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Posts posted by Nickelbeer

  1. 11 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Taiwan doesn't have a grovelling British government to give it away as happened with HK when they were only bound to hand back the New Territories but gave back the Island and Kowloon as well. Pathetic. Taiwan is weii-armed, some say more than very well-armed, and will not be an easy take. Also I suspect the US will back Taiwan all the way. I certainly hope so. I lived and worked in Taiwan for 6 of the best years of my life.

    Plus, Taiwan has the best-looking Prime Minister in the world. ????

  2. The 2-5 pm rule has never been observed in the condo complex where I live, so the irritation has been minor. Still, one of the most obnoxious and insane rules to ever be implemented. It is anti-business and actually no different than the Sunday “Blue Laws” in the United States. I’m amazed that the wealth of the two major brewing companies did not prevent this rule from ever being passed.

  3. 19 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    I thought it was a topic on the 0-X visa. 


    So we're discussing the newish visa, for millionaires ?  Which I still can't get my head around, why any millionaire, would want to live in TH.   Unless they live for P4P,  then still not sure if it would be my choice.


    Or is there a 'new' one ?

    Because the Thai government is under the erroneous impression that Thailand is some “special case”.  They fail to admit or recognize that the “sexpat factor” has grossly inflated the number of those moving to the Kingdom. Millionaires can live this kind of lifestyle from any location on earth. None of them will put up with the restrictions placed on expats in Thailand. If I am wealthy, I expect a complete waiver of all your stupid rules and regulations. Get out of my way, peasant!!!

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  4. On 6/17/2022 at 11:26 PM, Hellfire said:

    I owe 15 k at the place I stay at. Gonna make a run. The situation is absolutely unacceptable. You cannot owe money just for making yourself able to survive. Really unacceptable stuff!

    Saving money is number one with me and relying mostly on fans works well to lower my electricity costs. Even my Thai GF thinks my power bills are reasonable.

  5. On 6/12/2022 at 5:06 PM, georgegeorgia said:

    Poor Thais?

    A lot of these baht buses are driven by the owners during the day .

    I was told over 10 years ago that a baht bus registration plate was over 2 million baht, that was 10 years ago so not sure the price now to buy into it.



    Sounds like the drivers are being taken advantage of by the “usual suspects”. i.e. local government agencies. Two million baht is an obscene amount to demand of a songteaw operator.

    • Haha 1
  6. On 6/14/2022 at 1:33 PM, Lemsta69 said:

    the only thing that bothers me on songthaew are the dour farang that make the whole experience mai sanuk.


    it's not their obesity or their Beer Chaaaang or Singh's wife-beaters or their ugly cargo pants and cheap Kito sandals,  it's their unfriendly, unsmiling attitude that bugs me.


    and then you have to put up with them in the bars complaining about ladyboys and how many black players are on the pitch in one of their silly soccer matches. and don't get me started about how much they complain about "wokeness".


    the sooner Patts is done with these miserable old c***s the better ????

    “Ugly cargo pants “  are certainly preferable to the dreadful shorts worn by many expats. Cargos are very utilitarian for those of us who don’t want to lug around a back pack. Cargo pants keep my unsightly legs covered and when worn in muted colors garner as much respect as any other long pants. I don’t know any who complain about “wokeness” since most of us understand that times change.

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    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

    Popular Vote means nothing. Our president is elected by thoroughly anti-democratic means: The Electoral College. 


    Popular Vote defines whether a President has a mandate........... but it doesn't determine who becomes President. In roughly 10% of our Presidential Elections, the person who got fewer votes........... became President........... including two of the last three, before Biden. 


    Fewer than 90,000 votes spread among three States determined the 2016 election...........because of the Electoral College system. Meanwhile, Hillary had "won" by 2.9 million votes.


    If I recall, if 0.007% of the population had lived some place else.......... Hillary would have won!





    Best thing posted on this subject so far. Thanks.

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