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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The defense knows it exists. They know what it shows. They would have "changed their story" if they had seen the better version of it earlier they said. The defense has not disputed that it shows Rittenhouse pointing his gun at the demonstrators.
  2. The video shows Rittenhouse pointing his gun at demonstrators. Presumably that triggered Rosenbaum who would have had good reason to believe he was about to be shot. Rosenbaum's history was clearly irrelevant to those first seconds.
  3. no, far from it. You gave a speculative story which not even the defense put forward and no evidence to substantiate it. The question is how did it all start? Answer, Rittenhouse pointed a gun at the demonstrators as shown in the video. I don't want to know about the third minute, I want to know about the first minute, or less.
  4. Rosenbaum had never attended a protest, and seemed caught up in this one almost by accident. He carried a clear plastic bag containing a deodorant stick, underwear and socks that the hospital had given him upon discharge following his suicide attempt. In the seconds before he was shot, Rosenbaum threw the plastic bag at Rittenhouse and chased him behind some parked cars. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/03/kenosha-shooting-victims/
  5. unsubstantiated speculation not even proposed by the defense that I'm aware of.
  6. Please provide a plausible explanation as to why Rosenbaum started chasing Rittenhouse, with evidence.
  7. That fails to explain why the first guy threatened Rittenhouse much less any evidence to that effect. Where is it?
  8. That fails to explain why the first guy threatened Rittenhouse much less any evidence to that effect. Where is it?
  9. Just maybe some white people support the BLM? It was a BLM protest march.
  10. No person has provided any rationale with evidence as to why he was singled out and chased other than as I have explained.
  11. the Daily Show host Trevor Noah replied: “No one drives to a city with guns because they love someone else’s business so much.” He continued: “They do it because they are hoping to shoot someone. That’s the only reason people like him join these gangs in the first place – yes, I said it, a gang – because this is not the battle of Yorktown, it’s a bunch of dudes threatening people with guns.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/28/vigilante-volunteer-terrorist-how-us-media-covers-kyle-rittenhouse
  12. Such a friendly person was set upon by a angry mob of killers for no apparent reason or provocation? Nobody believes that except apologists for domestic terrorists and fascist vigilantes.
  13. While the circumstances surrounding the video are controversial there is no doubt that it shows Rittenhouse pointing his rifle at the crowd as alleged by the prosecution. Whether fair or unfair, the truth is the truth.
  14. The video supplied by the FBI that the defense doesn't want the Jury to see. The defense has said they would have changed their story if this video evidence was available to them earlier, https://apnews.com/article/kyle-rittenhouse-wisconsin-shootings-kenosha-ac4ff9ba75f00884ce6cd5e5932d5543
  15. The evidence shows that Rittenhouse pointed his semi automatic rifle at a crowd of protesters. A very courageous hero, one of several attempted to disarm a probable mass shooter with only a skateboard and paid the ultimate price for his bravery. Given that there were a number of armed vigilantes there that day who were not attacked it is reasonable to assume that Rittenhouse was only attacked because he engaged in provocation. There is not other rational explanation. The young Proud Boy sought to make himself a hero in the same vein as Dylann Roof and in the eyes of some he succeeded.
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