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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. There's no shortage of people who are infected but asymptomatic and likewise pass it on. This is why the virus spreads so fast. Most people are asymptomatic or fail to report very mild symptoms because they don't want to quarantine themselves. The vaccine reduces transmission of the virus and is not the main vector fro the spread of the virus. Certainly, vaccinated people are MUCH less likely to spread the virus than unvaccinated people.
  2. They need to commit a fairly egregious breach to warrant criticism really. Could you imagine this happening at Fox? https://money.cnn.com/2017/06/26/media/cnn-announcement-retracted-article/index.html
  3. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has announced that it will recognise the Sinovac and Covishield vaccines. That doesn't mean you'll be able to access those vaccines in Australia, but people overseas who've received those formulas will qualify as fully vaccinated. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-01/international-travel-australia-border-scott-morrison-changes/100507722
  4. Much stronger anti vax sentiment in the US than in Thailand and less willingness to wear masks. Thais, like all Asians, place a high value on social conformity and respect for others and are far more willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good than many westerners who bleat about "loss of personal freedoms".
  5. Sadly, it seems that there are enough non thinking people that it's highly profitable to lie and make up stories. Fox suffered a ratings drop after being to first in announcing that Trump lost Arizona. Since then, they have learned their lesson and gone full wingnut again in order to restore their ratings. The strategy appears to be working.
  6. tbh, I don't watch TV much at all these days. I used to watch them in Thailand on cable but not here in Australia. I do watch some Al Jazeera when I visit a friend for coffee. I find I have to fight back the urge to throw bricks at the TV when Fox is on. I am anticipating interesting times when the Dominion suit against Fox gets settled or heard. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/01/11/fake-news-victims-turn-to-lawsuits-threats-shut-down-lies-column/6595538002/ https://theconversation.com/misinformation-spewing-cable-companies-come-under-scrutiny-153704 https://theconversation.com/is-sky-news-shifting-australian-politics-to-the-right-not-yet-but-there-is-cause-for-alarm-155356
  7. Sky News is a Murdoch outlet just like Fox with a reputation for integrity that matches Fox ..
  8. Sure, your statement points out the need for critical thinking, DOYR (do your own research) and fact checking. What I find very disappointing on this forum are the repeated claims about coronavirus and vaccines which are flat out lies and those who spread those lies don't do even the slightest amount of fact checking or deliberately ignore the truth because of an intention to lie and misrepresent.
  9. I don't think it's insidious. They openly amplify stories which attack the right. The stories are not false as a rule, just cherry picked. They get plenty of fodder without having to resort to outright lying. CNN and MSNBC are not on the level of impartiality as BBC or ABC (Aust) which are mandated by law to be impartial. The best news channel by far is Al Jazeera in my opinion. They are also biased but in my opinion are largely factual.
  10. Neither CNN nor MSNBC credibly claim to be impartial. Neither deliberately lies in the process. Fox lies, distorts and omits on an industrial scale by comparison. They understand that generating and fostering outrage is a strong profit motive. Therein lies the difference. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/11/business/media/vaccines-fox-news-hosts.html https://edition.cnn.com/videos/media/2021/09/18/fox-news-coronavirus-vaccine-janurary-6-riot-holdon-sot-nr-vpx.cnn https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/07/fox-news-story-covid-vaccines https://www.vox.com/22585354/hannity-fox-news-covid-19-coverage
  11. Stop lying. https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/mounting-evidence-suggests-covid-vaccines-do-reduc
  12. There are many mango varieties of mango available in Thailand. The supermarket in Central Festival Mall carried at least a dozen or so last time I went there. The typical ripe mango is a different variety to the green mangos commonly eaten in Thailand. The largest variety of mango is R2E2 and is also available in Thailand although I consider it not to be the best eating variety.
  13. All of the coronavirus vaccines are very effective at reducing both infection and transmission. The chances of getting coronavirus after vaccinated is greatly reduced. A simple google search for something like "coronavirus vaccines reduces infection how much" would yield clear and convincing evidence that vaccines are effective at reducing virus infection and transmission. Clearly you have not bothered to even check your information to the slightest extent. A reasonable person can only conclude that you are deliberately seeking to ignore the readily available facts and spread misinformation. https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/mounting-evidence-suggests-covid-vaccines-do-reduc
  14. Because the vaccine reduces infection and transmission. Are you unaware of that fact?
  15. Since the overwhelming majority actually want to be vaccinated the few anti vaxxers who won't go there aren't going to change anything. Their refusal to go will only make the place safer.
  16. The scaremongers are not saying anything of the kind. It's selfish not care what goes into other peoples bodies. That's why vaccines are becoming mandatory. If it was only about self nobody would care.
  17. It says a lot about those who think he is telling the truth.
  18. Do you have evidence or is this misinformation and baseless speculation?
  19. Many Brazilians used to spend about $30 a head on what they called the "kit COVID." It was a mix of vitamins and other pills that President Jair Bolsonaro touted as early treatments for COVID-19, well before vaccines became widely available to prevent and minimize coronavirus infections. The ivermectin strategy was once so popular in Brazil that entire towns tried it out. (Ivermectin is cheap and available in pharmacies across the country.) https://news.yahoo.com/brazils-tragic-ivermectin-frenzy-warning-090000208.html
  20. Fox went all in to claim Maddow was "lying" but the doctor has not retracted his comments and is not employed by the hospital which pushed back on his comments. The Fox motive was to discredit any notion that ivermectin is dangerous or has contributed to ICU pressure. Both are true. It was also a fact that a patient had to be diverted to another hospital far away. I think it is also fair to say that Fox generally have gone all in to discredit vaccinations and play down the coronavirus epidemic for political reasons. That is what I meant by lying "as usual". They may have been justified in pushing back against overreach by Maddow but they are the worst offenders in the wider picture. By far.
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