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Posts posted by Nickelbeer

  1. 51 minutes ago, blazes said:

    Assuming this racist proposal is not rescinded, those of us expats who have Thai wives or girlfriends can simply ask the missis to make the bookings....

    I have had my girlfriend pay for a room up front and was never asked for passport or any information. She did all the paperwork and the person at the desk was unconcerned that I was accompanying her. Previously, I had stayed with her at her room in Bangkok and she flat out refused any contact with Immigration. Told me it was none of anyone’s business who was staying with her. Rather surprised at the contempt Thais often show for Immigration law.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, pacovl46 said:
    How I love those “religious statements“. First of all, you fail to realize that your beloved religious text wasn’t written by god, but by numerous people over the course of a thousand years who wrote into it whatever suited their needs at the time or what they felt was morally right or wrong. Second of all, you fail to realize that it was written to pacify and control the masses, so again they wrote into it whatever suited their needs. 
    To all the religious zealots out there who are against gay marriage, ask yourself two questions:
    1. Do you really believe in God? If the answer is yes, then you must also believe that god is the creator of all life.
    2. Did you at any point make the conscious decision to be into males instead of females or both, if you're female or vice versa if you're male?
    If you answer truthfully the answer will be no because people do not choose their sexual orientation.
    So, if god is the creator of all life and people do not choose their sexual orientation, there’s only one logical conclusion to be drawn from that - god gives everyone their sexual orientation. So why would he have a problem with someone because they’re gay when it’s clearly god's doing that they are?!
    It doesn’t add up, especially when you take into consideration that god is supposedly all about love and religion about being a good, honorable, honest and nice person.
    Discriminating someone for whatever reason is the exact opposite of being a good Christian, Moslem, etc. Also, I seriously doubt that a god powerful enough to create an entire universe would concern himself with something as trivial as human sexual orientation!
    As far as the abomination part goes, homosexuality is a perfectly normal variation of human sexual orientation. It’s also perfectly natural since mankind is a part of nature and therefore everything we do is by definition natural!

    You make the mistake of trying to talk LOGIC with ILLOGICAL people. If they were smart……they wouldn’t be Muslims or Christians or Hindus.  I prefer to let them blather on and show off their ignorance. ????

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, 0james0 said:

    The above statement mostly applies to those who till through hookers and begging women at the bars and dating apps.


    As for the typical Thai friends I know, they are hard working and accountable.


    so I suppose it depends on what type of bubble one lives in.


    Came here six years ago, determined to avoid the bars and the hookers. I have had relationships with three women with jobs completely unrelated to bars and prostitution. Sadly, I have noticed that very many Thai women differ very little from bargirls in their mercenary approach to relationships. I am not having a relationship with your family and they need to look after their own affairs. I resent being the “family ATM”. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 18 hours ago, jvs said:

    Have you not been reading the news?

    No one is getting arrested for possession anymore,it is being sold openly

    in shops and online.You can grow it yourself.

    But if it gives you an excuse to go to Cambodia all i can say is ,have a good time there!


    Indeed. I HAVE been reading the news. I simply do not trust the RTP to give up such a lucrative "revenue enhancement source” without a fight or considerable beating around the bush. Glad that they’re releasing potsmokers from prison and creating room for REAL criminals. I’ve seen too much in my six years here and I trust them about as far as I can THROW them. I will err on the side of caution.

  5. Same thing I’ve always done. If I get the urge to use ganja, I will go to Cambodia. I can’t really trust Thailand because of its history of ignoring laws until they are “seasoned”.  Easy to order a “Happy Pizza”.  I seriously doubt that this delicacy will ever be offered in Thailand. It should take the RTP about two or three years before they stop arresting people for mere posession.

  6. 2 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    The sarcasm was not realised.

    You are correct. I saw no hint of sarcasm. I suppose that means I am a “hillbilly” or any number of OTHER ad hominems that those from Alabama and the south are subject to. Go ahead, have your fun. I may be a hillbilly but I managed to get a Master’s Degree.  Why don’t you drag out the tired old subject of the Confederate flag?  I have Confederate toilet paper in my bathroom. Frequently surprised by the temerity exhibited here. ????

  7. 6 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    You qualify that Pattaya is in Thailand, but where is Alabama please

    I grew up in Anniston and moved to Mobile, on to Birmingham and finally landed in Troy, Alabama where I worked for a university radio station for the final 12 years of my working life. Alabama is in the southern part of the United States.

