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Posts posted by BarraMarra

  1. Interesting remarks made by the reporter  IF Palestine had played the ball they would now have a healthy tourist area with up-to-date hotels and many in Gaza working in the Tourism Sector but Hamas and Hezbollah don't want this so they will carry on Hating Israel and the West and watch Gaza stay in the dark ages.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Following on from the Douglas Murray interview with Piers earlier in the thread, here's his article in the NYP, powerful but horrific, worth a read. He mentions also the Thai workers that were massacred by Hamas. It ends with this statement.


    Hamas didn’t allow them to live. The world must never forget this.

    Israel cannot live with Hamas. The world must realize this.


    @Neeranam you may want to take a read...................did you watch the video earlier?




    No he didn't Brian he never watches Videos that show Hamas or Palestinians committing crimes in his eyes there all innocent.

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  3. He only responds to 2 members because he has put all the others on his ignore list, and then he has the nerve to say you never answer to my claims. Its because you don't like the answers so you ignore the answers we give you. Do you want to debate this Topic " Israel is at War " or would you rather ignore it and wind members up instead because your not putting any input to this thread.

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  4. On the BBC News last night, they reported a video was released by Hamas claiming they were going to release a 77 yr old woman and a 13-year-old boy but because Hamas usually forces them under duress in front of a Camera they will not air it.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Because, very much like a magician's rabbit, you pull him out of the hat whenever confronted with your own posts and views.

    Besides, it's fun.

    More likely the fortune teller that TAT employer a while back predicting millions will soon be returning to Thailand when he looked into his Crystal ball.

  6. 2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I was shocked, like others, when Oct 7 happened and my Islamophobia rose to the surface. As the war continues, people are realizing that Israel are commiting genocide and I can't handle all the antisemitic people asking me difficult questions. Therefore, I would like the thread closed as I am looking more and more like an Islamophobe. Much more convenient to lock the thread and save me more embarassment. I've tried my utmost to report all those who have anything to say against Israel's Apartheid system or the Genocied they are committing but there are still a few left. Maybe a new topic that doesn't give them the opportuity to ask me questions I can't answer.

    You will Your buddies will hijack and wreck any thread on this. We have just witnessed you demonstrating your feelings on this thread.Doubtful you have viewed the video posted by Transam 5 minutes ago did you respond to it NO you never even watched it all you can do is harp on about some yank leaving the human rights and wholesale slaughter of Palestinians and apartheid were not interested in this rubbish but you keep pushing it the thread should not be locked you and your trouble makers should be locked out and let us post about this thread.

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  7. As the IDF begins clearing the terrorists in Gaza the bulldozers should move in behind the troops bulldozing what is left and stopping the Rats from infesting the buildings left after the citizens have left and any tunnels they discover permanently seal them with explosives.  

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    I blocked you before this thread, but as you are obviously talking about me, I'll take a look at your  thousands of posts here. 


    If you have something to say, say it to my face. 


    The Toy's are out of the pram again. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Okay, what is the Secretary General of the U.N.'s definition of a child? 

    Try as you might, you are still unable to come up with anything but lying about murdered children. 


    That you proudly proclaimed the October 7 hamas atrocities as morally equivalent to what the IDF is doing says all that need to be said about you. 





    He just hasn't learned his lesson Yellowtail.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, RanongCat said:

    Sacrificed civilians who perish at the hands of the IDF who aimlessly attempt to bomb those they know are safe underground !

    Bunker buster  bombs are not so great at  penetrating underground through masses of building debris. The IDF  military  commanders are well aware of that yet still bomb civilians regardless. Declarations of success and  reticent revelations of IDF casualties are as much a part of the propagandist tactics Hamas is accused of. No less  so that Winky Blinky Blinken parading as some robotic commentator on morality and peace bringer to pretend , as usual, false humanitarian concerns. Not yet has he teared up over the "poor innocent children" as he did  for Ukrainian equivalents of far less equivalent  numbers !

    "We" is a primary  reference in opined references to Israeli activity by such as  Blinken.

    Unfortunately the eventual outcome will be a degradation of  global opinion of the US and any allies  who insist on  kissing nether regions to visibly under a mountain of dead bodies yet again as evidence of  "world" control.


    3 minutes ago, RanongCat said:

    Sacrificed civilians who perish at the hands of the IDF who aimlessly attempt to bomb those they know are safe underground !

    Bunker buster  bombs are not so great at  penetrating underground through masses of building debris. The IDF  military  commanders are well aware of that yet still bomb civilians regardless. Declarations of success and  reticent revelations of IDF casualties are as much a part of the propagandist tactics Hamas is accused of. No less  so that Winky Blinky Blinken parading as some robotic commentator on morality and peace bringer to pretend , as usual, false humanitarian concerns. Not yet has he teared up over the "poor innocent children" as he did  for Ukrainian equivalents of far less equivalent  numbers !

    "We" is a primary  reference in opined references to Israeli activity by such as  Blinken.

    Unfortunately the eventual outcome will be a degradation of  global opinion of the US and any allies  who insist on  kissing nether regions to visibly under a mountain of dead bodies yet again as evidence of  "world" control.

    The Pussys spoken the only ones underground are the Hamas Rats and the hostages there using as shields but you know that pussy don't you Baiting like your CIC.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Do you think that attack was for no reason? 

    He wont see this response cos he is hiding he knows full well the attack was caused by Hamas killing and taking hostages to be used as human shields against the Geneva Convention and committed war crimes he is baiting members.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    Are you suggesting the the Secretary General of the U.N. doesn’t know what the definition of a child is?


    Try as you might, justifying murdering innocent children is never going to be a successful endeavour in this day and age.

    You have just had a brief time behind bars MOJO for Disruption and causing trouble with members I'd suggest you keep a low profile 

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