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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Excuse me. but Why ? Obviously because the severity of his injuries will affect the charges against the driver.
  2. Why do you imagine that to be the case; what sort of "rough time" do you have in mind?
  3. Nothing new, but what was announced two days ago was that he has reduced the number of days VE.
  4. Maybe that's why they have reduced the permission to stay period by 1/3?
  5. But i thought the Dibble got half the fine anyway so the theory you mention is moot. The illegal practice that he mentions is not moot, it is well known as happening. I believe that you're referring to the official 50% split of the collected fines between the RTP and the BMA but the RTP's 50% goes to the police station or area, not to the individual officer who wrote the ticket.
  6. so Lou. He can allow someone on Ko Panghan to sell ecstasy pills legally?? Really! That is not what I posted in my response to BestB who made no reference to the sale of "ecstacy pills on Koh Panghan", that was a context that you introduced. According to the Act, from which I quoted directly, what are considered illegal narcotics in certain social circumstances can be licenced for import as many of those narcotics are used for perfectly legal purposes.
  7. are not you resourceful What? Was that a question or an accusation? What "resourcefulness" are you going on about?
  8. You forgot to add 'sarcasm alert' No, I did not forget anything.
  9. I don't think that you realise what you admitted to being in that bit of awful French (and English)! "Je" or "Le"? Tighten yourself up.
  10. Where dies one apply for a license and permission to sell illegal drugs ? The Minister of Public Health by the recommendation of the Narcotics Commission. He has the powers to permit any person to produce, import, export, distribute or have in possession narcotic drugs in schedule I or schedule IV...
  11. I'm guessing you've never watched these outlets....just spewing the talking points 1) I have watched them, frequently. 2) What "talking points" are you claiming that I have "spewed"?
  12. (D)eny (O)bfuscate 2/5 - you can do better than that. As could you...what are the daft brackets supposed to indicate? What did I "(d)eny" or "(o)bfuscate" [sic], exactly?
  13. Jesse Waters, the empty vessel trying to fill the vacuum on Fox The empty vessel? There are so many posters here (consistently) making so much noise about Fox and its presenters; what is it that is said about "empty vessels" and "most noise" or does that adage only apply to the enemy?
  14. What is more interesting than the bizarre OP is that so many Fox News haters (and chronically lame mockers of others who watch it) are now outing themselves by admitting to watching it. Either that or, by definition, they're just expressing ignorant, unfounded and unjustifiable opinions without ever watching the channel! I wonder if any of them will admit from which cable news channels, that are apparently so much better, they get their news?
  15. I watch CNN regularly and the only false info there is from the Democrat pundits who spin their nonsense anywhere that they can.
  16. They clone them at the same lab that clones so many AN posters.
  17. "...the latest star is Walters". Who? Barbara? Thought she was dead.
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