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Posts posted by grantbkk

  1. All the time.....

    Most of the arguments against street food are fallacious and based on prejudice rather than a serious look at what's going on or how we get sick from food and drink.

    I do get prejudice when I pee out my rear end. I would only eat street food if I was bound up. I continue my additional prejudicial life style against the dreaded device that you put up there to get the load out.

    Back to the real world. In developed countries they have adopted public health standards which helps prevent us from harming ourselves. They try to reduce bad bacteria through hygiene and refrigeration. This is very basic and not widely practiced here. Hot water is nonexistent in the street so lets forget about that. Take 10 minutes at a busy stall and watch how the food is handled. The preparers and servers will from time to time shove half of there hand up their respective noses to recover a hard piece of mucus left over from childhood. Watch them as they handle the utensils and where they set them when not in use. Watch them make a valiant attempt to wash and rinse any dishes and flatware from previous customers. Keep in mind that even if the food cart personnel are hygienic the customer base may not be. Watch all of the people around the cart touching everything including their eyes and mouth while scratching their rear ends because no toilet paper was available the last time they dumped which was probably the day before.

    I admit I'm a little germophobic but I am also heathy. As others have mentioned they steer clear of the seafood for the simple reason that it breaks down faster than other food and should require refrigeration. I don't see how anyone can eat the meat skewers sitting out in the hot sun for who knows how long. When I see the new arrivals from Western Europe digging into their first street food experience I know I will not see them for 3 days secure in the knowledge that they have destroyed 20 to 25 percent of their vacation experience. There is something positive to be said for those new antibodies we now all have. I guess it's true, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

    QED - only half the argument and a lot of unsubstantiated assumptions and assertions....you really need to take some time out and think about how the food gets to be contaminated and how that is transmitted to yourself.

    you also need to think about how you contract "the shits" and re-think where you REALLY caught it. steering clear of street -food is certainly not a guarantee against food poisoning in THailand - in fact the alternatives are often the higher risk.

    No assumptions on my part. Everything I wrote is common knowledge and has been in the west for more than a century. I can say that common sense is not really that common. As you say, steering clear of street food does not guarantee you will not get sick but it is a good beginning. You are right by saying that higher risk may exist in alternatives to the street food. Many people don't think about what they cannot see in those kitchens behind closed doors. Buyer beware. This stuff usually doesn't kill you it is just a bit unconfortable for a while.

    What you are saying is only HALF the story....and you ARE making assertions and assumptions about people you don't know eating street food.

    As I said you need to look at the process by which the bacteria that cause food poisoning get a grip on your digestive tract...that is from the stall to your arse.

    Also the idea of "common knowledge" is not a good idea to base any judgment on as a lot of it is not accurate.

    Another thing to bear in mind is the this is NOT THE WEST and cooking methods here have grown up over thousands of years to cope with the climate and environment...so methods that would apply in the west (like the dependence on refrigeration and the ubiquitous "chill serve") do not necessarily work as well here in the tropics where they have learned to prepare food in a hot and humid atmosphere that "common sense" dictates is a perfect climate for most food poisoning.

    OK Wilko, If it works for you and yours thats fine. I began by answering the OP's original question and by giving my personal opinion of the street food scene. I realize my Western education is limited but you have not swayed me. I don't know what QED means or what you refer to as half the story.

    Whether you're in the tropics or Germany you still need refrigeration. I'm not talking about full blown food poisoning but simple contamination. Other posters refer to the fact that this food sits out in the atmosphere for hours, sometimes next to the roadway where heavy metals and carbon makes its way to the surface of your dinner. I have eaten street food and I give it the well done treatment myself hoping the higher temperature will kill most of the living organisms that were alive and well in my food awaiting consumption.

    Certainly not everyone is going to be sick eating street food or coming in contact with the dirty utensil but some people's seem to handle it better than others. Many expats brag that they have never gotten sick from eating street food.

    I did not mean to personally offend you and respect your opinion. I was just giving my view and relying somewhat on Western science. I guess sometimes it doesn't apply in the tropics. :o

  2. "Yes" means I heard you. "No" is the same in any language. You can change "no" to "yes" by asking the question again. You can be guaranteed a "yes" by raising you voice to ask the question. "No problem" is the same as "yes" but with more emphasis. Now getting anything done, like getting some butter at a restaurant, is a subject for a whole other forum.

    I hope this clears up you dilemma.

