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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. "James Webb telescope finds oldest galaxy in the universe" https://www.indiatoday.in/science/story/james-webb-telescope-finds-oldest-galaxy-in-the-universe-1979742-2022-07-25
  2. I'm worried about that also. My wife mentioned they'll mail it to me in a month or two. I know when I had my first booster they did it on the spot. (One hour wait). And stamped my paper "yellow vaccine book" also.
  3. What a money pit for the peoples tax dollars.
  4. They just want it under their sole control, like most monopolies in Thailand. Just have one or two families reap the benefits and Billions of baht. Such hypocrites!
  5. Just a misunderstanding. It was just the moon.
  6. This is getting so old. It's time to move on. There so much more that's going on. Tit for tat between the two parties sucks. They both s**k.
  7. TRUE: Super Khum 5G Heres my plan. 5G plenty of talk time. 2.50 baht a text. Just use LINE app its free.
  8. Recommended booster is 4 months. "CDC recommends a 2nd booster of either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least 4 months after the 1st booster for. " https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/booster-shot.html Get it now. Who knows what they'll have available in August.
  9. That would be nice. Chinese lenders are ruthless. Lao is going to have trouble paying thier loans. Still cheaper than the Thai's doing it themselves. It Never get done.
  10. Not without cash or credit. You don't just buy stuff with the promise to pay later or you'll end up "Sri Lanka" .
  11. The guy didn't use a credit card. He said he'd pay later. ... And didn't. Read the article.
  12. "28 TinyZone Alternatives To Watch Movies And TV Shows Online" https://www.techolac.com/entertainment/tinyzone/?amp
  13. "How to Get an International Driver’s License in Thailand" https://www.expatden.com/thailand/international-drivers-license-thailand/
  14. Very popular excuse in Thailand. Best to never except that deal. They'll be return customers with no cash more times than naught.
  15. .... Or a car show with a loads of "pretties".
  16. Or just stream there music at home with friends. I never saw the enjoyment of seeing concert's in packed arena's. To each his own.
  17. What kid does. Huge drama for our kids. Funny enough. I got a Pfizer booster #4 yesterday in the village we live in. Only person there with 5 nurses just waiting around for people. A lot of hesitant elderly people that probably will regret it later.
  18. You used to be able to get all or any certificates around Khao San Road.
  19. Wait until the neighbors have pot farms.
  20. Gas prices are definitely going to lower domestic tourism.
  21. ??? Storms don't cause flu. Don't be Karen. Get your booster.
  22. Sorry to hear about your daughters struggle. Hard on the parents for sure also. Our daughter 8 had one childs Pfeizer vaccine then got COVID. Bad fever and cough. Finally got her second vaccine two months ago. Theres a lot of reluctance to get a boosters here in my parts of Issan, Unfortunately. I'm in Sakon Nakhon near the border of Beung Khan.
  23. She's alive and didn't need a respirator or a hospital stay. Looks like it worked for everyone. Good!
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