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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. False. Vaccines are proven to reduce infection and transmission of the virus. Stop listening to talk back radio. The paediatric admission in hospitals is higher for omicron than delta. Some children have died from omicron. This post is an outright lie.
  2. There's no reason that schools won't open again as soon as most kids are vaccinated. The closures are sensible until that happens.
  3. If they were allowing final year nursing students to work in hospitals I think that disproves your theory that they weren't doing as much as they could. Last I heard it takes several years to train a nurse. How long has covid been around? It is ridiculous to imagine that they could have predicted and planned for an imminent 100 year pandemic. Your poster boy Trump actually cancelled an Obama initiative which was a pandemic planning agency in the US. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/trump-obama-coronavirus-pandemic-response
  4. I think they did as much as they could. Can you substantiate your claim they didn't? Also there wasn't an ultra contagious strain like omicron around until recently. Here's an indication of the extent to which they did attempt to prepare fro a surge in cases. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33217641/
  5. Not my words, I quoted one of many dozens of news articles I have seen claiming that hospital staff are under extreme pressure. I have posted a number of them. not only nurses, this from today's press https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-12/queensland-paramedics-criticise-leadership-over-covid/100751232 Deputy Premier James Merlino said the state’s healthcare system is strained, with around 6,600 workers off duty after testing positive or coming into close contact with a positive case. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-01-11/australias-new-south-wales-sets-new-high-for-covid-deaths
  6. ah, the old anecdotal evidence vs propaganda argument lol ???? On the other side we have thousands of nurses (the union) that you don't know.
  7. It's all a matter of opinion and perspective. Do yoiu speak properly conjugated Tagalog or Indonesian? I lived in the Philippines for 24 years on and off and never learned formally but I do speak conversational Tagalog. You didn't elaborate on any of the "many factors" why Thai is difficult to read. There are 76 letters and about a third of them are rarely encountered outside of proper names and high class formal Thai. The syllables have a distinct pattern and one you recognise that pattern it's quite easy to determine where each syllable begins and ends. That syllables end with a limited number of consonants or vowels. The spaces are arbitrary and only used for readability. I use books to actually learn Thai, especially grammar but I found those videos to be an excellent source for learning how to pronounce the language and use it in every day conversation. Maybe it's easier for me because I learned Thai almost 40 years ago and have been married to 2 Thais, also one Filipina. If you think the words she is using are too formal I;d question where you are learning your Thai. Thais can easily pick it if you learned from a bar girl. Most of them are Isaan and speak a Thai dialect of Lao.
  8. A little off topic but back in the early 80's there was a commercial trawler wharf off walking street. Any evening you could go there and sit at a table on the wharf and eat fresh fish off the boats cooked in front of you. Very cheap too. Does anybody remember that? Back in those days Pla Krapong wasn't farmed it was wild caught barramundi. aka ocean perch.
  9. 7zip uses AES-256 cipher which is impossible to hack with brute force using today's computers. In the future with quantum computing maybe, but not now.
  10. I used a Thai cassette course from AUA and several books I purchased from them in 1982. AUA have an office in Pattaya as well.
  11. Novak Djokovic wins his case with the Federal Circuit Court quashing his visa cancellation. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-10/novak-djokovic-live-court-hearing-jan-10/100747106
  12. Johns Hopkins referred to them as breakthrough infections. What misunderstanding do you think I have here?
  13. A study in Washington state gathered data from over 4 million fully vaccinated people. The data showed a rate of about 1 in 5,000 experienced a breakthrough infection between January 17 and August 21, 2021. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/breakthrough-infections-coronavirus-after-vaccination
  14. This is a good free resource for learning Thai https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2xIZS7z1wLkROtMYLmMstw
  15. Cases are not (can not) rise faster due to vaccinations. Vaccines reduce transmission in Delta by a large amount.
  16. Villa Mart have (had) wild caught Norwegian Salmon but it's quite expensive and about double farmed salmon from memory.
  17. I believe that Thai is far easier than Indonesian or Tagalog. Tagalog and Bahasa are conjugated which makes them more difficult to learn whereas Thai is not. It has only 76 letters in the alphabet, many of which are rarely used in day to day conversation.
  18. They can be infected, nobody ever said they couldn't. Especially in the case of delta the chance is 1 in 5000 without even a booster.
  19. no and they are in the case of delta at least which is causing the majority of ICU admissions and deaths. Show some evidence of the vaxxed being mainly responsible for transmission. That's scientifically impossible and supported only by those get their information from unreliable sources.
  20. I would only give this piece of advice. Learn to read before trying to learn the language. It isn't hard and the time spent learning to read will dramatically shorten your path toward speaking and understanding Thai. If you defer reading until later you will need to unlearn half of everything you thought you knew.
  21. I'm 67 and triple vaccinated but there's no guarantee that I won't get sick and even if I survive that I won't get long covid. The world can go on in a normal way for vaccinated people but for the unvaccinated their access to places where they might infect others should be severely curtailed. There is still plenty of delta around and unvaccinated people pose the greatest risk to everyone else.
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