  3. All the time.....

    Most of the arguments against street food are fallacious and based on prejudice rather than a serious look at what's going on or how we get sick from food and drink.

    I do get prejudice when I pee out my rear end. I would only eat street food if I was bound up. I continue my additional prejudicial life style against the dreaded device that you put up there to get the load out.

    Back to the real world. In developed countries they have adopted public health standards which helps prevent us from harming ourselves. They try to reduce bad bacteria through hygiene and refrigeration. This is very basic and not widely practiced here. Hot water is nonexistent in the street so lets forget about that. Take 10 minutes at a busy stall and watch how the food is handled. The preparers and servers will from time to time shove half of there hand up their respective noses to recover a hard piece of mucus left over from childhood. Watch them as they handle the utensils and where they set them when not in use. Watch them make a valiant attempt to wash and rinse any dishes and flatware from previous customers. Keep in mind that even if the food cart personnel are hygienic the customer base may not be. Watch all of the people around the cart touching everything including their eyes and mouth while scratching their rear ends because no toilet paper was available the last time they dumped which was probably the day before.

    I admit I'm a little germophobic but I am also heathy. As others have mentioned they steer clear of the seafood for the simple reason that it breaks down faster than other food and should require refrigeration. I don't see how anyone can eat the meat skewers sitting out in the hot sun for who knows how long. When I see the new arrivals from Western Europe digging into their first street food experience I know I will not see them for 3 days secure in the knowledge that they have destroyed 20 to 25 percent of their vacation experience. There is something positive to be said for those new antibodies we now all have. I guess it's true, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

    QED - only half the argument and a lot of unsubstantiated assumptions and assertions....you really need to take some time out and think about how the food gets to be contaminated and how that is transmitted to yourself.

    you also need to think about how you contract "the shits" and re-think where you REALLY caught it. steering clear of street -food is certainly not a guarantee against food poisoning in THailand - in fact the alternatives are often the higher risk.

    No assumptions on my part. Everything I wrote is common knowledge and has been in the west for more than a century. I can say that common sense is not really that common. As you say, steering clear of street food does not guarantee you will not get sick but it is a good beginning. You are right by saying that higher risk may exist in alternatives to the street food. Many people don't think about what they cannot see in those kitchens behind closed doors. Buyer beware. This stuff usually doesn't kill you it is just a bit unconfortable for a while.

  4. they were going to perform a human, white man sacrifice of the farang beggar

    Thanks for clearing that one up mate.

    What you observed was the daily meeting of the sandals, drugs and passport sellers. Soi 3/1 which is just the behind the group you observed is commonly know as "Soi Africa". Your sighting was probably one of the largest on record. During Muslim prayer they tend to move to Soi 5 because of the wailing and excessive noise on Soi Africa. They do tend to stare a bit at the goings on at Gulliver's. They do not go in as a rule because they have no coin of the realm.

    About every six weeks the BIB sweep in and arrest most of them for high crimes and misdemeanors which drastically reduces their numbers for a while. Fear not, they are harmless if you avoid direct eye contact and do not attempt to do any business with them.

  5. All the time.....

    Most of the arguments against street food are fallacious and based on prejudice rather than a serious look at what's going on or how we get sick from food and drink.

    I do get prejudice when I pee out my rear end. I would only eat street food if I was bound up. I continue my additional prejudicial life style against the dreaded device that you put up there to get the load out.

    Back to the real world. In developed countries they have adopted public health standards which helps prevent us from harming ourselves. They try to reduce bad bacteria through hygiene and refrigeration. This is very basic and not widely practiced here. Hot water is nonexistent in the street so lets forget about that. Take 10 minutes at a busy stall and watch how the food is handled. The preparers and servers will from time to time shove half of there hand up their respective noses to recover a hard piece of mucus left over from childhood. Watch them as they handle the utensils and where they set them when not in use. Watch them make a valiant attempt to wash and rinse any dishes and flatware from previous customers. Keep in mind that even if the food cart personnel are hygienic the customer base may not be. Watch all of the people around the cart touching everything including their eyes and mouth while scratching their rear ends because no toilet paper was available the last time they dumped which was probably the day before.

