may or may not have come from the lab. So I hope that, sans any compelling evidence to the contrary, we should not hear any more repetition of this conspiracy theory. Why would the Chinese want to kill off their own citizens anyway? None of it makes sense but that's a feature of conspiracy theories. They never do.
  22. It is possible that the virus did escape from a lab in Wuhan but there is evidence and expert opinion that the virus was not man made and not released as any kind of weapon. Again, relevant links posted here long ago. We shouldn't be rehashing this over and over again other than some people don't read or think about the evidence linked in posts or otherwise readily available should they care to look. If you disagree that what I have said is true then it would be up to you to provide links to evidence to prove that. Such evidence has never been provided before here because one side of the issue never does.
  23. I said in a post that I had posted links previously. I believe the link was from the UK NIH about the research and denying that it was "gain of function" research. Contrary to popular conspiracy theory, absence of evidence does not mean something is true. The whole story is a wild distortion of the facts.
  24. The unvaccinated are still the largest proportion of hospitalisations and are overwhelming the system. Delta is also still very much around. People seem to be assuming that omicron has displaced delta. That could take a long time yet. I'm only advocating restrictions on the unvaccinated until all the kids and more people are vaccinated.
  25. The vast majority of the anti vax messaging is politically driven. I have posted articles demonstrating this previously. The number of people genuinely concerned about side effects are miniscule in comparison.
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