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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It sank https://<URL Automatically Removed>/thailand-and-asia-news/208737-old-abandoned-ship-sinks-while-being.html
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/04/omicron-makes-up-95percent-of-sequenced-covid-cases-in-us-as-infections-hit-pandemic-record.html
  3. That proportion is not unrealistic. The US has up to 95% omicron cases vs delta. Scientists are always conservative with language. When a scientist says "may" you can assume that it means "highly likely". The number seems eminently plausible and may be a much higher proportion.
  4. If you mean deliberately that brings you full circle back to my point.
  5. I'm kinda wondering why Thailand should be the only country in the world which wants to hide its covid numbers.
  6. I think people who claim conspiracy theories like Thailand is hiding something should explain what their motive is and maybe provide some evidence that they are.
  7. It's just that this particular link was post just yesterday so it's quite contemporary.
  8. My point is that the actual number of cases is probably much higher than what is tested and reported, in any country.
  9. The connection is clear. You are defending the right of unvaccinated people to seek medical care. I posted some push back against that concept by medical professionals themselves.
  10. Health officials have nevertheless warned that the sheer number of infections caused by Omicron was placing a strain on hospitals Some doctors and nurses expressed frustration at the surge among unvaccinated patients, saying they could not understand why someone would ignore a doctor's advice to get vaccinated but then seek a medical professional's help once sick with COVID-19. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/omicron-pushes-us-covid-hospitalizations-toward-record-high-2022-01-07/
  11. Some Australian authority said today that he believes there are 5 times as many cases as are reported. It's impossible to buy ATK tests right now and the PCR test takes hours to get and days for a result. I don't think bashing Thailand for poor testing number serves much purpose. I believe the same poor testing numbers also afflicts the UK and the US.
  12. I'm just quoting them. I guess the answer is whatever time the experts think is appropriate. That's kind of how I roll. I don't presume to second guess experts.
  13. https://thediplomat.com/2021/10/aukus-a-new-justification-for-thailands-submarine-acquisition-plans/
  14. They wouldn't deploy a submarine to the Gulf of Thailand, it would be in the Andaman Sea to the west which is much deeper and borders the Indian Ocean.
  15. Just cut the lies and show me where I explicitly stated that vaccinated people won't get covid. Quit the weasel words.
  16. Dan Andrews, remains not just the darling of the laptop class, but also a popular leader who would win an election comfortably if one were held tomorrow. The same goes for other lockdown leaders, notably the premier of Western Australia, Mark McGowan, who won 53 out of 59 seats in the state parliament for Labor in the election in March 2021.
  17. When Daniel Andrews, premier of the Australian state of Victoria, declared a lockdown over the coronavirus, some detractors on the right labeled him a "dictator" and said he was trying to build "a gulag." But Andrews -- a Labor Party politician who has run Australia's second-largest state since 2014 -- has remained popular with Victorians throughout the lockdown, local polls show. And this week, his hardline approach was thoroughly vindicated. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/21/australia/australia-coronavirus-lockdown-intl-hnk/index.html "Australia looks set to stay shut well into next year, satisfied that its policies are popular and wildly effective, even if they so isolate the country that even some citizens are barred from entering." https://fortune.com/2021/06/18/australia-covid-zero-closed-borders-reopen-lockdown/ Australia's approach to the pandemic -- strict border policies, snap lockdowns and aggressive contact tracing -- saw the country, along with neighboring New Zealand, praised throughout 2020 for taking a no-tolerance approach to public health. It paid off. While other countries faced overwhelmed hospital systems and devastating death tolls, Australia enjoyed large public gatherings, and life went on as normal for most people within its sealed-off borders. The issue of civil liberties under threat has been overblown, according to McLaws. "While restrictions are tough and we are tired of them, Australians are less obsessed with individual rights during this time," she said. "Australians like their freedom, but they aren't willing to have it at the price of many deaths." https://abcnews.go.com/Health/fortress-australia-cautiously-moving-covid-long-path-freedom/story?id=79820663
  18. The lock downs were widely popular especially since they were shown to work. Not everybody was happy obviously but they were never long lasting, they didn't have to be..
  19. and saved us from the nightmare death toll visited upon the US and Europe for over a year until we could get vaccines. We don't live in a perfect world. I'm not enamoured with Australia's covid response at all but I do support the border restrictions. Now populism and a looming election caused them to drop the ball.
  20. That wasn't my point was it? I made a straight up claim "Vaccines reduce covid transmission".
  21. Show me where I said that vaccinated people don't get covid or have the decency to apologize.
  22. https://ourworldindata.org/childhood-vaccination-policies Again, are these mandatory policies a crime?
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