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Posts posted by grantbkk

  1. The Thai Government informs us that the water supply is running dangerously low. The advise Thais to beat the heat by taking as many showers as they can. Let's throw in an extra day or two to throw water, ice and powder on each other. Is it me or are they trying to thin the heard a bit by guaranteeing additional road deaths for this years Songkran?

    Amazing Thailand!

  2. This can be the only country in the world that tells the drug trafficers that they are coming for them on a specific day.

    is this april fools day or what,its so serious it is laughable.

    beggers belief

    maybe they should stop the <deleted> merc driver from being on the road,he seems to be killing more people than the drug trafficers.

    Not the only country. Remember when you fly into Singapore you get fair warning regarding the death penalty for some drug offenses. In China every year each of the provinces sends a convicted drug offender to Beijing to be executed on Drug Awareness Day. Much more impact on the kids than the DARE drug awareness program they have had for decades in the US.

    What is really scary it the number of people both guilty and innocent that will be killed in just a short period of time. It will far exceed the numbers in the deep south, Afghanistan or Iraq for the same period.

    Amazing Thailand!

  3. Taking up with BGs...what do you expect :D And if the reports are correct...he had ample warning she was one to be avoided :o

    To die for a mobile and B 3000...what a way to go :D

    Are you serious? People taking up with BGs should expect to be knifed to death?

    I think he is....

    If ALL BGs would commit such crimes...Pattaya would be pretty empty and bankrupt by the end of the year; the empty hotels can be converted into prisons...


    Absolutely !

    There are many fine woman in Thailand engaged in the "profession" and to consider them all murderers "in waiting" is pretty hard to digest let alone accept.

    That said, there are many woman out there working outside the profession who would run a knife through you.

    Prostitution has for decades been one of the realms biggest income earners (not only domestically, but exported to every major city in the world) and relatively few of these folk end up as murderers.

    So I think that apologies (insofar as jonnie has insinuated) to BG's "in general" are called for.

    This appears to be more than a casual encounter with a bargirl. This was a relationship gone bad. Someone has to have had some really bad experiences in Thailnd to believe an encounter with a BG could be expected to end in violent death. Perhaps he thinks all that screaming he hears from the beach is a negative thing but you must remember it could be screams of pleasure.

  4. Six years on, since I am a male I now have no ambition at all. The girlfriend and the maid leaves me only the responsibility to shave and shower. I don't even have to do that daily anymore. I now have a credo, "Everything always works out in Thailand".

    I didn't blink an eye when the maid was sick and I check the medication from the street pharmacist. For a cold she was taking medication to increase breast milk production in pregnant women. It didn't help her cold or produce any milk as she is very old and not pregnant.

    People have stopped asking me for a loan.

    I actually get perturbed if someone doesn't stand up to honor the King before a movie starts.

    I conduct "drop drills" that were popular during the Cold War in America in the 1950's in preparation for the next coup d'état.

    Bum guns are the most used and desired accessory in my home. In fact they should not ever be considered an accessory but a necessity.

  5. I made my maid walk to Foodland to buy groceries and warned her again about operating the clothes dryer without a full load. I am trying to reduce her carbon footprint. It's only 9:30 AM so I intend to do a lot of other cool stuff today but after my nap.

  6. Paid advertising on satellite and cable channels could be the funding source that content providers could only dream of in the past. Forward-thinking, progressive companies will use this money stream to improve the quality of their programming and lower the draconian fees we as viewers must pay here in Thailand. Or will they?

    I have read four articles quoting unnamed sources at True Vision saying they will not lower fees. They said that 10 per cent of their revenue would now come from advertising - but this huge amount of money will not reduce our fees one baht. They will however raise the channel count to 100 from the 90 we currently are able to enjoy. This will mean more "classic" channels, at little or no cost, with programming from the 1980s and 1990s to quench our thirst for quality television. Perhaps True Vision will relent and allow us to view programming previewed during the endless promotions for Singapore television if they can get it at a low cost. I have called my cable provider several times as requested in the adverts but True Vision says there are no plans for adding these channels to their line-up.

    I would hope many of us would contact True Vision and voice our displeasure with their content and pricing. True Vision holds a monopoly in most urban cities in Thailand; consequently we have no real choice when it comes to satellite and cable television. True Vision's parent company, the Charoen Pokphand Group, is sending billions of US dollars to countries like Vietnam to increase their bottom line at the expense of their subscribers here in the Kingdom.

