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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Hilarious to the willfully ignorant I imagine. Maybe you should read the article I linked above and this one, among others. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/sea-level-rise-1
  2. So what's your wider point? That the "hysterics" are wrong? Deniers are fond of dealing on absolutism to "prove" that the wider picture is wrong. It's like coronavirus, if a vaccine doesn't stop all infections they claim it doesn't work to stop infections. It's exactly the same game plan. Surely you understand that Tuvalu is the exception and is not representative of the wider picture. Don't you?
  3. Correct address, occupants out to lunch. Anecdotal evidence that a single island went against the trend is disingenuous. You quoted Tuvalu to bash anyone who points out the truth that rising oceans are real and are a major problem. Tuvalu is often cited by the deniers to claim that sea level rises aren't happening or aren't a problem. That's the meme and you have subscribed to it.
  4. They ignored the rest of the Pacific, is that what you're suggesting? Stop clinging to memes.
  5. Cherry picking Tuvalu is lying by omission. If you know enough about sea level rise to know that Tuvalu is gaining in size you must also be aware that isn't the complete picture or even representative of the problem. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-19/fact-check-is-the-island-nation-tuvalu-growing/10627318
  6. This exact claim went unchallenged on the most popular political program in Australia just tonight. Anybody who isn't aware that the US is still the highest per capita major nation is living under a rock. Seriously, it's been widely known for many years. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-per-capita/
  7. It rained on Greenland glaciers for the first time. https://youmatter.world/en/rain-fell-on-greenland-sheet-for-the-first-time-on-record/ On your wider question, climate change deniers are an endangered species lately.
  8. I didn't move the goal posts. I offered a definition of globalism before you chimed in and made it about immigration. Your calls to xenophobia, use of insults and "leftie" epithets exposes you as an extremist.
  9. The topic is about globalism, not migration or other nationalities. Globalisation is a term which is used to describe an attitude toward global cooperation in solving global issues. If you believe that global cooperation is beneficial and necessary then you are a globalist. The term is unrelated to nationality, race or migration per se. You chose to make it about race and immigration. Others have confused it with living in a country other than their birth place.
  10. I knew they weren't intended to be accurate. As I said they displayed a mindset that was revealing. That's what I said and that's what I meant.
  11. Not only alt-right. Your attack on Muslims with use of unsubstantiated statistics pulled out of a dark place reveal something else in my opinion.
  12. Nationalists are the definition of anti-globalists. This is what an anti-globalist looks like. https://www.rawstory.com/michael-flynn-2655547552/
  13. It's not like Singapore is alone and the restrictions are only temporary until the virus is under control. One of the main considerations is reducing the spread of the vaccine before yet another variant or 10 shows up.
  14. Singapore is even more strict. Could you imagine people being able to roam freely without a smallpox vaccination if that virus was pandemic again? It's not stretch to understand what's going on here. They tried mass vaccinations but that has failed because of recalcitrance. Appealing to common sense and public responsibility isn't working so it's time for the stick. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-23/singapore-to-restrict-workplace-access-for-unvaccinated-people
  15. I think that given the low numbers of yet unvaccinated people they believe the cost of not doing it is greater. These issues have obviously been thought through.
  16. I never think about it. It's not important to me. Never taken an IQ test. But I do recognise dumb as doggy doo when I see it. I just described who fits that description.
  17. They're not that intelligent. They believe in conspiracy theories, the big lie, that global warming is not man made and that coronavirus is a hoax. There's no rational argument that these people are actually intelligent.
  18. The roots of Globalism originate after the second world war when most nations and their citizens realized they needed international cooperation to avoid another world war and the horrors that WW11 brought. Thus was born the United Nations which remained largely apolitical until a new generation of people were born and became adults without the memory of the second world war. Then there began to arise a resentment to international cooperation, internationalisation if you will and the dilution of parochialism and nationalism. This resentment aligned itself with the right wing of politics. Since then we have seen a steady rise of anti UN sentiment and talk of a "world government" which has allowed a renaissance of fascism and dictatorships, exactly the scenario which the UN sought to avoid. The UN has expanded its role to embrace alleviation of poverty, disease and boosting education in poor countries. This has further inflamed antagonism on the right wing who are essentially narcissistic by nature. The last few years has seen some events on a global scale which have inescapably required international cooperation and which the UN is distinctly well positioned to deal with. These are climate change and coronavirus. Much of the antagonistic sentiment against efforts to tackle these issues has been driven by anti-globalists and ultra right nationalists who resent the international cooperation needed. The most obvious manifestation of this sentiment is the often outright denial of even the existence of either or the efforts to downplay their seriousness.
  19. The danger is termites making a mud trail up the column and over the cap. This is unlikely. I would not bother with the poison. Chlorpyrifos in surface formula is intended only for under concrete slabs. The other won't last long enough to be of any use. Just give some kid 20 baht every 3 to 6 months to go check and photograph the columns for you.
  20. don't worry about it then. Try to keep the clay under the house dry, termites love mud. Check for the telltale mud trails regularly and just clean them away. Sump oil poured into a moat around the post will help a lot but only bother if the termites are a problem. I would leave a doorway into the under space. Don't store any wood under the house.
  21. The posts should have been treated with creosote. I would dig around each post one by one with a jack to support the floor beam and pour a concrete collar around and under each post. Check for termite mud runs over the concrete every few months as needed. The termites are coptotermes which need to live in the ground and build mud trails to maintain moisture.
  22. It shows a moderate to high ecotoxicity to most species. The article also claims to have low persistence which makes it useless against termites. Chlorpyrifos has high persistence.
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