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Posts posted by grantbkk

  1. This guy could have gone to comprehensive school before his father made a killing in the macaroni market which would account for the OP's sentence structure and my run-on sentence.

    Having trusted staff provides extra security for you and your stuff.

    You don't have to be home for deliveries.

    You rooms are clean. I don't recommend maintaining a personal staff for rooms less than 30 square meters.

    Once you learn to manage people you will have no trouble managing a household staff. At 22, no matter how much Baht your parents gave you to leave home, you probably lack the interpersonal skills to properly train and manage (read control) your staff. You can eliminate the valet here in Thailand if you're the shorts, tee shirt and flip-flops kind of young man. Save your money for beer and girls.

    The number one rule regarding household staff is not to get to close. Many wonder why the staff always eats separately or does not travel with the family for no good reason. The answer is that once you include them in family activities their skills begin to deteriorate commensurate to their degree of inclusion and you will eventually have to let them go. If that happens you have no one to blame but yourself.

  2. Re: Oversized Complaint, Letters, December 13th.

    The unbelievable letter from Susan Sutton screams for a humorous and/or sarcastic response however in this age of political correctness I will respond with forthright, constructive suggestions to her queen-sized plight. First she might consider the fact that she has outgrown the country. I don’t just mean the taxis, chairs, seats and clothes but the culture and its people. When she begins to eye the Thai people as food it may be time to move to a country that can cater to her special needs.

    The lack of Taxi, Skytrain and subway accommodations for the queen-size is huge and not being able to find attire to cover mass expanses of flesh is problematic. I suggest during the search for a country that recognizes Susan’s special requirements that she try to eat less. Rarely do I recommend Eric Bahrt for anything but under his tutelage she can go vegan and reduce her carbon footprint here in the Kingdom. Meanwhile a burqa is very popular in Thailand and can cover a multitude of sins.

  3. The ill advised, let's call it a 5 day Prohibition over two weekends during the high season, is not about drinking but about personal choice, notification and "What were they thinking"? Someone asked me last night who was responsible for such a stupid decision to decree prohibition. He has been here for 13 years and we are all used to the normal election Prohibition. I had to remind him that the National Legislative Assembly had to vote this into law to get it done. This was a group decision based on who knows what. We can see from this thread that the word did not go out as quickly as lets say a polo shirt color change for the masses. Would the tourists come to visit if the travel agents around the world would have told them about a two weekend ban on alcohol sales or would have reminded them about the bombs in Bangkok last New Year's Eve? Out of curiosity we called the Marriott at 6:00 PM yesterday an found out the ban was being strictly enforced. People were walking the streets as if the were lost. These were not only sex tourists but families with children as well. The atmosphere changed in a very big way in a very short time. All of us that live here can survive anything or we wouldn't continue to live here. The tourists are the losers here and ultimately Thailand for ill conceived decisions by people who have no right or ability to make them. Thousands of poor Thais will receive even less money this month and children will suffer of course for the "greater good". I could care less if the 100,000's of tourists stuck in this mess return or not but the tourist's cash pays not only the corrupt officials her but a little finds its way to pay for education and health care. Developing country indeed.

  4. Are There any news sources to confirm this?

    It was reported on Thai TV channel 3 a couple of weeks ago that legislation was passed to halt alcohol sales in the Kingdom from 6:00 PM on the 22nd, the 23rd and the 24th for the election. It makes no sense but that is what they said. I'm sure it will be widely ignored but some places may stick to the letter of the law. The establishments never get the notice from the police until a day or two before Prohibition so you cannot ask them.

  5. It was reported on Thai TV channel 3 a couple of weeks ago that legislation was passed to halt alcohol sales in the Kingdom from 6:00 PM on the 22nd, the 23rd and the 24th for the election. It makes no sense but that is what they said. I'm sure it will be widely ignored but some places may stick to the letter of the law. The establishments never get the notice from the police until a day or two before Prohibition so you cannot ask them.

