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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That's irrelevant and a number of people here have done the same thing. They get vaccinated simply because they can't go to Thailand without it but that doesn't stop them from hypocritically pushing their agenda. Thankfully that should have stopped by now.
  2. Finally, we should be rid of this scourge and can get that part of our lives back which has been spent protecting ourselves and others from the rampant, agenda driven misinformation. Thank you moderators.
  3. Except that it's the politicians and the feeble minded who have been saying that the virus is a hoax and that vaccines don't work. It has NEVER been the experts. Cut out the false equivalence.
  4. I think it's both. Why else do we keep seeing this rubbish repeated time and again when they should know better. There is clearly an agenda behind it otherwise they wouldn't do it.
  5. That's complete rubbish. All vaccines have always been a 2 way street. This is a very simple concept that has been explained to the deniers over and over again but the wilful ignorance prevents them from understanding it. You have revealed your motivation here which is to dissuade people from getting the vaccine. This is dangerous misinformation which is killing people.
  6. stop lying. what you are suggesting is akin to seat belts don't save lives because people still get killed wearing them. That's the lie by omission.
  7. It does not say that. It says that vaccines reduce the likelihood of infections but only in the case of breakthrough infections (uncommon) are infected people as able to transmit the virus as unvaccinated people. The conclusion is that vaccinated people are less likely to get infected in the first place and therefore less likely to transmit the virus.
  8. Do you believe that the level of anti vax zealotry in the Netherlands is anywhere like that in the US and to some extent in other English speaking countries which have a similar media scourge?
  9. Your side of the debate is consistently refusing to provide rational debate and scientific evidence to support their opinions. The other side almost invariably links to evidence to support theirs.
  10. Studying correlations in demographics provides the answer to this question quite clearly. It is overwhelmingly associated with partisan politics and certain sectors of the media. This level of zealotry can't be born of pure curiosity.
  11. Indeed, even the young are bemoaning the compartmentalisation of people into echo chambers of confirmation bias on social media. Nowhere more evident than on facebook, instagram and tik tok whose algorithms target users with more content which aligns with their views than challenge them give neutral viewpoints. This was being discussed on Australia's triple J radio station last night.
  12. Some scientists are definitely on the take. It has been proven that some scientists were paid to provide pseudoscience from the tobacco industry and the coal industry. One had to sue Peabody coal for unpaid bills, Your point still stands though, there is no mass conspiracy among scientists to provide false research while simultaneously keeping quiet about it. The anti vaxers simply spread wacky conspiracies because they don't have real scientific evidence.
  13. If that's the case why are so many people continuing to repeat lies here that have been debunked or disproved many times over? Are they living in a cave and not seeing the evidence? That's where the harm is coming from. Not an attack against you but the many zealots here who continue to wish death upon the world.
  14. Neither of those camps are his target. The many, many people who genuinely don't know are. Just sayin'
  15. I don't know about intelligence but there's an easily provable correlation between education and politics. Academic institutions are overwhelmingly liberal. I guess it isn't hard to take that one step further and correlate between education and intelligence. The rejection of science by the far right speaks volumes as well.
  16. Yes there is, when you refuse or are unable to post evidence to back up your assertions then there is a lot of denying this. People who can't substantiate their claims are rarely telling the truth, it's as simple as that.
  17. It's dead simple. It isn't about religion per se but politics. Religions (south of the Mason Dixon line mainly) align with politics very closely so the distinction gets blurred. You may notice that a lot of anti vaxers actually get the shots because life is too difficult / inconvenient if they don't. So, it's not an act of faith. Hypocritically, they get the vaccine but then expend huge amounts of time and energy trying to make the case why others shouldn't. Their stock in trade includes themes like constantly lying about the vaccines being experimental (FUD), the virus isn't all that dangerous anyway, overplaying the side effects of the vaccines, falsely claiming that the vaccines don't stop infection and transmission, whining about loss of personal freedoms, pretending that vaccines have never been mandatory, denying science and empirical evidence and a host of other deceptions. The chief antagonists are almost always American and the grand scheme behind all of this is not about the virus at all so much a belief that the vaccine isn't deadly (the outright hoax meme had to be dropped just like climate change was a hoax and that has been dropped now) so much as a need to take a wrecking ball to everything in order to prove that the current guy is worse than the previous guy, whether it's the economy, defaulting on foreign debt, wanting the pandemic response to fail, failing to pass an infrastructure bill and so on. This is a huge hurdle to leap and so nothing is off the table. They don't care what the cost of human suffering is because that's the measure of failure. This is the only way to get the previous guy back in office. The more wacky the story is the better because insanity is difficult to reason with using rational arguments. Do you get it now?
  18. She should have resigned which is the generally accepted thing to do if an official disagrees with the president and can't resolve the disagreement. By failing to resign she sent a message that she did not disagree with what he said. Everyone else including Fauci should have resigned for the same reason. Fauci would then have been free to voice his opposition. These people are all cowards.
  19. You're one of them. The clear and definitive scientific evidence is that vaccines work very well to reduce transmission and infection. You have no excuse to not be aware of that and claiming otherwise here is irresponsible at best.
  20. False. Vaccines are very effective at reducing infection and transmission. This is easily checked and as such your post is misinformation.
  21. https://www.rawstory.com/birx-tells-investigators-up-to-40-percent-fewer-americans-would-have-died-if-trump-had-supported-basic-protocols/
  22. From another thread 1. Brand name Maforan = manufacturer is Sriprasit and Distributor is SPS MEDICAL CO LTD Mailing Address 617 Charoenrath Rd, Klongsan Bangkok 10600 Contact Information Tel: (+66) 2437 0343 -5, (+66) 2862 0180 -2 Fax: (+66) 2438 8060 Email: [email protected] 2. Brand name Morfarin = manufacturer/distributor is CHAROON BHESAJ LTD Mailing Address 776/2-4 Ratchadapisek Rd., Daokanong, Thonburi, Bangkok 10600 Contact Information Tel: (+66) 2477 3000 Fax: (+66) 2477 3001 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.crb.co.th 3. Brand name Orfarin = manufacturer is Orion Distributor is HARN THAI PHARMA (2508) CO LTD Mailing Address 2121 New Petchburi Rd Bangkapi, Huaykwang District Bangkok 10310 Contact Information Tel: (+66) 2718 0700 -2 Fax: (+66) 2319 8082 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.harnthai.com
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