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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Miller is also the Trump supporter who threatened to assassinate Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), saying on social media that "next time" he would "bring the guns. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-judge-rejects-capitol-attacker/
  2. Their politically motivated anti vax agenda to ensure that the Biden administration fails because their guy failed looks set to backfire on them.
  3. I doubt that you read the MSM and I certainly haven't seen any news proving that the police declined to investigate or prosecute serious crime and that's why I asked you to prove it. Again, you have failed to do so. No credibility for your claims unless you do so, just politically motivated propaganda perpetrated by the likes of Fox and Newsmax and eagerly lapped up by the sheeple. It defies common sense that the police would not investigate or charge serious crime yet it seems widely believed. What a crock. This link shows that plenty of BLM protesters did face charges but many were wrongfully arrested. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/19/us/protests-lawsuits-arrests.html
  4. We'll have to agree to disagree that claiming that climate change is a hoax because locally observed weather is misunderstood in the context of climate change due to the unwillingness to consider a more complex explanation. Nobody is defunding the police. They proposition was to direct some of the budget to police training and replacing or accompanying regular police with trained social workers when dealing with domestic violence and minor offenses.
  5. I do and I very very much doubt that anyone committing serious crimes were not apprehended at some point if they were identified. If you have some evidence that the police never tried to apprehend anyone who committed serious crimes please share it, otherwise it's just yet another right wing conspiracy theory.
  6. I gave you an example quite clearly, the case of claiming that climate change was a hoax because casual observation of an apparent contradiction (record cold or snow) defies a simple explanation.
  7. There was never a charge that he hurt anyone and was not sentenced for that. He pleaded guilty in the District of Columbia on Sept. 3, 2021, to obstruction of an official proceeding. Why don't you know this already? Not reading the right media?
  8. I never accused you of claiming it was a hoax, I called you out for claiming you had never heard of anyone claiming that it was. I consider that "disingenuous". I have already provided plenty of references to scholarly articles claiming that the right wing has a tendency to prefer simple answers to complex questions.
  9. Is that really what you believe is all they did? You definitely need to read some MSM. One of those people just got 41 months in the monkey house for posing for those selfies.
  10. Please tell me again that you've never heard or read of anyone claiming that climate change is a conspiracy theory. Just to be clear, all conspiracy theories are hoaxes.
  11. We'll soon see that the supposed random and coincidental acts of a group of crazies were in fact organised by other crazies.
  12. What you have here is an extremist right wing publication attacking fact checkers because they threaten its reputation and readership. They are acting out of pure self interest, nothing to do with the truth. Facebook is hardly an authority on fact checkers either.
  13. The search for a simple answer is manifested by the common claim that climate change is a conspiracy theory which then doesn't require rational consideration, just a belief.
  14. Of course. Past disadvantage persists in the form of socio-economic disadvantage. The racism hasn't gone away though. We still see plenty of manifestations of it. Unfortunately, what has been learned at home is often imported into Thailand by expats.
  15. The Mekhong River is in dire danger because of glacial melting. https://nordot.app/845860271111913472?c=592622757532812385 https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/it-s-not-just-melting-glaciers-endanger-mekong-and-its-region
  16. Yeah, I spewed when I saw the real price after paying AUD $45 in Australia on mail order. What a rip off.
  17. Climate change. Off topic here but the gist is that hey we had record snow this year so global warming is fake. That's the kind of facile, simplistic thinking I'm referring to.
  18. No, I just keep asking people to either support their claims with credible evidence and research or shut up. No success on either front so far.
  19. Asa a lefty I'm fascinated to know how racism benefits my cause. How come your team is so fond of conspiracy theories like this but NEVER putting forward a shred of evidence to support the lies. I must be missing out on the lolly bags, nobody told me how it supports my cause. Maybe you could since you made the allegation?
  20. Omicron infections appear no less severe than Delta; COVID-19 lowers sperm count, motility https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-infections-appear-no-less-severe-than-delta-covid-19-lowers-sperm-count-2021-12-20/
  21. That one or a few make it is inconsequential and to point to the exceptions to try to prove that racism doesn't exist is just deflection and wilful ignorance. Why does positive discrimination exist? Answers like lefty woke governments are just trite and ignorant.
  22. The premise is flawed. MSM is called that because most people trust it. It isn't a matter of believing. Most critical thinkers do their own research and fact check as well as read the MSM. The MSM withstands these tests and is therefore widely trusted. The fringe conspiracy theories mostly fail these tests and so remain fertile fund raisers preying on the feeble minded.
  23. any example of democratic and fairly elected government censored media will support your assertion otherwise its a lie.
  24. They don't understand what racism is, they all live in a state of denial and are reduced to citing petty examples which aren't even relevant to avoid having to confront the elephant in the room. It's pointless arguing with these people. What you will never get them to do is even admit that real racism where the majority white population, of which they are a member, enjoys a privileged position in society vs the minorities. They need to deny it even exists or engage in petty examples of whataboutism to diminish the problem..
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