  6. Last October the Charoen Pokphand Group (CP Group), True Visions parent company and Thailand’s leading agribusiness conglomerate, announced plans to invest 123.6 billion Baht (US$3.6 billion) in Vietnam over the next five years. On December 9th, CP Group announced a Bt2.3 billion plant in Vietnam to produce feed for fish and shrimp. Even more interesting is the fact that a former Thai prime minister, Anand Panyarachun, is leading the charge into Vietnam. Add to this, the CP Group is grabbing up or creating businesses using the business model almost identical to our latest former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, makes me very curious. Sooksunt Jiumjaisawanglerg, executive vice-president of CP Vietnam Livestock, a unit of the CP Group, said the company will invest in food processing, real estate, retailing, telecoms and banking.

    The money involved in these offshore investments is astronomical by any world standard and the CP Group will make nothing but money on these ventures. I find it fascinating that the CP Group and its subsidiary True Visions invested a reported Bt100 million recently in political contributions to major political parties. While all of this investment capital is flowing out of CP Group’s bank accounts they will not invest any cash in their flagship satellite television monopoly, True Visions. Subscribers are subjected to second rate programming and multiple repeats on just a few channels. While CP Group and True Visions gets rich and hundreds of billions of Baht is being taken out of the country we are forced to subscribe to late 1980’s technology, made for television movies from the 1980’s and 1990’s that True Visions passes off as theatrical releases and constant repeats of substandard programming. Perhaps a small amount of the cash earmarked for foreign investment could be redirected for the purchase of quality programming and to improve a woefully inadequate satellite television system here in the Kingdom.

  7. I have had a running battle with True Visions (formally UBC) for a couple of years now over their content package. They proudly claim that they paid BT500M for the monopoly in most urban markets here in Thailand. This gives True Visions a 40% market share and they want to make money as quickly as possible. Content seems like an alien concept to the executives I have had direct contact with. When asked about the repeat situation they patiently explain they want everyone in Thailand to able to see the programs. For sports programming they blame the vendors for the content and inability to get some events is due to contract negotiation blunders. When I told them that maybe they should take the Package Designators like PLAT: GOLD: KNOW: etc. off of the program names on the electronic guide so we can see the actual name of the program they told me to, “get used to it”. They did give me complete instructions on the operation of the "i" button at the top of the remote control.

    When I suggested, in the calmest and kindest way, that maybe the Bt200M that went to the people running for office in the December 23rd election could be better spent for improved content for their customer base they actually ignored me. Since they offer Fox News on their “get some TV on your broadband connection” scheme, I politely asked if they could just put it on one of the 90 or so “FUTURE CHANNELS” I have ready to go on all of my set top boxes. I got a resounding no from everyone even after I told them that holding out something like “Fox News” as some sort of blackmail scheme was illegal in developed countries. I told them I would just forget about Fox News if they would put the channels which are advertised daily on TV here were added to my package. After all, every commercial says contact the local provider to get these channels (Fox Crime, FX, MTV, VH-1). No again.

    The first words associated with True Visions are “joke”, “awful”, and “the worst”. Several people I know have said that even Cambodia has better television content than True Visions. Cable television companies in the United States faced the same criticism in the 1970’s and 1980’s for their poor service and program content. Many companies were out of touch with the consumer and as a result became an iconic running joke when one was describing appalling customer service. After a shakeup in the industry and laws preventing monopolies were enacted service providers in the United States are now rated high in service and content.

    This is the same organization that has a 7-11 every 100 or so meters here in Bangkok and sells agricultural products all over the world. I believe they are virtually stealing money and are not concerned with customer service at all, only the corporate bottom line. When the monopoly finally ends only people stealing the signal will be watching True Visions.

  8. Yes, there are always small places where you can buy alcohol, but then there are also always places where you can buy drugs!

    Personally, I think I'll spend my Christmas in Saudi Arabia! I just hate it when a Buddhist country decides to make me get in touch with the 'true' meaning of Christmas!

    When I ask a Thai the meaning of Christmas the normal reply is that it is a celebration of the brith of Santa Claus.

  9. I think you will find its the evening of the 22nd, and the 23rd only. The 24th has been declared a holiday to encourage people to go home to vote, but nothing has been said about no alcohol on these days.

