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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Not really much choice for two indelibly corrupt countries who depend on each other.
  2. They cancel very often and there is literally no customer service. I've had much better luck with Thai Smile. I'll only fly them in a last resort. With all the add ONS its no cheaper than the competition.
  3. IMO I just think its friends who drank too much and <deleted>*d up. It's like drinking and driving. Don't drink and get on a tiny boat in the dark with NO running lights when huge barges are running at night creating big waves as they pass. A regular HiSo would know this. I don't see why so many people think it's a conspiracy? Many people die in that dangerous and turbulent river everyear. But of course your welcome to your opinions. Any inklings on what may have happened?
  4. The older generation vaccines should be donated before they expire. Emphasis should be aquiring second generation vaccines. Despite the constant misteps on the vaccine front they still haven't learned anything.
  5. Drinking and partying on a small boat with no running light at night on the notoriously dangerous Chao phraya river. . Bad decisions for everyone on board. murder? Stupid, yes. *RafPinto, sorry didn't mean to quote you. Couldn't delete it.
  6. But Hotels have still tripled prices showing many they still can't grasp "supply and demand" business practices.
  7. I went to get my ticket canceled and I got a parking ticket. It would been easier just to have paid it.
  8. Because it's a Thai regulation and currently required for entry.
  9. You always run the risk the problem of an empty pool rising up, and cracking. "Water acts as a stabiliser that weighs the pool down when it's in the ground, so when you take that water out, it could 'pop' out of the ground or cause the walls to cave in," https://swimart.com.au/2017/06/27/happens-empty-swimming-pool-avoid/ I did it to retile our pool in the dry season. No problems. If its not to large fill it with some dirt being careful to have Pipes sealed and marked.
  10. Sorry to see that. So unnecessary. I've had some terrible builds also. It costs a lot many times because it has to be torn out ans redone. Many times the problem is because family gets involved with construction. Good luck. It'll work out eventually.
  11. RIP Lets move on. War in Europe Pandemic Civil war in Myanmar Corruption There's so much more than an actress having a very bad day while partying with friends.
  12. Have a choice of airlines to compete with the ridiculously high air fares of Bangkok Airways. The place will be packed. Stop monopolies in Thailand for God sake!
  13. "How can official government Covid numbers be accurate?" There not.
  14. ....Is going up May 1st. https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/economy/thailands-diesel-price-expected-to-spike-starting-may-1 Once diesel prices go up so do shipping costs. My wife says, "In Thailand, prices go up but never come down".
  15. Disable tracking and location. https://www.theverge.com/21401280/android-101-location-tracking-history-stop-how-to
  16. What do you do when you need to book a hotel,call a friend,get an SMS? Traveling without a phone seems difficult in this day and age. But if you're paranoid about secret agents tailing your every move then I guess its your choice. I guess just rent a place that has a pay phone downstairs.
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