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Everything posted by buddyy

  1. RIP Legend You helped countless people, including myself on several occasions, you will be missed!
  2. You mean like a covid vaccine? Yes i have 2x pfizer, but i got that nearly a year ago. Regarding heart, they made EKG and all looks good. And the bloodtests results are about 5 pages long and good, they really went deep.
  3. There is some stress, but it was at the same level before this period. Im not on any medication. Aside from 1 day when i drinked some, havent drinked for a month or so. Agree about exercise etc yes.
  4. Was very scary yes, very grateful to these locals. All was kinda well before this, i did go swimming and walks etc. Ate good. But you have good point yes.
  5. I have yes, but it got a lot better lately. Obvioisly i panicked a lot yesterday.
  6. I have an unfortunate update. Last night i went to to ER here in Bkk. I was at home and suddenly started to feel not well, dizzy, jelly legs, dry mouth, heart pounding etc. I might add this happened after smoking a cigarette, i havent had one since then. I went downstairs of my condo and ordered taxi, as i was in taxi i started to feel worse and the traffic was crazy. I felt like passing out and not making it. I paid the taxi and jumped out of the car in the middle of traffic, i walked up to a bunch of locals and asked for help to take me to hospital with motorbike. They ordered grab for me which arrived quickly, guy was driving really fast and i got to the ER. At that point i felt relieved i was there, feeling got only a little bit better. Of course my pulse and bloodpressure were very high. Was sent to a doctor who sent me to make all tests for me and just listened. I made EKG, chest Xray, bloodtest with lots of information, finally i got to know my thyroid was all good too. All the tests were good, doctor thought my body was just exhausted. She prescribed me some sleep aid and i was on my way. Last night went to bed and slept about 4h and some smaller half sleep naps, better than yesterday. All in all, just a very scary experience. Especially being stuck in traffic with your mind racing and 20min from hospital.
  7. That can be the case yes, its hard to pinpoint specific reason. All i know is that the first sleepless nights were because of a toothache, which is now fixed and overeating (been a problem before, but just a 1 day thing).
  8. Thank you for the advice. I been actually smoking more during this period, seems like the cravings are more strong when sleeping. But maybe im wrong, before this i can smoke in the middle of the night and still sleep well. Of course this is bad and i know it. Been trying to quit over the years.
  9. That sounds good yes. I would choose a natural route over medicine for sure.
  10. That is absolutely true yes. I guess im just paranoid about the consequences of sleeping so little. When flying to Thailand i often skip a day and i was always fine. But this feels different. I dont know if this matters but, i used to drink 1-2 beers a day before in rather late hours. But i was also dealing with panic attacks some time ago and decided drastically reduce the amount of alcohol i drink, in fact i was completely sober about 3 weeks in the past month.
  11. Most of the time just lay in bed and try some breathing tehniques for relax and not overthinking, or just get up and walk around condo. I have also made a big mistake sometimes to go for a cigarette when feeling frustrated, of course that distrups sleep. If all is normal, i fall sleep about 12-1 and wake up around 9. I surely have made mistakes regarding going to bed and waking up same time. Last 3 days just feeling sleepy all day, it just makes me anxious.
  12. Hi, First of all, prior to this i never really had any sleep problems. Sure there is a bad nights sleep now again but nothing like this. All started about 6 days ago when i had a really bad toothache (got it fixed 2 days ago, dont have pain anymore)and could not sleep all night. The next day got some good medicine and i got an amazing 8 hours of sleep (woke up 1 time). The next day was like this, sometimes when i eat too much is hard to sleep, so i made a critical mistake of eating too late too much meat at muukataa gril. Was a hard night i i slept about 5 hours. Now the past 3 days have been really hard, sleeping about 3 hours a night at best, yesterday slept maybe 1 hour deep sleep. Feeling not well. Last night i also prepared well for the sleep, did not touch phone, however i did watch tv (all life fall sleep with tv), i smoke cigarettes but did not smoke some hours before bed, took a shower, ate enough as to not feel hungry but also not full. I also went to pharmacy and got a pack of circadin 2mg (melotonin). I took melatonin about 1.5h before i knew i was going to sleep. When the effect came it was good feeling, its like i was not sleep, but also not awake, hard dreams etc, i was feeling positive. But sure enough, i did not fall sleep after 2 hours, surely anxiety kicks in next moment for another sleepless night and thats how it went. Tried relax, listen to medidation etc, i think i dozed off for about an hour at some point but then was back up. I feel really tired, i dont know what my options are. Surely i can go to hospital and get some good medicine, but honestly i would rather avoid it, dont want to get addicted. Never really taken anything above ibuprofen or tylenol. Or i could up the melatonin dosage, not sure. Im desperate at this point, surely this is a short period in grand scheme of things what i experience, but for me its new and very frustrating. Thank you.