    I admit I'm a little germophobic but I am also heathy. As others have mentioned they steer clear of the seafood for the simple reason that it breaks down faster than other food and should require refrigeration. I don't see how anyone can eat the meat skewers sitting out in the hot sun for who knows how long. When I see the new arrivals from Western Europe digging into their first street food experience I know I will not see them for 3 days secure in the knowledge that they have destroyed 20 to 25 percent of their vacation experience. There is something positive to be said for those new antibodies we now all have. I guess it's true, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

  6. I don't care what "a respected publication" says, I like the Thai Police a thousand more times than your average cops back home. They might line their pockets from time to time, they can also work hard for the people from time to time. Don't change BIB's.
    Where's back home? Somalia? You simply choose to ignore the facts. Beside being a lawless band of extortionist and worse where can we find one of these 250,000 BIB's if we really need one. Wake up! We choose to be here but without connections we are truly on our own.
  7. It is then thought the body was dragged into the water and the second woman who is thought to have killed her, tied her hands together with the victim and it is thought she then committed suicide by drowning, using the weight of the dead woman to pull her under the water.

    It's amazing how often foreigners tie themselves up and then kill themselves in some bizzarrely improbable way that absolves the police of any responsibility to go l ooking for a murderer. What a lame-arse theory.

    Does anyone remember that farang found hanging off of a billboard in Bangkok a couple of years ago. In the morning some commuters noticed a little something different from the day before. The farang, not from the area, had a plastic bag over his head tightly bound around the neck and his hands tied behind his back before he was somehow able to finish himself off. This was determined even before they cut him down. Another farang suicide deduced in record time. Case closed. The hanging victim was able to beat the "degree of difficulty score" from the previous month where a farang committed suicide with three revolver shots to the head. I believe what made this one even harder was that his hands were bound behind his back.


  8. Micksterbs! You get it. I wrote the criminal a note back that had a humorous twist for some of us. I'm sure most of it will be lost on Mr. Adams but I thought it may make a couple of people smile here on TV. As far as Mr. Adams and his ilk having my email address, I have filters for that sort of thing and do not fear electronic persecution from semi educated thieves.


    I think you need to update your spam filter software if it let that letter through. :o

    Well, I should imagine the OP has a filter that simply files spam into its own folder rather than automatically deleting it. Filters aren't perfect and sometimes they'll file something under SPAM that isn't and vice-versa. I always cast my eyes over the contents of the spam folder before deleting anything; I just don't click on any links. Actually, that's not true; sometimes I'll deliberately click on one purely to test my anti-virus software.

    Absolutely correct. I found the original message in my Junk File. When I clicked on it I received a message that the active links had been deactivated and that if I wanted to activate these features I would have to move the message to the my "In Box" which I declined to do.

  9. Well done grantbkk....... you have just told the scammer that your email address is indeed an active address and you can be sure to receive more as he passes your address to all his mates.

    The easiest way to deal with them is to ignore the message, tempting though it is to reply. You will eventually fall off his mailing list.

    Well, yeah but it gave grantbkk a bit of a laugh, didn't it? :o

    Micksterbs! You get it. I wrote the criminal a note back that had a humorous twist for some of us. I'm sure most of it will be lost on Mr. Adams but I thought it may make a couple of people smile here on TV. As far as Mr. Adams and his ilk having my email address, I have filters for that sort of thing and do not fear electronic persecution from semi educated thieves.


  10. The 'how much do you spend on electricity' and similar threads have got me thinking that perhaps I'm being cheated out of money somehow.

    I spend over 100THB a month on toilet paper. Is this reasonable? I would hate the think that I'm just flushing money down the toilet.

    No one ever better complain that a posting on ThaiVisa is frivolous after this. Too much drinking or drugs I suspect is at the bottom of this post. I think this topic should be immediately moved to the forum where people brag about how little they live on in Thailand. The only thing worse than reading this post is taking to time to respond to it. Mr. Garro, get a life.

    Don't worry Kun Garro. I was told to get a life over complaining about an incident regarding a "unidentified" male in my girlfriend's bedroom. AND YOU get to get a life (presumably new life) over toilet paper. Some people have all the luck.

    Actually a2396 you have only posted a portion of my message to you regarding your relationship(s) plight. I also told you to, "Man Up". Then you should get a life. Yep. That should jog your memory. :o

  11. Pattaya Daily News 15 April 2008


    Police commissioner of Chonburi province and his team have inspected the crime scene where the two Korean women were found dead on Koh Larn (Coral Island) but still cannot clarify if they had committed suicide or were murdered.