  7. Poor British man lands in Koh Samui and sees some vacant land with good prospects for development. Who exactly did he and his cohorts buy the land from? How much did he and his syndicate pay for the land and the titles if they were provided separately. Obviously some here on TV think Thai lawyers for the most part are just working for their client. Exactly how much are they paid for their invaluable services. The larger question now is how much he made from the sale of the plots minus bribes. This appears to be criminal activity on the surface. Getting your head shaved in preparation for prison in the name of charity I have to admit is unusual. If he thought he could come to Thailand to make billions of Baht from legal land deals on Samui he was either predisposed to being a criminal or just plain stupid. If one bribe was paid to a land office official I don't see how this guy can be defended in any way. The people who invested in what appears to be a criminal enterprise may have not known they had fraudulent titles to their dream homes. They are just going to lose their money, which is a tragedy by the way. Feel free to put "alleged" and "suspect" wherever you want in the previous sentences.

  8. Mr. Apirak is the face and the leader of the democratic party. Now what? He actually did very little while in office but the perception was "he is a good guy". Without him the only opposition to the PPP is the military. The democratic party has been set adrift.

    Why haven't the firetrucks and Fire-boats been deployed? Years of sitting in the tropical sun cannot be good for the components.

  9. The new Broadcast Act that becomes effective on Wednesday could be the light at the end of a very long tunnel for TV viewers in Thailand. Paid advertising on satellite and cable channels could be the funding source that content providers could only dream of in the past. Forward thinking, progressive companies will use this money stream to improve the quality of their programming and lower the draconian fees we as viewers must pay here in Thailand. Or will they?

    I have read four articles quoting unnamed sources at TrueVisions saying they will not lower fees. They say 10% of their revenue will now come from advertising however this huge amount of money will not reduce our fees one Baht. They will however raise the channel count to 100 from the 90 we currently are able to enjoy. This will mean more “classic” channels, at low or no cost, with programming from the 1980’s and 1990’s to quench our thirst for quality television. Perhaps TrueVisions will relent and allow us to view programming previewed during the endless promotions for Singapore television if they can get it at a low cost. I have called my cable provider several times as requested in the adverts but TrueVisions says there are no plans for adding these channels to their lineup.

    I would hope many of us would contact TrueVisions and voice our displeasure with their content and pricing. TrueVisions holds a monopoly in most urban cities in Thailand, consequently we have no real choice when it comes to satellite and cable television. TrueVisions parent company, Charoen Pokphand Group, is sending billions of US Dollars to countries like Vietnam to increase their bottom line at the expense of their subscribers here in the Kingdom.

  10. ^ Sorry to disappoint you, but no one has ever warned me of anything!

    However, since it seems to be popular for some to cast aspersions about the victims, there are those who feel that a discussion of the institutional mindset of the police {as shown, for example, by the Kalasin issues, or for that matter the border teams} might well be worthy of inclusion in this thread.

    By the by when one considers the similarities between the disappearance of Lawyer Somchai and the police assassination of Haji Sulong Tokmina, in 1952, {it was decades before his death was properly acknowledged} one might be tempted to say that the constabulary have a long ways to go before they could be considered a civil service.

    Their history is one which has relevance on how the officers of today see and comport themselves.


    :o Actually your member 33,892

  11. Earth to reality deniers trying to describe this as an american plot to corner the arms market for genocides, Source- Grant Peck, Associated Press Writer Fri Mar 7, 15:51ET

    A U.N. travel ban imposed on Bout said he supported the Liberian regime of former President Charles Taylor in its effort to destabilize neighboring Sierra Leone and gain illicit access to that West African nation's diamonds, which became known as "blood diamonds" for the warring they inspired. Stephen Rapp, chief prosecutor of a U.N.-backed war crimes tribunal, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, said Friday that he would like to put Bout on trial. "Would we like to get our hands on Bout? Very much," he said.

    Mr. Rapp is standing in line behind the Congo special war crimes investigator, the Columbians, and the Peruvians. The U.N. is hardly a fan, nor a supporter of the USA.

    What is the point of attempting to blame the americans for Bout's activities when he was not working for the americans? Bout lived in luxury in Russia because the Russian government allowed it. If he had been in the employ of the americans or serving the americans, Putin would have disposed of him long ago.

    I absolutely agree with everything "geriatrickid" says. I must remind him however Americans is always capitalized just like Russia, Colombians and Peruvians. Now that I've said this, the anti-American contingent on TV can turn another high profile arrest in Thailand into another rant against the USA. Go ahead and vent. It is philologically healthy for you. :o

  12. This is the best news corporate Thailand has heard since they began pushing for nuclear power plants. More free money in construction, corruption and operations. Jobs for everyone who are unemployed, now that anything can be produced cheaper in neighboring countries. The opponents will not have to worry much about gambling because one or more of the free thinking ministers will push for restricted hours. No gambling between 2:00 AM and 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Like in most other areas Thailand will end up shooting itself in the foot rather than make a successful business venture out of this.