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Walker88 said:


    Too many Americans are willfully ignorant. Many have no clue what the actual ideals of the country are. On the repub side, they abhor democracy, and have spent decades doing everything possible to undermine it. repubs know they cannot win legitimately, so they cheat at every opportunity---redistricting and gerrymandering, changing voting laws, blocking any change that would favor the majority (such as abolishing the Electoral College or changing the rules of the Senate---2 from each State, ignoring population size, so that a State like California only gets 2 Senators, but has a greater population than the combined population of Alaska, Alabama, West Virginia, Nevada, Iowa, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Utah, Arkansas, Nebraska, Idaho and Montana---which have 32 Senators in total and are usually Red States. Those who still support 45 are generally poorly educated and too ignorant to understand what democracy even means, so repubs pander to the woefully ignorant.


    Now, the repubs even have resorted to outright lies, claiming 'fraud' where there was none, trying to send fake electors to certify the election, pressuring officials to 'find votes', threatening officials who do their proper job, etc.


    The worst and most egregious thing was mitch mcconnell blocking a SC appointment for 8 months "because it was an election year", yet rushed through 45's appointment of the catholic fanatic handmaiden SC justice 2 weeks before the 2020 election.


    So 4 SC justices were appointed by POTUSs who did not win the popular vote, 1 under Bush II and 3 under 45.


    Biden should get the Dems to increase the SC to 13 justices, have Biden appoint 4 more, then pass a Bill that locks the SC at 13 justices. With the House and Senate under Dem control, they could one-up the repubs and mcconnell by stuffing the court. Biden could also select 24 year old Harvard or Stanford grads who will live another 50 years, long after thomas, alito, and maybe kavanaugh and gorsuch are pushing daisies. Of course they won't do it.


    Sadly, the Dems are weak. Pelosi is tough but old. Schumer is a wuss. Nobody keeps the woke far left in line, and that tiny element of the Dems feed the repubs ammo as if the woke Dems really were repubs in drag. The vast majority of Dems are moderates and centrists, but they fail to reign in the fringe. The repubs, OTOH, are now mainstream fascists and autocrats, who champion superstition (fake religion) and work tirelessly to destroy democracy. The majority of the repubs now are fascists and autocrats, the absolute opposite of what the US should be.


    Coming under the current court is an end to gay marriage and if some repub elected officials get their way, and end to interracial marriage (justice thomas probably hopes this passes so he can rid himself of ginni, his whackjob wife)

    This post explains the current situation better than any I have read in years.  The status quo is nearly hopeless. A 13 member SCOTUS with a majority Jewish/Atheist membership is the only hope of having sane government in the United States.

    • Like 2
  9. 18 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Oh yes they do!. Most of the hate crimes in the US are the white supremacists who can be closely linked to Christian churches.





    You cite TWO examples out of hundreds and even THOUSANDS for Muslims. Still very rare for Christian nut groups to resort to violence. Even when it happens, the number of victims is fewer and most all Christians are up in arms at being associated with this type of terrorism.

  10. Prices of health insurance in Thailand are obscene when you consider that the prices are far less than the USA.  They want similar premiums to those in America and offer no coverage of pre-existing conditions, plus want to jack up the price of cover as you age. There is simply no way for many of us to get insured without negating the low cost of living here. It would make more sense for an American to go back to the USA and use Medicare. Another option not discussed is moving to the Philippines and using PhilHealth in combination with Pacific Cross supplementary policies. It is simply insane that Thailand cannot or will not fund a system similar to PhilHealth that all residents can buy into. If a third-world country like the Philippines can do it, it can be done here in Thailand.

  11. 13 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Do you think the Christian church has a better PR reputation? In Australia, the royal commission into child abuse has done huge reputational damage to the churches. It's not limited to Australia.

    The Christians are a ghastly example of tolerance. The fact remains that they do not currently rely on terrorism to enforce their beliefs on the rest of humanity. No points given. to Christians, they just don’t give you “suggestions” at the point of a gun.

  12. 30 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Since when does expressing a POV equate to religious fundamentalism - there are zero threats articulated.  The Islamic Council is comprised of Thai Muslim citizens, repeat they are Thai citizens who have equal rights under the Thai Constitution. together with the Thai Muslim representative appointed to advise the monarchy. Accordingly it is you, a non citizen,  who's expressing a fundamentalist attitude..





    You simply want to argue. Your opinion is worthless and I won’t be answering any more of your drivel. My point stands and you can go and bother some OTHER poster. NO tolerance for ISLAM…….EVER!!!!

  13. 2 hours ago, simple1 said:

    All they are doing is expressing an opinion which is perfectly within their rights as Thai citizens. Do practising Thai Buddhists advocate drinking alcohol, taking drugs and so on - NO, actually contrary to the practice of Buddhism.

    I consider their opinions right on a level with the usual Islamic terrorism. They live in a Buddhist country which is tolerant of everything. If they can’t get with the program, they should leave. No tolerance for religious fundamentalists.

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