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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You forgot to read or quote this excerpt from the article. "These findings suggest that administering a booster dose at around 6 to 7 months following the initial immunization will likely enhance protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants."
  2. Atlantis is engaging on a deliberate path of obfuscation, innuendo and unintelligible posts without any substantiation of claims to discredit posters here while avoiding fact checking and sanctions from admins here.
  3. Not really, hypocracy isn't an unusual trait. Your posts are incoherent and impossible to understand.
  4. I had no such intention. My intention was to point out that dual pricing was the norm in most countries so Mr Buse had no case. Whether it's harder or not to get residency in Thailand than Australia is a different matter altogether.
  5. In Australia, citizens get hospital and most medical care free, everyone else pays. Is that not dual pricing based on nationality?
  6. COVID-19 patients 'begging' for vaccines before being put on life support, Melbourne nurses say Michelle Spence, the ICU nurse unit manager at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, was visibly emotional as she detailed otherwise fit and healthy people deteriorating after contracting COVID-19. "One of the saddest things I've seen over the last few weeks is people wanting the vaccination just before we put them on a life support machine," she said. "That is the absolute truth. I've seen it myself. They're begging for the vaccination. "They're very young. And once we get to that, we're about to put them on life support, it is really too late." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-03/covid-patients-begging-for-vaccines-victorian-nurse-says/100510672
  7. Lies, the mRNA tech has been tested for at least 10 years,
  8. I think that's only practicable if you are American because of the visa issues?
  9. The confluence between religion, politics and coronavirus misinformation is more than incidental. Furthermore, within this political nexus is a narrower geopolitical influence. The misinformation is far more likely to come from the US red states than anywhere else on the planet. Other hot spots are those countries where the Murdoch press has influence. These outlets see that extremist niche marketing of conspiracy theories and misinformation to a particular segment of society has a strong profit motive. All the more because many platforms are now denying them a voice. https://slate.com/technology/2021/09/youtube-antivax-covid-19-facebook-twitter.html
  10. Polio is a blip on the radar in terms of total worldwide deaths compared to coronavirus. I'm amazed you aren't aware of this. Here is some reading about polio and coronavirus. https://theconversation.com/the-deadly-polio-epidemic-and-why-it-matters-for-coronavirus-133976
  11. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-09-29/san-diego-unified-to-recommend-mandated-vaccines-for-staff-eligible-students
  12. I find the confluence of political affiliation, religion and anti vaccine zealotry to be disturbing. You say that the polio vaccine has a long history and has been proven safe. Indeed it has... now. Would you have refused the vaccine when it first became available because it was not proven? Not many would and the reason is that it was not politicized.
  13. It helps to read to the end. From your linked report. In the report, the measure researchers used to assess how much virus an infected person is carrying does not indicate whether they are actually transmitting the virus to other people, said Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan.
  14. Thailand, like every other country is doing its utmost to encourage people to get vaccinated and mandates are becoming commonplace for health workers, teachers, airline staff and many others. Requiring tourists to get vaccinated is comparatively low hanging fruit. The chances of them not requiring vaccination for intl. arrivals is near zero imo.
  15. The existing remittance agents will themselves adapt to using crypto with lower fees and stay in the game.
  16. Where would you recommend we get financial news then?
  17. Can you substantiate that? I can point to many, many credible articles which suggest that the chances of infection and transmission are significantly reduced. Further, I know that you have had the opportunity to read them and yet you still make no attempt to substantiate what would seem to be false claims. https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/mounting-evidence-suggests-covid-vaccines-do-reduc https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/fully-vaccinated-people.html https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2021-09-24/covid-vaccines-do-they-change-risk-of-infection/100484432
  18. The reason they want this data is straight forward and has nothing to do with any big brother conspiracy theories. Facebook et al make money by offering advertisers a targeted audience. Things like location, age, sex, etc are very obvious. Less obvious are your habits, things you like, your friends and what they like, your politics and so on. It simply saves advertisers money by not having to waste it on a scatter gun approach. They are unlikely to sell this data because apart from being sued, it would destroy their business model. Anyway, if you want to use their platforms you have to agree that they collect it. Secondly, don't overestimate AI. It is moving much slower than most people think. Many of the functions like facial aging, etc are not AI at all but are traditional algorithmic programming. Customer service systems are not AI. They are simply programmed PBX systems, the largest of which is Asterisk. These simply have text to voice systems like Polly and pre-designed menu systems designed to reduce the load on real people. How do you tell the difference between a conspiracy theory and a real conspiracy? A real conspiracy: a. Happens over a short period of time. b. Involves very few people c. Is a well kept secret. A conspiracy theory: a. Happens over a long period of time b. Involves lots of people who would all, implausibly, have to keep silent in order to protect it. c. Is widely known about and splashed all over social media.
  19. It also means their motives are 100% political and they have no credibility as a result. They ridicule Fauci but never offer any reasons for doing so. Fauci's crime was to resist Trump, it's that simple.
  20. I had AZ followed by Pfizer in Australia. It wasn't official policy but my doctor pushed the point so the govt relented. As at last week the oz govt started issuing digital vaccination certificates for mixed vaccines.
  21. That's a common theme among politically motivated anti vaxers, climate change deniers, etc. They like to engage in character assassination as opposed to addressing what they said.
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