    It is normal here, but unbelievable, that the bars, stores, hotels, restaurants do not sell any alcoholic beverage until the ballots have been counted. Thai TV Channel 3 may be wrong but the news was very clear as to the 22nd, 23rd and 24th being dry days.

  10. ... very sad story, hope both of them will get better soon..

    but ....to keep things within the lines..

    the guy who killed the perpetrator, has at least committed manslaughter, what he did is way beyond self defense!

    Sorry, guys what so ever, there are laws and rules, EVERYONE has to stick to them!

    Otherwise we're back to the "right of the fist"!

    This has to be a troll. No one could be this out of touch. We were discussing farangs as victims yesterday and this happens thenthe Japanese woman was killed in the north. Exactly where are the thousands of police that are on the books?

    Pay close attention to you surroundings. Do not rely on a false sense of security.

  11. Today's The Nation has an in depth article on the 1,000 assassins that the police are going to be keeping an eye on during the run-up to the election.

    A few years back the last former prime minister asked Thai press publicly to reduce the number of reports of crimes against tourists because it negatively impacts the tourism industry. He made the same plea that obviously is still in effect regarding tourists and ex-pats who are suspected of committing suicide. Some of these suicides are of course not suicides. The two shots to the head and the hangings with the plastic bags over the victim's heads while their hands are tied behind their back come to mind. These are not isolated incidents and reliable crime statistics her in Thailand may be decades away. I think without the services of the Pattaya City News we would never hear about any crime in Thailand.

    Logic dictates that because of the poor to rich ratio, economy, unemployment, gangs and willing pool of farang victims Thailand, it is actually one of the most dangerous places in the world if you're not careful. Most violent crime in major cities happens between 10:00 PM and 5:00 AM. Many involve drugs and alcohol which fuels a lot of violent behavior. Going home early or staying in a large group provides a degree of security.

    A false sense of security is dangerous.

  12. Mon, November 26, 2007 : Last updated 9:04 hours


    Gunning for 1,000 assassins

    Police face the daunting task of neutralising underworld figures and gunmen for hire who are known for going after political canvassers.

    Published on November 26, 2007

    The team put together to fight this threat is being lead by National Police deputy chief General Wongkot Maneerin.

    The police database reportedly stores biographies on 1,000 suspected gunmen for hire. They are divided into four groups: former policemen or soldiers, serving policemen or soldiers, civilians who sport security officers' uniforms, and others.

    General Wongkot Maneerin: He became very active in enforcement during the Thaksin administration when he headed a "War on Drugs" team, elevating himself among the leading "tough cops". His work profile also includes suppression of southern unrest, and together with his team, came back with flying colours.

    Lt-Gen Phanuphong Singara na Ayuthaya: An assistant National Police chief, he is the "real deal" who has been called upon many times when crackdowns on influential figures and gunmen were needed. Notably, during the time when General Sombat Amornwiwat supervised the Crime Suppression Division (CSD), Phanuphong was called in to join the missions.

    Phanuphong was also involved in the Thaksin administration's drug-trafficking crackdown, and he was also co-opted for police work against the southern unrest. He was assigned as commissioner of Provincial Police Region 5, leading to a decline in serious crime in the northern region.

    Lt-Gen Assawin Kwanmuang: The Metropolitan Police commissioner is known for his no-nonsense approach and has a reputation for getting the job done. His work includes the task of hunting down the drug-dealing "Jo Danchang" gang members, who were reportedly seen arrested and handcuffed, but were later found dead in a hut.

    Maj-General Kridsada Phankhong-cheun: The deputy Metropolitan Police commissioner's key accomplishments include being part of a team that arrested legendary criminal Kornprasert "Tee Yai" Changkhien and helping solve the case of a daring robbery of Khao Yai visitors in Prachin Buri in 1988.

    Maj-General Sompong Khongpetch-sak: The deputy commissioner of Provincial Police Region 6's achievements include the crackdown on southern insurgency and the "War on Drugs". It could be said that his rise in the force was based on cracking down on underworld figures and gunmen for hire.

    Maj-General Saritchai Anekwiang: The commander of Forensic Division 4 in Yala is most reknowned for his involvement in helping solve the murder of obstetrician Phassaporn in 2001 by her estranged husband Dr Wisut Boonkasemsanti.

