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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If that were true most other professional athletes would be of the same opinion. They aren't, so it's only your opinion and presumably his. No medical basis for believing that vaccines could harm his performance. Issues related to the disease itself pose a far greater threat to his performance.
  2. He chose his hill to die on so to speak. He could have simply vaccinated but wants to be a political mouthpiece. I don't follow tennis so my opinion is not colored by any biases. He's just another anti-vaxer to me.
  3. I would like to believe that "public outcry" should not be the basis for inconsistency in decision making. That said, I think there are more Australians don't want him to prevail if he lied. Tall poppy syndrome is very much alive in Australia. I do understand that the stake are high for Djokovitch but if he lied and is allowed to play they will be high for the government too.
  4. Never said that I disputed your claim about European religiosity. Concentrate on what I actually said. I have no opinion about Muslim religiosity. Your point of question about whether stay in the mosque or not is incomprehensible to me so I can't comment.
  5. There is still the fact that his very highly paid lawyer lied on his visa application stating that he had not traveled for 2 weeks. The truth now remains to be seen, did he even have an infection given that he was apparently in a kids' tennis function the day after he supposedly tested positive. Then why did he travel while positive? Maybe the infection as false in order to get the medical exemption? I think this is what's taking the time to resolve.
  6. Can you provide a link where anyone suggested mandatory jabs every three months. FUD much??
  7. Those are nominal figures only. In theory I would be Anglican but can't remember ever going to a church since sunday school.
  8. I think your figures are wildly inaccurate. Most western countries are atheist.
  9. Meanwhile, the most populous Muslim nation will become the 11th largest economy in the world by 2031. It's hilarious that North Korea beat the US to fire a hypersonic missile that hit its target 1,000 miles away. Maybe some people should curb their hegemonic tendencies and the world would be a nicer place.
  10. difference is our hospital system is falling over. Thailand's might too. That might well be why they are so worried. I constantly see idiots bashing the Thai authorities as idiots. It says more about themselves than anything else. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-13/qld-coronavirus-covid19-strain-on-health-sector-staff-omicron/100750292
  11. QLD changed its strict border policy and opened up. Now it has a problem. My mate who lives on the Sunshine Coast says that everybody and his dog has covid. https://www.afr.com/politics/queensland-braces-for-thousands-of-covid-19-cases-after-border-surge-20211221-p59j9y https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/covid-wave-imminent-as-border-opens-for-first-time-in-150-days/news-story/2215079de4b8a9206a21acdaf39b3d8b
  12. I'm not living in fear. I'm just showing why countries aren't buying the wing nut meme that they should just let it rip.
  13. My example was Australia where case rates are rising rapidly. And hospitals are filling up. One state in the US, I think OR, has called in the national guard to help in the hospitals. That's hardly getting on with their lives. The majority of their cases are omicron as well. I did read what you wrote. Little children who can't be vaccinated are filling up the hospitals. This is what getting on with their lives looks like in the UK when you get away from the propaganda. https://www.longcovidkids.org/post/child-covid-19-cases-long-covid-hospital-admissions-deaths-9st-january-2022 https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19latestinsights/hospitals https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(21)00491-4/fulltext “Our hospitals are under extreme pressure,” Brown said in a tweet on Wednesday. “Fueled by the omicron variant, current hospitalizations are over 700 and daily Covid-19 case counts are alarmingly high.” https://www.rawstory.com/oregon-hospitalizations/
  14. Just apart from the anti muslim bigots here the real issue is quality but everyone seems to have missed that in the rush.
  15. https://www.politico.eu/article/australia-paralyzed-deporting-novak-djokovic-tennis/
  16. Tell that to NSW. Their retail is dead. That furphy has been bandied about for months now. People didn't care when case numbers were low and the anti vaxxers have been peddlng the false non sequiter like you have. Now that cases are out of control and there are no lock downs the economy has never been in a worse state. Shopping centres are empty. Retail is going broke. Nobody wants to go eat in a restaurant full of covid positive customers. "Caution about being in public places is being compounded by staff shortages to stifle spending across dining, retail and travel." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-07/economic-crisis-covid-19-social-distancing-lockdown-anz-data/100744990
  17. One state in Australia has managed to keep even omicron out due to strict border controls and restricting movement for the unvaccinated. The other states are a mess where they decided we needed to live with this and now their economies are collapsing. Nobody wants to go shopping or visit high risk venues.
  18. Then why do you happily insult others who are proud to be woke socially aware?
  19. The logic is pretty obvious. They don't want to inconvenience people who have put their money down. The rest can take the risk or defer.
  20. the news site I got that from is a Murdoch site so it deserves the same treatment. ????
  21. So, if direct to BKK or Pattaya then it's a 7 day quarantine in the loom? I see lots of websites about T&G still possible for people who already applied prior to December 22 but nothing about option for people applying next week or next month. I guess the best option is Phuket for the week then Pattaya.
  22. I'll be one of them soon. I have been looking but not finding out what is the actual procedure now? Is it back to SHA hotels and if so, for how long?
  23. That kind is actually useless for commercial mango picking as it allows the sap to spill onto the mango skin which burns it. If you are just going to eat them at home then that's not a concern. For commercial use you need the kind that grabs the stem and has a blade cutter. You then lower the mango into a tub of mango wash.
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