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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. False. Vaccines GREATLY reduce infections. Break through infections are RARE. This same lie keeps being repeated on this forum without there ever having been a single link pointing to evidence and despite there being widespread evidence to the contrary.
  2. And yet those who don't vaccinate either don't care if others die or are seriously misinformed. It has been said here many times by anti-vaxers that they themselves are healthy and not in danger so why take the vaccine. But they don't need to say it, medical experts are all in agreement that the vaccines greatly reduce the spread. I have no respect for people who won't vaccinate without good cause, in fact I revile them. It is for good reason that most vaccines are already mandatory for children.
  3. If she lives near the tropics, many of these spices will be available fresh, especially chilis and lemon grass.
  4. More sort of good news. The new Omicron variant has been detected in a vaccinated Minnesota resident with recent travel history to New York City, the Minnesota Department of Health said in a statement. Driving the news: The confirmed case involved a patient who developed mild symptoms on Nov. 22 and got a COVID-19 test on Nov. 24, per MDH. He is no longer experiencing symptoms. https://www.axios.com/local/twin-cities/2021/12/02/omicron-variant-detected-minnesota
  5. BERLIN — The German government and the leaders of the country’s 16 states on Thursday imposed a lockdown on people who are not vaccinated against coronavirus. https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-imposes-coronavirus-lockdown-for-the-unvaccinated/
  6. In one sentence you produce a classic non sequiter and in the next you claim you use common sense. One questionable letter in the Lancet hardly means the entire trove of research is not credible, does it? You must surely realize that it's a well regarded journal? However, what's in contention here is not a peer researched article so much as just a letter.
  7. India reported its first two cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant on Thursday but the government said it had no immediate plan to authorise booster vaccine shots despite demands from lawmakers in parliament. The health ministry said two male patients with the new COVID-19 variant, aged 66 and 46 years, were showing mild symptoms https://www.reuters.com/world/india/india-says-it-detects-two-cases-omicron-variant-2021-12-02/
  8. The point is that the researchers do have a clue from the structure of the virus about what it might do on paper. They obviously need to see what it does in the real world but so far the real world rates of infection have supported what they think is likely to be the case. If the research led you to believe that it was going to be way more contagious isn't the really, really responsible thing to do is to say so? On your last point I feel the same way.
  9. Ah, I got the wrong link, sorry. That was the link that referred specifically to household members in close proximity over time if I recall rightly.
  10. I am interested in reading this crucial data but so far have not seen anything definitive as yet. Do you have any links to share?
  11. Link please. This is just another conspiracy theory. Why do the antivaxers never provide links?
  12. Obviously the drug makers are making money. What is your point? Do you think the virus is being manipulated somehow to pump stock prices? Nothing could be more insane, frankly.
  13. What would you expect? If we have a pandemic the medical stocks will obviously rise. Is there a conspiracy here somewhere to pump their stock price?
  14. It is true that the vaccinated can harbor the virus but the incidence is very low. The decline of the nasal viral load is also greater among the vaccinated. The virus doesn't live long without a new host to infect. Mask wearing, social distancing and vaccines enormously reduce transmission of the virus.
  15. Undoubtedly the best way out of this is to appeal to people to stop with the politically motivated FUD and just get vaccinated, otherwise it will never end.
  16. Also be careful if you just happened to have maintained sufficient good health to have attained the age of 60 as the human immune system naturally declines significantly after this age. Anyone over the age of 60, regardless of their health status is vulnerable to severe illness or death from covid-19.
  17. The WHO is afraid of unnecessarily stigmatising a large portion of the Chinese population whose surname happens to be Xi which is a common surname. No conspiracy here. Can you please clarify that you have not read any of the many posts on this forum which explain this point...
  18. If you bothered to read the link I provided you would have a better understanding of what the far right has to do with this and their motives. Using disparaging words like "muppet" to characterise the people you don't agree with instead of a mature discussion of the message isn't helping your cause any.
  19. Any media outlets which contain expert medical opinion such as medical and scientific journals. Other general media outlets which have high levels of trust and w wide range of readership rather than those which cater to only a fringe political sector. Also media outlets which aren't heavily criticised by well regarded fact checkers. Another consideration would be media which is constrained by legislation mandating fair and balanced reporting.
  20. I sincerely hope they adopt that recommendation because appealing to common sense and civic responsibility isn't working. The far right prefer politics to public health. It is a fact that vaccine resistance is predominant among the far right. https://theconversation.com/white-supremacist-and-far-right-ideology-underpin-anti-vax-movements-172289
  21. Nations do decide how they wish to respond. The UN has an expert advisory body which makes recommendations based on data and advice collected from around the world. It would be irresponsible and illogical for them not to do so. A global problem requires a global response and that global response requires global cooperation, hence the existence of the WHO.
  22. Governments have an obvious and logical incentive to not impose burdensome restrictions on their populations. They are acting on expert medical advice. Stop with the conspiracy theories.
  23. The need to wear masks is not something which required data confirmation. The initial advice when the virus was in its early stages was, as has been stated, just down to a lack of supply and a need to prioritise them for front line health workers. Since then there has been no excuse. masks were known to reduce transmission a century ago during the Spanish Flu. The anti mask and anti vaccine sentiment now is not based on any science and the proponents should be silenced in the public interest. It's not a matter of free speech. The propaganda for political purposes comes overwhelmingly from the right who see pandemic response failure as key to re-election prospects due to disenchantment with the governments of the day. This is very reminiscent of the period between the world wars not peculiar just to the US. The comparison between conspiracy theories and propaganda is not coincidental and both are toxic to society now as it was then.
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