    Colonel Preecha Thimamontri: The chief of the Metropo-litan Police's Investigation Centre started a school to produce police investigators and stands out for the arrests of Sathit Setasunthorn and Son Thonglor, known as "Fat and Skinny", infamous for robbing beauty salons around Bangkok. He also tracked down the murderer of popular columnist and administrator Saengchai Sunthornwat.

    Maj-General Kamronwit Thoopkrajang: A deputy Provincial Police Region 1 commissioner, is known as a "preventer" of all sorts of crime. He became an investigator along with Assawin and participated in many national cases, including the grisly murder of then-Yasothon governor Preena Lipattanaphan in 2001.

    Colonel Prayont Laseu: Regarded as "skilled and experienced", particularly in cases involving underworld figures and gunmen, his arrests of gun-men on the CSD's blacklist are most impressive. Most recently, he was instrumental in solving the murder of Phrae provincial administration organization president Charnchai Silpauaychai.

    Colonel Chaiwat Ketworachai: The deputy CSD commander is highly rated as a skilled investigator and a notable case was solving the failed car-bomb attack on former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.


    I find this article both humorous and appalling at the same time. There is a data base of hitmen and a group of assassin hunters loose on the street supposedly tasked to disrupt or for the benefit somehow of upcoming election process. First, in the 21st century why are there no hitwomen. Many Thai men may have some military training but they are subject to outside influences like drugs, alcohol, women and of course other men which seem to degrade their concentration when it comes to rudimentary tasks. Most find it hard to focus after the age of 20. For example, if there were no Thai women in the construction business there would be no buildings more than one story tall. Thai women seem more up to the task at hand.

    I would recommend that if there were a bunch, say 1,000 murders for hire suspects listed somewhere, someone should be trying to pare down that list all year long. I realize I’m just a guest here in the Kingdom and it is just my personal opinion but on the plus side it looks like a great group of assassin hunters has finally been assembled.

    Good Luck!

  13. Earlier this year I watched an American friend of mine settle a check but did not leave a tip. I asked him what the hel_l he thought he was doing? He said he was tipping like a European now and doesn't tip anymore. I told him that he was cheap and to never, never do that again in my presence. We live here in Bangkok and I would like to maybe come back to the establishment again. I know it's his choice but I gave him my portion of the check and more for a generous tip.

    I tip taxi drivers more than most because I feel that the honest ones that immediately turn on the meter simply deserve it. The price of all types of fuel are up and a Bangkok taxi is one of the biggest bargains in the world.

  14. To answer the original question, I have reduced my carbon footprint by eliminating those long flights back and forth from the United States by staying permanently in Bangkok, Thailand. I no longer drive a car or a motorcycle and conscientiously use public transportation. I vowed not to buy a car or motorcycle for every girl that asks for one though it's had to explain the footprint thing to them. :o

  15. The tone of many of the comments here are at the very least in bad taste and conceived without much thought. This victim retired in Thailand as many of us have done or are thinking about doing. Although many of us won't reach age 66 there are many who will live beyond what is thought here to be way too old to enjoy some of what is available in this country. Many different lifestyles are on offer here and all of them pose some degree of risk. I know one American gentleman who in my opinion has signed his death warrant by taking out a USD300,000 life insurance policy naming his true love found in a beer bar as the beneficiary. He married her and now has know her for about 5 months. I think this is risky behavior but it is his choice. People who ridicule this victim should look into there own childhood and past for the reasons they attack him so easily. Some of the posters must be around the victim's age and do not understand how he could end up with two women. I respectfully suggest that they ask there doctor about recent strides and medical breakthroughs in restoring male sex drive.

  16. A little more than a year ago I went with a friend here in Bangkok on the final inspection of his new one bedroom condo that cost more than Baht 11M. Of course there were a few things that required attention but I thought I had lost my mind when I couldn't find the water heater(s). I looked for about 15 minutes and tested all the taps before I announced that he had no hot water. As he should he promptly told me I as out of my mind. In the end there was no hot water anywhere and when the builder was asked his one word reply was, "Extra". That could be explained as This is Thailand but it took about 2 hours of negoations to even get the builder to install hot water in the kitchen. This was the number one builder of condos in Thailand but the represenative implied that he has never heard of having hot water in the kitchen.