  13. 1. Is his $$$$ all taken, or how much did they get from him, only 50 billion?

    2. I heard on Thai news he's gonna take a chopper (not 400cc, but the one with rotorblades) to Landmark, can anyone confirm?



    I can confirm that he is not going by helicopter to the Landmark. There is no landing pad. I think if he is going to a hotel it will be the Peninsula.

  14. Dude! Got some on your first two meetings and she made the first move. Valentine's Day and you cannot get a hold of her? You are or were on her list of providers but certainly no where near the top. She was entertaining number one or number two or even both when you were trying to get a hold of her. Nice Freudian slip using "dead" rather than "deed". WAKE UP!

  15. In 1999 I was happily living on the beach in the Los Angeles area of California with more than 30 years in government service. After visiting Thailand I just kept coming back. I retired in 2002 and moved to Bangkok permanently. Sure I miss some of my friends but one this place gets its hooks into you some of us never leave. I love the United States and my US passport. I still exercise my right to vote (absentee) and plan to visit this fall. I can live anywhere I want in the world and re-evaluate my position often but choose to remain in Thailand. I cannot imagine ever returning to live in the US.

  16. It seems rather clear, or as clear as it can get, that tourists are visitors. People here long term are not tourists. They work from their computers or mom and pop send a stipend to get them by. They have jobs or businesses, pay taxes or not, work or not, but they are not tourists and should not be awarded continuous tourist visas just because it is easy for them. The "millionaire" posters here can easily secure year-round visas as investors and us old guys can spend an hour a year renewing our retirement visas.

    People here for the long term should follow the rules not try to just meander around them. If you are not qualified to be here find somewhere else where you're welcome. Yes, in some cases it will be a great loss to Thailand that you will no longer be able to contribute to the bottom line of the economy but it is their loss. Your new country of choice will hopefully welcome you with open arms. Please don't ruin it for me in your country of choice as the visa rules here change often and I may be joining you at any moment.

  17. It appears the Bangkok Post has fully embraced 1990's technology which allows key words to be used to link relevant websites to locate related news, products and services. The key word in my post is "relevant". The links do not relate to anything remotely on the subject. There is probably the 16 year old high school gaming wiz who belongs to some hi-so member of the Bangkok Post's upper management has done this for them. Any real IT department would be replaced if this publication was in a developed country. When I saw it a few days ago I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled at a very weak attempt to bring in more ad dollars while inconveniencing their readership. The Bangkok Post can now be compared to any western high school newspaper. The management will do anything to lower the credibility of this English daily.

  18. <snip> wanting to be more like Europe and North America with their immigration policies; and wanting to be seen as less of a place where "anybody" can go and live.

    I was going to bow out of this thread figuring that I had annoyed enough people for one day . . . However, you're joking, right? More like North America??? America estimates up to 12 million (!!!) illegal immigrants, or whatever you prefer to call them, and the southern border is still an open floodgate.

    I read somewhere that 10% of Mexico's GDP is money sent home by Mexicans working in America (most likely illegally). Sounds like this situation might apply more to Burmese, etc living/working in Thailand illegally than North Americans or Europeans. I wonder what %age of the UK's GDP is made up of Brits sending money home which they earn in Thailand? Anyone care to take a guess?

    This is Letterman material. you had me laughing out loud. Brits sending money home from Thailand :D I bet the moms and dads of these brits would find it just as funny. :o

  19. If someone has done the research could someone please post the name and email of the reporter's boss and the boss of the boss. Has anyone forwarded this potentially explosive video to the ministries that would be appropriately outraged and the TAT? Did someone send this to the Post and The Nation?

    Thanks. If no one has done it I will do it tomorrow.

  20. Samak elected PM with 310 votes

    People Power Party leader Samak Sundaravej was elected as the new prime minister with 310 votes.

    Democrat Party leader Ahbisit Vejjajiva got 163 votes.

    Nearly all present coalition MPs vote for Samak, except Samak himself and the House speaker.

    Three MPs abstained and one was absent

    The roll call voting was held after MPs disputed for 2 hours and 40 minutes as to whether a debate should be held before the voting.

    The Nation Breaking News 28 January 2008 at 2158 hours

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