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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Plenty of people are winding up in ICU despite being triple vaccinated. The argument for restricting unvaccinated people won't go away anytime soon unless the virus does.
  2. The reason we don't focus on risk is that too many people are at risk. I'm over 65 and quite healthy but my age alone puts me at risk. It simply isn't socially acceptable to discard all us decrepit old useless baggage on society.
  3. I don't remember that. I remember one politician saying it would be all over by easter is all. I knew only by mid last year that vaccines would likely prevent serious illness. I got my first vaccine in april last year. Prior to that I had no idea if I'd survive long enough to get the vaccination. I had to come back to australia to avoid the virus until i could get vaccinated. It's only in the last month my state had any infections.
  4. Rubbish. Anybody who was listening knew that Delta when unvaccinated was extremely dangerous and not so much if vaccinated. It was only the advent of omicron which allowed people to consider they would survive regardless of vaccine status. Yes, I know most people recover anyway but only the foolhardy wanted to chance it.
  5. Nobody should ever have gained the impression that masks or social restrictions were in any way related to the vaccines or wouldn't be required until the virus infections reached a low point which would be declared by medical experts. I certainly was always of this opinion. l Anything else is false right wing political garbage.
  6. The accusation that Fauci lied is entirely based on assertion by Rand Paul and relates to a "gain of function" process alleged to have occurred when researching a different virus, so distant genetically from coronavirus that it could not possibly have led to the coronavirus pandemic itself. Furthermore the accusation that he lied was disputed by the NIH as well as Dr Fauci himself. Links have previously been provided. What's ironical about this story is the the funding into whether a coronavirus could have jumped species had been going on for a decade already. Finally, who would not want to know whether such a virus could jump species or not? That doesn't stop the tin foil hat from using any spurious excuse to attack anyone who gets in the way of their nut job political agenda,
  7. US faces wave of omicron deaths in coming weeks, models say But the notion that a generally less severe variant could still take the lives of thousands of people has been difficult for health experts to convey. The math of it — that a small percentage of a very high number of infections can yield a very high number of deaths — is difficult to visualize. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-omicron-covid-19-deaths-08f8db29985b992d5ef98ccfa1459eb7
  8. Then you tell me what he said and what he meant. There is no other interpretation available from those words other than he intended to mislead.
  9. I quoted him saying so. In fact they are offering vaccines for all children over 5.
  10. Last time, you are attempting to misrepresent what you claimed the article said. You explicitly claimed that experts were only recommending vaccines for vulnerable kids. That was untrue. The article does not support your lie.
  11. except here where is is very clear that's what you said. Your claim is untrue. "I would definitely agree with the advice for that they are only offering the vaccines to the vulnerable"
  12. It is you twisting words and you have been called on it. Now you have no defence so you project.
  13. I have read that article it doesn't claim that any medical expert has recommended against vaccinating kids over 5. You are being dishonest.
  14. Provide a link to experts saying that ONLY vulnerable kids should be vaccinated.
  15. But not children over 5? You disagree with medical expert opinion?
  16. It matters a great deal that kids with underlying health issues are at risk from idiots who won't vaccinate or wear masks.
  17. What is being experience in Australia is that, although the infections are milder, people simply aren't going out shopping and eating out much. Retail sales are down. Staff is in very short supply because of illness. Therefore I stand by my statement that I believe the actual level of infections needs to drop in order to restore public confidence. "For the first time in Victoria's history, an emergency Code Brown alert has been activated across multiple hospitals in the state. The government hopes using this rare alert will allow overwhelmed hospitals to better manage a surge in patients as Omicron COVID-19 cases soar. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-19/what-is-code-brown-emergency-in-victorian-hospitals/100765890
  18. Indeed. The previous and outdated theory as proposed by the anti vaxers who think that variants naturally mutate into a more infectious but less virulent form is called Lamark's Theory, a long since disproved theory which holds that mutations occur will fit the need. As you state, mutations in all species are random and the best adapted survive. The others don't.
  19. Perhaps but in Mississippi it's 86%. Then there is this. the data indeed confirms that unvaccinated people are 7.1 times more likely to be hospitalized than vaccinated people, and 13.8 times more likely to be in intensive care. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19/hospitalization-rates-confirm-covid-vaccines-benefits https://time.com/6138566/pandemic-of-unvaccinated/ All in all you wouldn't want to be unvaccinated.
  20. I guess he was being kind. It just shows how morally repugnant anti vaxers are in the real world. There's no excuse for such anti social behaviour. They are not acting out of a well founded conviction, it's just politically motivated. As for the goal posts moving, did anyone suggest they should stay in one place or rather was it that the world would need to be guided by the eventualities?
  21. I think we traded a very painful experience from rampant delta infections without vaccines for a less painful omicron experience now. It was under control until the government lost control of it. WA still more or less has it under control by not opening up borders without quarantine.
  22. I used to rent hobie catamarans in the bay. I nearly drowned a bar girl when I hit a fishing net and flipped the boat.
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