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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. used to be my avatar but was deemed offensive Long Live Big Dick
  2. Oh please youre scraping the barrel now, plenty of stories where a foreigner was accused over the years and then later they said it was a Thai, a simple apology would have done
  3. well thats another reason, so now we have two/three possible answers to why his face was pixelated (selling newspapers), but I must be a farang apologist eh.hmmmmmmmmm
  4. Its not the Uk of anywhere else for that matter and Ive already answered the Thai inconsistency on that, I was only answering the poster who asked why obscure his face, I gave the answer because he may be innocent, whether he is or isnt I couldnt care less as that wasnt the question. OK you tell me .why have they obscured his face?
  5. Let me try to be clear, is it likely him YES But I wasnt replying to whether he did or didnt do it I was replying to WHY his face is obscured, nothing else but you have construed it as something else, the fact that sometimes they do or do not show the face is another matter, usually inconsistency abounds here.
  6. I wouldnt be sure of anything with me, even Im not sure of me , however my response was not into his guilt or innocence (thats a courts job not mine or any other posters) but the comment "why is his face obscured" its obscured because he may be innocent. Imagine if that was your face and you hadnt done it. Imagine every suspects face was plastered everywhere with every crime.
  7. yes im serious, next theyll turn round and say it was Thai, few stories started like this allegin a foreigner then later changed to a Thai.
  8. guilty until proven innocent, yes its the thrid world in some peoples mentality too
  9. yep Dengue Delta, Rabies, Road Deaths, double pricing.. we welcome your wallet
  10. I heard the Thai military are good at fighting their way out of a wet paper bag? could just be a vicious rumour
  11. Youre a lucky gut to have seen it all then before the excessive greed took over. Always reckoned the best time to travel was mid 50's to mid 60's, of course few could afford it back then making it much better.
  12. Sometimes you get good luck and dont grab it with both hands though, I remember meeting a guy 15 years ago in Thailand and it changed my financial life here for the better substantially.
  13. Do they really think thats the solution, struth theres no hope, guessing this place is built on a flood plain so common sense would make you construct at least 2 mertres off the ground.......all will be forgotten when somchai builds his next house in a few years
  14. defenceless, well how about building your shop starting at waste height, you know, future planning and all that
  15. certainly saw a lot of porkers at the hospital yesterday, they were giving porkers and farangs pfizer jabs, specifically calling out the porkers UAN often
  16. In the 17 yrs Ive owned condos here I have had no problems getting to them.
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