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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Not pointing at you but I just get sick of the continual bashing of the Thai press, police, local government and the perceived general incompetency of everything Thai. It is a developing country and we should just be thankful that's it's not over regulated like own countries. There is a pervasive "bwana" mentality and superiority complex among expats that I find offensive. Several comments about this article demonstrated that in my opinion. At least have the grace to admit that the headline was not in the least bit inaccurate if not to your liking.
  2. It may have been clearer but is was not inaccurate and most certainly not "very misleading". If you had to choose whether most people would or would not travel then simple math shows that most would not travel. Seems you just can't admit that the knee jerk reaction to bash Thai journalism was not only misplaced but wrong, "very" wrong.
  3. what book are you reading? Above 50% really is "most" in any books I have read. Statistically, it is reasonable to assume that the figure is comfortably above 50%. You are falsely accusing the article's authors as being stupid. They got it right. One thing is for sure, slightly less than 50% is not most.
  4. 1. SARCASM isn't the same as joking, far from it. 2, There's a thread for joking. 3. you declared that climate change is a fraud without any qualification or signal. Any reasonable person would conclude that you meant what you said.
  5. Here's how lies and misinformation led to a real conspiracy, not just a theory. Apparently, they didn't do their own research. D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine was praised on Tuesday after filing a federal lawsuit against the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Members of both groups are facing federal conspiracy charges for their alleged roles in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. https://www.rawstory.com/oath-keepers-proud-boys-dc/
  6. How does it matter? Mixed races are not stateless. Are you aware that Miss Thailand is also mixed race?
  7. It's accurate. The Thai bashers have put their foot in it again. There are 25% who are undecided, Clearly they will either travel or not and it's safe to say they can be split along the lines of the respondents who had decided one way or the other. Approx 54% of those who have decided are not going to travel. If we add that percentage of the undecided to those who will not travel, the total is easily above 50% which is a plurality. Thanks for playing.
  8. I'd be partying if I bought one and it went 100x (10,000%). I don't care how fraudulent it is. I have bought and sold a number of pump and dump coins for decent profit. Of course, some of them never pump, they just dump. My strategy is to put $5 into a new coin that I like and if it doesn't just dump within a few days I might add a bit.
  9. You forgot disease. Oh wait, there's money there. Where's the money in climate research? Government grants, please list some of these lucrative cash cows. If anything there's money in producing pseudo science for fossil fuel companies. Giant frauds like carbon capture and storage schemes. https://www.crikey.com.au/2019/11/20/carbon-capture-storage-fossil-fuels/ https://reneweconomy.com.au/carbon-captures-litany-of-failures-laid-bare-in-new-report/ Here's some of the lucrative cash handouts for climate denier scientists. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jun/13/peabody-energy-coal-mining-climate-change-denial-funding https://www.prwatch.org/news/2016/06/13114/peabody-coal-bankruptcy-reveals-extensive-funding-climate-denial-network
  10. interesting that China's population is 4 times that of the USA and yet produces double the co2 emissions and half the per capita rate of the USA. In fact, China produces less CO2 per capita then almost every developed nation. Exceptions are France and the UK who produce much of their electricity from nuclear power plants. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-per-capita/
  11. Mann was never charged with anything and totally vindicated. It should not be forgotten that the graph showed a sharp rise in temperatures in the 20th century, a phenomen which has been totally proved beyond any shadow of doubt. The board of inquiry at Pennsylvania State University said it found no evidence that Michael Mann, a leading climatologist, had suppressed or falsified data, tried to destroy data or emails, or misused information. The panel dismissed the charge. "The so-called 'trick' was nothing more than a statistical method used to bring two or more different kinds of data sets together in a legitimate fashion by a technique that has been reviewed by a broad array of peers in the field," the panel said. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/feb/03/climate-scientist-michael-mann
  12. The tornadoes were stronger and more irregular because of a break down in the gulf stream caused by climate change. This is readily accessible and peer reviewed research.
  13. That isn't anything like tens of thousands of scientists in a hundred countries all in cahoots. Not on the same planet really ????
  14. The statistical probability that every climate scientists (and not other scientists) are just faking it for the money is impossibly small. Or maybe vaccine scientists are too, I dunno. The mind boggles. Even harder to understand is how rational people believe it's true, like most other conspiracy theories. How did McInerney get to spout obvious lies on a Hannity show?
  15. Many of those scientists are just on a salary and all of them have to produce peer reviewed work to get published and credibility. It just isn't that simple and you are accusing tens of thousands of scientists of being profoundly corrupt. What are the odds of that being true? Then what happened to the other tens of thousands of scientists who would have called that research into question? Your version of the way science works is rather simplistic I must say.
  16. That's the same as claiming that tens of thousands of climate scientists world wide are faking research because they don't want to lose government grants.
  17. Thousands of them? And all the people who worked for NASA and all their contractors? How were the signals received in Australia?
  18. How many people worked for MSM outlets which kept this stuff secret and never said anything? Why didn't any of the non-MSM publications publish any of the contradictory evidence? Where is your evidence that the moon landing didn't occur beyond just insisting that thousands of people knew but kept silent?
  19. How many people worked on the moon landing project and had intimate knowledge of it? How many people would have to have remained silent since 1967? Even people in Australia who received the images which could not have come from any Earth bound source?
  20. My all time favourite conspiracy theory was when the Malaysian Airlines flight disappeared over the Indian Ocean, never to be seen again. Fox news had a retired US general who claimed it landed in Pakistan and was going to be used in an radical Islamist terrorist action in the future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk975w70C1U
  21. I wish I really knew the answer to that. The thing about conspiracy theories is that they are so wacky they can't be disproved. As to whether people actually believe them or just pretend that they do is a mystery to me.
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