  13. I looked up and looks like there are no direct flights from CNX to VTE anyway. Also from CNX to Udon is surprisingly expensive, about 3k 1 way, then add 200B shared minivan or 750-900B taxi to the border. Direct flight from DMK to VTE was only 1.7k and Udon Bkk was like 900B. Surpisingly big difference compared to CM. On paper when going the plane route, it seems cheaper to fly to Bkk and then go but thats a lot of travel.
  14. Only requirment is that you need to be vaxed or have a test. (nobody asked at the Lao border, however airline asked before boarding) I went recently like this - flight BKK-VTE, taxi from Lao airport to friendship bridge, leave Lao, enter Thailand, taxi from border to Udon airport and back to BKK. So basically i left Bkk like 12 afternoon and was back around 6 evening. Honestly was quite tiring trip, if go more in the future would prefer to stay overnight. I entered Lao with E-visa ($55), more convinient, dont need to write paperwork at the border, there is a special booth for E-visa entry.
  15. I was between that and l-theanine, but tried the latter. I felt it helped but it also made me feel apathetic and tired. I just felt i was not myself and very emotionless after taking it. I sleep well but i feel my anxiety is at its peak just after waking up and hours following it, gets better as the day goes on.
  16. I honestly dont know, not able to point to a single thing. I have a theory though. I had/have quite bad dental phobia, luckily my teeth been fine, good genetics i guess. But a few weeks before the first panic attack i had a bad toothache, refused to see dentist and was taking ibubrofen almost everyday. The pain was not always there, but i was always worried it will come back when hanging out. Though, i pulled myself together and found a great dentist and fixed it. It was not as scary like i thought and now the feeling of going to a dentist does not scare me. But now it feels like the paranoia of pain coming back at any random moment stayed and now of course have scared feeling about panic coming back...vicious cicle I dont know if thats all connected but thats the most logical theory i have of the origin of anxiety the past few months. EDIT: Just to add some information I had mild social anxiety all my life, but all my friends know if i drink 2 beers its all gone. Though, this time its different. Of course i made a mistake of drinking some beers before going out weeks following the first panic attack. But the feeling when the buzz goes away is unbearable, so ive been avoiding alcohol for a month now. And this is someone who bragged for years that having a hangover while in Thailand is super rare.
  17. Sorry to hear what you're going through OP! Im in Bkk also, early 30s. Normally im quite outgoing, enjoy dinner out often, occasional beer etc. All changed about 1.5 months ago, i had a massive panic attack in broad daylight out of the blue. Heart racing, hard to breathe, jelly legs, hands shaking, dizzy etc. But i have felt this feeling before, in the past i sometimes wake up like this in the middle of the night, but it has never happened before during daytime. If i had not felt this feeling never before i would have certainly went to the ER straight away. But i found taxi and got home where i felt better. Next weeks were a struggle, just scared that this feeling will come again. I pulled myself together and put myself intentionally into situations where i know might induce anxiety and panic. I felt that helped a lot, also swimming and walking helped. But its not a straight line, ive had 4-5 big panic attacks the past 1.5 months, setbacks are part of the journey. Actually the past week have been very hard, i havent had a big panic attack in more than a week but im completely overwhelmed with anxiety. The feeling is always there. Im starting to think its more than just anxiety. My family suspects i might have overactive thyroid gland, my grandma has it and had the same symptoms as me. Also many other similar examples of people i know. So in the upcoming days im going to make a bloodtest and scan to check it out. Even if thats not the case, at least i can rule it out. I just try to educate myself on anxiety and try to think as logically as possible, but its not easy. Good luck and feel free to PM me, you are not alone and keep fighting!
  18. Thanks Joe. I guess ive been lucky before. I have filed it when ive been away months, but have forgotten to make it few times after short trips and not had problem getting an extension. Both for TR and Exempt.
  19. There are many TM30 topics, if dont mind i ask my question here. I been staying at the same condo always and filing TM30. Recently i was away from country about 6 months and entered with TR and asked landlord to file a TM30. Now i did a border run and returned with visa exempt to the same address, do i need to make TM30 again? In Bkk.
  20. For the exemption, does the initial period will be 45 days or the extension? Meaning, 45+30 or 30+45?
  21. You can ask directly from the embassy, they are usually very responsive. When i made E TR visa 1 day of hotel booking was enough (Finland, asked beforehand), but different embassies have often different rules.
  22. I have a question about the 3 months bank statements, any idea in which format they need to be? Like just a screenshot of the balance or all transfers during that period.
  23. Hi, Does anyone have recent experience with applying for a single entry tourist visa in Vientiane? I been before some years ago, just interested if anything have changed or the documents required. Thank you.
  24. I will arrive in a few days, so the TM6 is still probably in place. Been staying at the same condo in Bkk and have filed a tm30 always after arrival. But this time will first go to another province for a long weekend and then go back to Bkk where i will file a tm30 again. I put the hotel address of other province on thai pass. Just asking for future 90day and extension purposes. Should i put the other province address on the TM6 (which is where i will actually stay first 2 days). Just wonder if its ok when there is no Bkk address on my TM6 when i go to CW. Thank you.
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