    At present, there is still no indication to the cause of the death of the victims, whose bodies were found at Tha-Rai beach on Koh Larn. Officers from the Korean Embassy of Thailand and Korean police had come to identify that the victims, Miss Park Ji Hee and Miss Park Mi Hee (28) were twins. Korean officials were not convinced that they had committed suicide or killed each other like Pattaya police had suspected.

    Besides, the picture in the passport of Miss Park Ji Hee was torn out and the passport was left in her shoulder bag which was dumped into the woods about 100 meters away from the body, there were wounds on one of the victim's forehead and face consistent with being hit by a hard object.

    On April 15, 2008, at 5pm, Pol.Maj.Gen.Bandit Khunajak, Chonburi commissioner, Pol.Col.Thana Yuttithamdamrong, Deputy commissioner, Pol.Col.Nopadol Wongnom, Pattaya superintendent, Pol.Lt.Col.Sumet Harnwisai, the Pattaya investigator and his team have spent 30 minutes inspecting the scene of the incident once again. Pol.Maj.Gen. Bundit revealed that many witnesses on the Island had said that the victims were wandering around the Island without using Baht-Bus or Motorbike Taxi’s. However, police found out that they had been renting an apartment in Chiangmai for the past 2 years. They recently arrived in Pattaya and were staying at a hotel in Soi Buo Khao, South Pattaya.

    On April 10th , they took a 9 o'clock ferry from Bali Hai Pier to Koh Larn and were found dead the next morning. Initially, Police had assumed that they had committed suicide. The police are waiting for the autopsy results to clarify the cause of the death. However the possibility of the victims being murdered has not being rule out.

    In the evening on the same day, Korean Embassy officials , accompanied by the parents of the victims met with Pol.Col.Nopadol Wongnom, Pattaya superintendent, but further details have not been released.

    Pattaya City News 16 Aprial 2008

    Investigation closed in the Korean death case from Larn Island.

    We have been closely following the case from Larn Island which resulted in the death of two Korean Female Tourists. We can confirm that the Parents of the victims, who are now known to be twins, have arrived in Thailand and have formally identified their daughters. They have been named as Miss Park Ji Hee and Miss Park Mi Hee, both aged 28. The pair have been living here in Thailand for the last 2 years and came to Larn Island by boat on 10th April at 9am. They were found dead the next morning. It appears that evidence collected suggests a third party was not involved in their death and according to Police Major General Bundit, the Commander of Chonburi Provincial Police, who went to the scene on Tuesday Evening, head wounds on the victims appear to have been self-inflicted following a night of heavy drinking. The pair was thought to have hit their heads on rocks on the beach and when they awoke, they found themselves in the water. One of the twins is then believed to have tied her hands together with her sister in an attempt to save both of them from the water, however due to their intoxicated state and tiredness, they are both believed to have drowned and their bodies were then washed up on the beach. The parents of the deceased have reviewed the evidence and agree with the current Police theory which is backed up with toxicology reports and post mortem results. Police have now closed the case.

    The mistake that was made here is the title of this forum. If it didn't say "South Korean women" People would have taken notice. I feel now that this is just another multiple tourist death and has fallen off of the radar.

    Does anyone in Chiang Mai know anything about these women? Anyone in Pattaya?

    Reading these two news stories does anyone feel warm and fuzzy about the so called police investigation?

    If this suicide pact or murder-suicide were in a book or made into a movie no one would buy it. Perhaps one of those Asian comic books.


  12. I agree with the posters who say that we don't really do not know what happened. The way that this has been handled is of course suspect. I have a little experience in this area so red flags appear all over the place with every official press release. To close this case so quickly is very suspicious. Why is it that so often in Thailand there are the overly convoluted double suicide pacts that turn into murder suicides? Everyone should pause and just think for a minute aboutvhow stupid the Thai police think the public (that includes us) is perceived to be.

    Ripping a page out of a passport obviously does not mean the victims were trying to hide their identity. Even in developing counties like Thailand the police can scan the passport to see to whom it belongs. Why bring the passport(s) at all?

    What about the possible forensic evidence gathered at the scene that led to the report of a double murder? How are those autopsies going and what did they reveal? Drowning? Death by blunt force trauma? Alcohol and/or drugs? Found anything in the residence or hotel room that would lead the police to believe these two women were about to kill themselves? Outstanding local debt? Medical problems? Past behavior that would give an indication as to whether or not suicide was in the cards? What is on their computers? Any emails regarding the women wanting to end it all? Suicide websites? Mobile phone records including test messages? What do their friends and acquaintances have to say one way or the other?

