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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Either product is highly dangerous. Chlorpyrifos is approved in my state in Australia only for under slab treatment. One of my friends used top spray a different formula of the stuff on mango trees. Snakes would fall out of the trees. The other stuff appears to be even more dangerous. Certainly, for exposed ground under a house you are asking for trouble. Are the house stumps wood or concrete? How high are they?
  2. The European Union banned use of carbosulfan in 2007
  3. If it's chlorpyrifos, stay the hell away from it. It most likely is if it's an under slab treatment.
  4. The advice that people should do more for their own health is not novel nor specific to covid. It is irrelevant as an argument here. It is widely acknowledged that many of those who have comorbidities are more likely to die from covid. It appears that your intention seems to be to either reclassify the death as not covid or to downplay the role that covid had in the death. What is not reasonable is to report every chronic ailment a person had as a cause of death when clearly the person died prematurely as a result of covid. The points I am making here are self evident and in my opinion rational. They are supported by the common convention of classifying death from covid as caused by covid. There is no benefit to do otherwise and it is counterproductive, Your motive appears to be to attempt to convince folks that the death toll from covid is lower or should be qualified. You are wrong.
  5. Some of the countries with the harshest lock downs have done very well economically. Working at home with broadband internet has benefited employees and companies alike. It is wrong to suggest that economies would thrive despite covid if only they opened up. People will simply not engage in normal activities during a pandemic. Likewise, if a pandemic is running rampant through schools, parents simply won't send their kids to school and teachers won't teach.
  6. Among previously infected Kentucky residents, those who were not vaccinated were more than twice as likely to be reinfected compared with those with full vaccination. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm
  7. Not meant in any way to be a criticism but these posts are flogging a dead horse. None of this information is in any way not perfectly well understood by those posting the false interpretations of the data. It is deliberate. If any person is sufficiently motivated to opine on the subject and provide references then they truly must understand the clear conclusions presented in those articles. They are all posts made in bad faith and for political purposes. You will note that some of them at least claim to be not opposed to vaccinations and are even vaccinated themselves which begs the question of why they wish to cast doubt on the efficacy of the vaccinations. As I have said the motive is purely political and ill intentioned. edit: Patiently explaining the facts to these people is just wasting your time, they need to be called out on their motivations, not their comprehension skills.
  8. They know. It's wilful ignorance. This type of misinformation is politically motivated. In many cases the poster is themselves vaccinated but they spread misinformation in an attempt to convince people not to get vaccinated. They don't care how much human suffering they cause, they just want the current administration to fail so as not to contrast how badly the previous administration failed. The proof is in the absence of any widespread push back against vaccines in the past and the correlation between political leanings and attitudes to the virus in general. It is totally reprehensible.
  9. Do you know the difference between a death toll and a death rate? The most fundamental knowledge of statistics will tell you that the rate is not higher as you claim.
  10. Again, you are irresponsibly suggesting that they don't work to eliminate the virus. You have no basis for that claim. The vaccine may well be effective enough to eliminate the virus given enough vaccinations. You are unable and unwilling to substantiate your claim that they won't and that is misinformation.
  11. This claim unsubstantiated speculation designed to convey vaccine reluctance. There is no basis for you to suggest that covid-19 will become any less dangerous than it is now.
  12. still no facts or reference so I'll use my prerogative to call BS on your numbers.
  13. If something mostly works, it works. If it doesn't work a tiny fraction of the time it's disingenuous to claim it doesn't work and everything else is weasel words. The FACTS are that vaccines do a LOT to reduce infection and transmission and human suffering will be greatly prolonged by those who seek to cast doubt about the vaccine efficacy.
  14. Requiring a vaccine certificate is neither a threat nor a penalty. It is a reward. mRNA is not going away and Sinovac is an "old fashioned" vaccine.
  15. A hard lockdown would be ideal but isn't practical. What is more likely is greater enforcement of vaccination status to permit social engagement. Denmark Revisits Its 'Corona Pass' as Third Wave of Epidemic Looms https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2021-11-08/denmark-to-reinstate-corona-passport-after-rise-in-infections-tv-2
  16. COVID-19 pills are coming, but no substitute for vaccines, disease experts say ...doctors warn vaccine hesitant people not to confuse the benefit of the treatments with prevention afforded by vaccines. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/covid-19-pills-are-coming-no-substitute-vaccines-disease-experts-say-2021-11-08/
  17. That cost is already factored in to the taxes as it is not a black swan event.
  18. Why? They likely didn't get a tax increase to cover the additional cost of treating covid cases since early 2020.
  19. That likely means that FOMO is starting. That's the lead up to a dump. The fear and greed index is also at extreme greed right now.
  20. Let's say you owned the Mona Lisa and you made exactly one NFT image of it and that image would remain the only one in existence. Would that be worth anything? Or maybe a unique NFT of a Babe Ruth baseball card? And lets say you could trade that card in a game for something worthwhile in that game, like a special weapon. Would that be worth anything? Anything at all? And lets say that NFT was made using the Solana blockchain. Would that make the Solana coin worth anything? Or maybe you wanted to borrow some crypto instead of taking out a loan from the bank, would that make the underlying coin worth anything?
  21. Your aim has always been to downplay the virus, simple as that. Most people disagree with you.
  22. Whether or not you personally get vaccinated is of no interest to anyone here. What does concern other people is if you spread misinformation or otherwise attempt to convince people that they shouldn't get the vaccination. Only a doctor might advise them against it. Anybody here who spreads FUD deserves to be reported.
  23. Because misinformation is simply not allowed here whether or not you think it should stand and merely be rebutted. Misinformation is lies, it doesn't get equal time with the truth.
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