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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The "equal time" and equal deference demand for conspiracy theories and other wack job ideologies has its roots dating back to 1968 when creationists demanded that creation theory be given equal time in schools alongside evolutionary theory. This was eventually struck down by the courts as unconstitutional. What we have today is a renaissance of culture wars as embodied by "cancel culture" and push back against attempts to correct history (example, removal of confederate statues and symbols) and the advancement of racism disguised as critical race theory. Much of it is driven by the ascending and ever more militant evangelical right who see their influence diminishing.
  2. No, it's because conservative politicians and people who don't care about the environment won't protect it.
  3. "science" has never been the problem. "science" was telling us in the 60's that both land clearing and fossil fuels were problems. It's unbelievable how the dark ages is having a renaissance in the 21'st century.
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