    These qustions are only a small portion of a complete investigation. Like someone else said, if these two women were from Australia, England or even America, etc. this would be front page news worldwide. Twin 28 year old women from almost anywhere else would get the publics attention they deserve.

    Personally, I will be satisfied if Dr. Pornthip Rojanasunan tells us what happened. Until then the case is still open.

  13. The 'how much do you spend on electricity' and similar threads have got me thinking that perhaps I'm being cheated out of money somehow.

    I spend over 100THB a month on toilet paper. Is this reasonable? I would hate the think that I'm just flushing money down the toilet.

    No one ever better complain that a posting on ThaiVisa is frivolous after this. Too much drinking or drugs I suspect is at the bottom of this post. I think this topic should be immediately moved to the forum where people brag about how little they live on in Thailand. The only thing worse than reading this post is taking to time to respond to it. Mr. Garro, get a life.




    I have been waiting for you since to contact me for your Confirmable Bank Draft of $800.000.00 United States Dollars, but I did not hear from you since that time. Then I went and deposited the Draft with FEDEX COURIER SERVICE, West

    Africa, I travelled out of the country for 3 Months Course and I will not come back till endof March.

    What you have to do now is to contact the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of the expiring date. For your information, I have paid for the delivery Charge, Insurance premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque showing that it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country


    The only money you will send to the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE to deliver your Draft direct to your postal Address in your country is ($300.00 US)Dollars only being Security Keeping Fee of the Courier Company so far.Again, I would have

    paid that but they refused because they don't know when you will contact them and in case of demurrage. You have to contact the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE now for the delivery of your Draft with this information bellow:

    Contact Person: Mr micheal paul

    Email Address:

    [email protected]


    Finally, make sure that you reconfirm your Name Address Postal address telephone number to them again to avoid any mistake on the Delivery .Let me repeat again, try to contact them as soon as you receive this mail to avoid any further delay and remember to pay them their Security Keeping fee of $300.00 US Dollars for their immediate action. You should also let me know through email as soon as you receive your Draft.

    Yours Faithfully,

    Reginard Adams

    My reply to Mr. Adams emal:

    Dear Mr. Adams, I received your email, obviously, and it raises a few questions that need to be answered before I forward money to you in order to collect my USD800,000. While I am anxious to conclude the exchange quickly I want to warn you that I finished grade school in the United States and do not easily fall prey to what has commonly become known as “Nigerian Scams”.

    To get me to send USD300 to you for services rendered please answer the following questions:

    1. Where did you learn to write the English language? You feeble attempt at letter writing screams for all kinds of negative critique which happens to be what I do best. Your sentence structure and punctuation would get you held back in the 3rd grade of even a class in the Los Angeles City School District (California, USA). President Bush’s new policy of “no student left behind” may save you but for your own good you should repeat the grade normally reserved for 8 year olds.

    2. You gave me a telephone number to call beginning with the country code “235”. Using secret spy tools found on the World Wide Web I determined that I could be calling a country not the United States. Research: Ghana country code • 233 • Nigeria country code • 234 • Chad Republic country code • 235 • Central Africa Republic country code • 236. This really doesn’t sit well with me because I am reticent to deal with war torn African countries when it comes to my money.

    3. You said in your letter you would be back in country, making it sound like the USA, in March. It is April now. Too bad they don’t have calendars in Chad. When I send you my money transfer or check or even cash do you want me to send you a current Playboy calendar. There are eleven really hot white women and even one good looking Black featured throughout this publication. You could probably trade it for cigarettes the next time you’re in prison. I’m just saying that if you’re gay this calendar will give you nothing but the date. I’m just saying…

    4. I appreciate that you paid the money for the “Clearance Certificate Fee” of the check showing that it is not a drug money or meant to sponsor terrorist attacks in my country. How do you know that I’m not a terrorist or a drug dealer exactly? Maybe you and I are a little bit alike and use the same logic. USD800,000 is really nothing in the global scheme of things. Truth be told this would not be enough to fund a two hotdog BBQ anywhere in the USA. Have you seen the prices of food lately there? When I entertain Muslims they aren’t supposed to drink but the cost of the petting zoo they want, filed under “stress reduction”, is astronomical these days. I really never got this whole bestiality thing. Do you force yourself on those skinny farm animals in Chad that I see on CNN? How do you get past the smell? Sorry. I digress.