    In my home the maid was trained by me regarding cleaning and hygiene. Thais like to push around their dirt and germs with mops and brooms. In your home you have to modify the way they do things and follow up to see that they don't backslide. This is a health issue and in the end it is just as good for them as we know it is for us.


    To: Truevisions_Care; Truevisions_Care

    Subject: Customer Request to True Visions ---NFL

    Dear Sirs: I accidentally found an unadvertised live NFL Sunday Night Football game broadcast between the New England Patriots and the Buffalo Bills on channel 64 that started at 8:15 AM this morning. First I want to thank you for broadcasting the game. Now I wonder why the game is not scheduled in the electronic guide (it was scheduled to be a badminton game) or in your True Visions website guide. Is this live broadcast a mistake by a content provider and beyond your control or does someone actually know about it in advance? If you have prior knowledge could you please send me an e-mail or an SMS to my mobile phone when you discover you are going to broadcast a unscheduled NFL game. I will be able to act as you agent to get the word out so more fans can enjoy the event.

    Thanks in advance for your consideration in this matter. grantbkk

    Dear Mr. grantbkk:

    As you know that, we have a plan to show four NFL games a week but unfortunately, the license was not mutually agreed. We have only two. However, as we have strived to improve our sports program line-up consistent with what the subscribers told us about their viewing interests, Truevisions is now able to secure the right for four NFL games a week through the season. Instead of showing only early Monday morning, the games will also be shown at 8.00 am on Monday and Tuesday morning. Please be advised.

    Thank you for your letter. Write us again whenever we can be of further help to you. Please contact us at 02-7252525 or [email protected]

    02-7252525àPress 9 for Englishà Press 8 for Gold and Platinumà Enter subscriber number …. and followed by(#)à Press 1 to submità Then press number 1 for Billing and Payment, 2 for Technical, or 3 for General Information…, your line will be transferred to the representative shortly.

    We are so grateful for your trust in our service and support us all time.

    Best regards,

    True Visions

  18. Looks like we're now going to see four games a week.

    Dear Mr. gantbkk:

    As you know that, we have a plan to show four NFL games a week but unfortunately, the license was not mutually agreed. We have only two. However, as we have strived to improve our sports program line-up consistent with what the subscribers told us about their viewing interests, Truevisions is now able to secure the right for four NFL games a week through the season. Instead of showing only early Monday morning, the games will also be shown at 8.00 am on Monday and Tuesday morning. Please be advised.

    Thank you for your letter. Write us again whenever we can be of further help to you. Please contact us at 02-7252525 or [email protected]

    02-7252525àPress 9 for Englishà Press 8 for Gold and Platinumà Enter subscriber number …. and followed by(#)à Press 1 to submità Then press number 1 for Billing and Payment, 2 for Technical, or 3 for General Information…, your line will be transferred to the representative shortly.

    We are so grateful for your trust in our service and support us all time.

    Best regards, True Visions

  19. Letter to True Visions Customer Care:

    Dear Sirs: I accidentally found an unadvertised live NFL Sunday Night Football game broadcast between the New England Patriots and the Buffalo Bills on channel 64 that started at 8:15 AM this morning. First I want to thank you for broadcasting the game. Now I wonder why the game is not scheduled in the electronic guide (it was scheduled to be a badminton game) or in your True Visions website guide. Is this live broadcast a mistake by a content provider and beyond your control or does someone actually know about it in advance? If you have prior knowledge could you please send me an e-mail or an SMS to my mobile phone when you discover you are going to broadcast a unscheduled NFL game. I will be able to act as you agent to get the word out so more fans can enjoy the event.

    Thanks in advance for your consideration in this matter.



    Was that a live game or a reply?  I sure didn't know about it, so I switched over to ch 65 for a reply of the Arizona vs Oregon game, a good one, since I'm an Oregon State grad!

    Still, I'd have preferred the NFL game.


    It was the Live Sunday Night Football Game on NBC. No listing anywhere. Perhaps it was a mistake or they lost their tape of the badminton game.

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