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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Nothing more than a baseless conspiracy theory. At least have the cohones not to hide behind innuendo.
  2. The kleptocracies and their loyal sheeple which mainly run our countries want nothing more than to censor or shut down the mainstream media because good investigative journalism is a threat to their corruption and criminality. They want their march to facism to be hidden from public view. It is a standard tactic of would be fascists to silence responsible media and replace it with propaganda. That is what we see in this thread.
  3. and everybody else on the planet. What's your point? The media should not make money? The drug companies could not make (not would not) make vaccines if they were not profitable. I hope they become insanely rich so they can make more vaccines faster when the virus inevitably mutates because the slow learners won't vaccinate.
  4. There is no reason for them to do so. You are pushing a conspiracy theory out of thin air and just bashing China without basis. Why not criticise the WHO for what they did, not what they didn't do. Your political agenda is clear for everyone to see. You are anti covid restrictions and anti globalist. You attack based on these biases not on facts or expert evidence. It's clear that that global cooperation is required to solve global problems but the twin crises of climate change and covid have got in the way of nationalists.
  5. I have never attacked links if they come from a credible source. The very reason you believe your links will be attacked is because you don't have faith in them to withstand fact checking. I don't have pre-existing biases. I will attack the left as well as the right for policy failures. It is incumbents upon you to substantiate your own claims, not tell me to waste my time looking for links to non existent data. Really, you should not post of you aren't prepared to substantiate your claims when they are controversial.
  6. I consider facts and evidence. Nothing more. Make claims without substantiation and I will call you out for it. Note that I always support my arguments. Why can't you? This would be a much more civil discussion if everybody debated in good faith by producing links to facts.
  7. I'm not anti Republican, I'm anti liar. You decline every opportunity to prove your claims. Don't blame anybody for not believing you.
  8. Hilarious, the right wing NEVER produce facts to disprove their lies but bandy around slogans like "Do your Own research" and "Do Your Own Homework". Just risible how anti facts and evidence they are. The part of lies and conspiracy theories. Never gonna produce links to evidence? Of course not. The facts are certainly out there. I ALWAYS cite them. We all know why you don't.
  9. If there were very few or no serious charges laid then it's quite straight forward and logical. Prosecutors even criticised the police at Kenosha. I am not biased, I am data driven, my opinions are formed by facts. The Jan 6 riot on the other hand led to a number of deaths, hundred of injuries and 700 charges. Maybe you should take some of your own advice. My sole motivation on this forum is to push back against lies and bigotry, that's the only reason I post at all. Show me credible evidence to support your damages claim.
  10. Well, ya know, Chinese travel during the holidays only happens in China. The salient point is that the Chinese were restricted from traveling contrary to your completely scurrilous and false China bashing comment. The WHO are reflecting expert advice. Kinda curious that you would imply that the Chinese need to be told to lock down by an international organisation when they were the firstest and mostest locked down nation. The failure to do so cost the UK and the US (among others) a huge number of deaths.
  11. They did last year and the year before https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55791858
  12. You need to read the MSM to see it. There's plenty of speculation that the early trends are showing this, it's all over the mainstream media. They are also sounding cautionary because that's what the experts are saying. The MSM ALWAYS reflects what the experts are saying.
  13. What's trolling is making sarcastic comments without ever posting a link to support your argument. Did I mention ever? Who was severely injured or murdered in the BLM "riots"?
  14. stop trolling. You're obviously not going to debate in good faith or provide links and evidence to back up your claims.
  15. James Robert Elliott, 24, of Aurora, Illinois, is charged with civil disorder, assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers with a dangerous weapon, and entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon, In the 11 months since Jan. 6, more than 700 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including over 220 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/illinois-man-arrested-assault-law-enforcement-during-jan-6-capitol-breach
  16. I don't watch any TV except occasionally when I'm visiting my mate for coffee, maybe half an hour a day. We flick through Al Jazeera, BBC, France24, MSNBC and CNN in that order to see if there's anything interesting on. That is, if there's no cricket or formula 1 on. I tend to get my news from news media websites.
  17. Any examples of lies they reported? Polls aren't an indicator of veracity. Why has Fox News been sued for $1.6B for defamation by Smartmatic? You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye https://www.snopes.com/tag/tucker-carlson/
  18. US Army Creates Single Vaccine Against All COVID & SARS Variants, Researchers Say https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2021/12/us-army-creates-single-vaccine-effective-against-all-covid-sars-variants/360089/
  19. It's not the bias that's the problem. It's really the veracity of what's being said. Discerning readers can deal with bias but they can't easily separate truth from lies. In this respect Fox is particularly egregious. CNN is biased for sure but what they say is overwhelmingly true and checkable. When it's not, CNN and MSNBC retract stories with a mea culpa, Fox never does. The right wing like to tell people to do their own research which is code for ignore the press but they don't define what that means. It's just a slogan. Nobody would even know what the issues were or what they should research if they didn't read current affairs. If you take an interest in current affairs or politics then there's no escaping the media.
  20. It provides a place of pilgrimage for the living relatives.
  21. One is largely peaceful protesting, the other is an insurrection involving forcible entry to the Capitol building with the intention to disrupt a constitutionally mandated procedure of government during which many police officers were either injured or killed. For the MSM and everyone except those who would rather bury the story, the former is a transitory newsworthy item while the latter is a huge deal which is sending many to jail and will have huge political ramifications for years to come. It is of great interest to most people and obviously a big story. Don't expect it to go away anytime soon.
  22. You claimed that the BLM rioters committed serious crimes and implied that the MSM and police ignored those. The MSM would have reported any that were charged except for your conspiracy theory.
  23. Fox News has become toxic. Carlson isn't the worst wack job on Fox this week. Speaking at a Turning Point USA conference this week, Watters told the attendees: ... "Now you go in for the kill shot," Watters added moments later. "The kill shot with an ambush, deadly, because he doesn't see it coming. This is when you say. Dr. Fauci, you funded risky research at a sloppy Chinese lab, the same lab that sprung this pandemic on the world. You know why people don't trust you, don't you? Oh, he is dead. He's dead. He's done. Now you do that in 30 seconds. So you need 30 seconds. Now you get that footage to us. You get it to Fox."
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