    5. When does my bank draft expire? You failed to mention that in your email. You did mention parcel but is it more like a letter. I know how these things get lost in translation. I saw on BBC once, I think it was the German military delivering aid to the region. They we throwing parcels out the back of a helicopter to some very skinny people on the ground. This is where you’ve got to use your God (whichever) given innate intelligence or that 3rd grade education. One guy didn’t know if he was getting a letter or a parcel and caught a 25 kilo bag of wheat, killing him instantly. What can you do with all that wheat anyway?

    6. You said that I should notify you when I get my USD800,000. You didn’t give me your personal contact information. Please forward ASAP.

    We should be able to make some arrangement to conduct business face to face as I too am not residing in the United States of America. This should be a win-win situation for both of us. I live in Southeast Asia and judging from all the West Africans selling passports, drugs and sandals here it must be easy to make travel arrangements. Please bring my bank draft to the Landmark Hotel, Sukhumvit Road at Soi 4, Bangkok, Thailand. Also, have a copy of your travel receipts which I will reimburse on the spot. Let me know the date and I will book you a suite at the Landmark for at least 3 nights with full signing privileges to rest before your return home.

    Thank you in advance for your time and efforts on my behalf. Only through individual cooperation during these heady times of globalization can business like this flourish.



  15. Please moderators:

    This topic needs to be visible on the main News Clippings page..

    People must know how dangerous it is ...Potential tourists/victims aren't seeing this on the Pattaya forum

    I also think this thread should be moved to News Clippings. I think this is a national story and not limited to Pattaya. It has so many angles and some of the governments reported perposterous are preposterous. This is NEED TO KNOW.

  16. Is Pattaya Daily News the same as Pattaya City News?

    I don't think so. I was just wondering if I missed this story in The Nation or the Post. I should be a major story if twin girls were murdered on the beach. The bigger story is, are the police covering this up as a suicide again or is there any real evidence they decided to end it all on the beach in Thailand.

  17. I'm sympathetic about the guy living large on 17,000 baht a month and loving it.

    It seems to me that a number of those who need to attack him are saying a lot more about themselves than him. It's sad when some---not only feel that their way is the only way--but they're also compelled to attack and be bitter about anyone seeming to enjoy a different path home.

    I also sympathize with his struggles to learn to spell Thai correctly. After confusing 'Thai" and "south," and one more effort that was mostly beyond me, he kind of gave up on that.

    The issue is not that he's living on 17000 and loving it.

    The issue is he gets on his high horse and attacks anyone who isn't living like him. Calling people fools for buying a Starbucks for example. And his attack on Thai women shows that he's really not loving his life. Happy people aren't that angry and bitter and contemptuous of others.

    The guy isn't loving his life. He's attempting to rationalise his misery and lashing out at others who have a better life than he does

    I totally agree with 'Theyreallrubbish' here. The OP can't afford to get out of the hut and enjoy himself so he is forced to rationalize his lifestyle. He never did say how much he pays his maid!

  18. From the Pattaya Daily News April 15th, 2008 - DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY FURTHER INFO ON THIS CASE. Looks like the Pattaya Police are taking the easy way out again.


    Police commissioner of Chonburi province and his team have inspected the crime scene where the two Korean women were found dead on Koh Larn (Coral Island) but still cannot clarify if they had committed suicide or were murdered.

    At present, there is still no indication to the cause of the death of the victims, whose bodies were found at Tha-Rai beach on Koh Larn. Officers from the Korean Embassy of Thailand and Korean police had come to identify that the victims, Miss Park Ji Hee and Miss Park Mi Hee (28) were twins. Korean officials were not convinced that they had committed suicide or killed each other like Pattaya police had suspected.

    Besides, the picture in the passport of Miss Park Ji Hee was torn out and the passport was left in her shoulder bag which was dumped into the woods about 100 meters away from the body, there were wounds on one of the victim's forehead and face consistent with being hit by a hard object.

