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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Good, now we will find out just how much he worked with the Trump campaign and the Russians to publish stolen emails.
  2. That's why the White House had a log on lobbyist visitors until Trump took office.
  3. Next would be the fossil fuel companies followed by miners at a guess. Also completely unsurprising and unremarkable other than all lobbying of politicians and political donations by corporations should be banned and the amount capped.
  4. There is even a possibility that it's herpes. Yes, in the eyes. Is it sandy and very sore in the corner? If you have ever had chicken pox you are susceptible to eye herpes.
  5. They aren't too bad in the hospitals but I'll never go to a clinic again.
  6. Similar to me. I used to drink in Thai bars (never at home) and I got a clot near my liver so the doctor told me to stop. I never was a heavy drinker though. Very glad I did stop really. It's never good to wait until the doctor tells you to stop but that's mostly the only reason people do stop. I hope his eyes get better soon. If it gets worse, Chlorsig is a good antibiotic eye drop that opthalmologists prescribe.
  7. So, you might be lying and maybe it's 30 years old...?
  8. Then it's likely just pink eye which is quite common but should be treated early. How do you know how old his push bike is? ????
  9. Could easily be gonorrhea or chlamydia in eyes. Don't chance it, go to a hospital, not just a clinic.
  10. who wrote the script? It's amazingly similar to what I've seen the medical profession say.
  11. sitting ???? Not trying to be a grammar nazi, just poking some harmless fun.
  12. You search for missing people but hunt for violent fugitives.
  13. The term "manhunt" has been in common use all my life. Has something changed?
  14. because there's nothing ambiguous about rising hospitalization rates.
  15. He [Johnson] said while there wasn’t yet comprehensive data on how dangerous omicron is, rising hospitalization rates in South Africa, where the variant was first detected, suggested it has the potential to cause harm. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-business-lifestyle-health-boris-johnson-7164aeee5e2a098ad5cf813fcef388c6
  16. No, really, it was not at all about what you said. I wasn't the only person to complain about your lack of formatting. If you want people to read what you write just put a little more effort into making it readable.
  17. Being proud of one's country has zero relationship to its culture or lack of it. How do people with dual nationalities fit into your view of culture nationalism.
  18. not everybody, no. Not bashing you because of your views but it's too painful to try to read your posts.
  19. You are just stereotyping a population here. The Chinese people are not different to any other population. The political class in China also has an equivalent in every other country.
  20. Mixing Pfizer, AstraZ COVID-19 shots with Moderna gives better immune response https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/mixing-pfizer-astraz-covid-19-shots-with-moderna-gives-better-immune-response-uk-2021-12-06/ This report is particularly interesting to me because I originally had a first shot of AZ followed by a shot of Pfizer. I'm still waiting for a booster shot. From the article "The study also found that a first dose of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine followed by any of the other candidates in the study generated a particularly robust response"
  21. This is a great forum because it allows a wide range of views to be expressed which encourages interesting debate. However, the increasing prevalence of politically motivated members posting vaccine misinformation is making the forum toxic. It is becoming too time consuming and onerous to continually push back against this antisocial behaviour.
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