    On April 15, 2008, at 5pm, Pol.Maj.Gen.Bandit Khunajak, Chonburi commissioner, Pol.Col.Thana Yuttithamdamrong, Deputy commissioner, Pol.Col.Nopadol Wongnom, Pattaya superintendent, Pol.Lt.Col.Sumet Harnwisai, the Pattaya investigator and his team have spent 30 minutes inspecting the scene of the incident once again. Pol.Maj.Gen. Bundit revealed that many witnesses on the Island had said that the victims were wandering around the Island without using Baht-Bus or Motorbike Taxi’s. However, police found out that they had been renting an apartment in Chiangmai for the past 2 years. They recently arrived in Pattaya and were staying at a hotel in Soi Buo Khao, South Pattaya.

    On April 10th , they took a 9 o'clock ferry from Bali Hai Pier to Koh Larn and were found dead the next morning. Initially, Police had assumed that they had committed suicide. The police are waiting for the autopsy results to clarify the cause of the death. However the possibility of the victims being murdered has not being rule out.

    In the evening on the same day, Korean Embassy officials , accompanied by the parents of the victims met with Pol.Col.Nopadol Wongnom, Pattaya superintendent, but further details have not been released.

  19. I lived in Thailand 6 years and have yet to drink the tap water and I don't know anyone who does. Vegetables, pots, pans and dishes receive a final rinse with bottles water. Clean water is cheap. I remember this same topic was discussed in the United States in the 1950's and fluoride became a running joke in a 1964 movie called "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" staring Peter Sellers and George C. Scott. They are both dead now. Maybe it was the fluoride! :o

  20. Well, I got slightly depressed over in that other thread about who has the most net worth, so I came to this thread to do a little slumming so I would feel superior to all the insolvent farang. Other than the philosophy and the stories about shitting in the woods, I didn't hear much about guys who are dead broke.

    As a pensioner who does not have much net worth, I assure you that you can live quite comfortably on a large pension. I have some close friends that I never divulge the total value of the monthly pensions, for fear I would make them jealous. I really do not understand how they live from month to month on less than half of what I have, but some of them are also eating up their principal quickly.

    We have heard stories of farang beggars. I met a neighbor in the embassy who was on ten years of overstay, but he still paid his rent.

    Perhaps most of the dirt poor farangs are away using the holiday as an opportunity to ask acquaintances for cash. Maybe the poor farangs cannot afford the cost of an Internet café which would allow them to follow and contribute to this forum. I really don't want to get the stories first hand anyway. The poor should be in survival mode, doing what they do best. In my neighborhood, near Sukhumvit Road Soi 3/1 the police sweep it every month to six weeks. They arrest almost everyone they question and it goes quiet for a while. Now that I think about it I've never seen anyone buying any of the sandals they sell over there. I'm not trying to be judgmental but I think these people are really poor. They spend a lot of time in the nearby Western Union sending out telegrams I guess.

  21. Some of these posts bemuse me.

    Just because somebody is paying a small amount for something why denigrate them? I love a deal , don't you?

    And as for people being "broke", What is "broke". Some people with the biggest debts have the grandest lifestyles. Think "The Donald"

    I've also known people with vast net worth , but not two halfpenny's to rub their arse with.

    I myself have swung from asset to cash rich and too and fro many times.

    Maybe my annoyance with this thread is based upon my ignorance of how ignorant people are.


    It is usually one of life's simple pleasures to get a deal. However, I have never gotten used to very loud bearded men trying to get their grocery purchase total reduced from the cashiers at Foodland. They just scare the girls. I know in sounds ignorant but these loud mouths seem to be enjoying the art of the deal and the attention.

  22. Savvy manufacturers know that exclusivity is a major selling factor. They take your hard earned so that you can show off. Witness the maniac kid on Sukhumvit driving a Merc. I've seen scent pass through perfume and is now known as fragrance. Similarly frocks became dresses and are now called creations. Vanity, all is vanity. Bah! Humbug!

    Often (not always) that's just the extrapolation of one's own attitude.

    Resentful critic: "Look at that wanke_r showing off his/her Benz/Gulfstream/Pershing."

    And all the guy "showing off" is thinking is: "I wonder if it'll rain today?"

    It's all relative. You don't feel the same about people chewing gum, right? There are billions in the world who can't afford that either, and would consider it an out of reach "luxury."


    true, but with many products people are buying the idea that the product is better just because its more expensive.


    Maybe too many people need to get paid. Actually the ice cream product comes from the Canadian arm of an American conglomerate, produced in France and franchised to a company in Hong Kong then distributed in Thailand at a controlled price. Maybe that is why it is so expensive. My source is Nestle Thailand who say they have nothing to do with the import of this product. He went on to say that the margins are very small now.

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