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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. Let's call it a justified raid that the rozzers cocked-up spectacularly.

    They must have known he was dangerous, because, for all their faults, the cops in LOS are usually low-key going into situations even when foreigners are clearly agitated etc. 

    On the other hand, knowing that, why approach from the front, in civvies, in daylight, as an assault team?

    I guess the casualties are punishment enough, so I'll leave it at that.

  2. 8 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Such upward and downward swings in COVID case reporting have been commonplace in Thailand for reasons that aren't clear.

    Nothing that involves the powers that be, which is everything, is ever clear here. 

    To paraphrase Churchill, it's a coverup, wrapped in a tall story, inside a brown envelope.

  3. On 5/25/2021 at 1:59 PM, oldcpu said:

    I would not bet that.


    I've heard (3rd hand) that some of the Phuket GMs have reported their Phuket hotels (big name 5-star) are close to fully booked for the high season starting in November/December.  I repeat - fully booked.


    I don't know if true, but November/December is within the 6-months you noted - so I would recommend trimming the bet down to 4 months - or even to much less?    I would bet that the only way the normal ASQ's will be easier/cheaper will be if in July/August, a 4th pandemic wave hits Phuket from tourists arriving, bringing the virus (despite their being vaccinated) which in turn the Phuket 70% vaccinated could not cope with, resulting in  new lockdowns in Phuket.  I think that very unlikely - but time will tell.


    I am starting to get optimistic.

    Australia and New Zealand plus Singapore and HKG can't even keep their "travel bubbles" functuoning smoothly as outbreaks pop up like whack a mole. This sandbox idea is going to be shaky at best, it's going to take YEARS to get the world on the same page with vaccine passports and rules and whatnot, I do wish the OP the very best of luck, but I am not optimistic about the integrity of the "sandbox" holding because people gonna people. And that means the chaos and last minute U turns are here for as lomg as the globe wrestles back to normality.

  4. This is the thing, nobody, at least not these old dinos, has the ticker to stand up to the masters of the loonyverse and tear them a new one, for fear of being accused of "hating Thailand" or some other geezery nationalistic diversionary drivel.

    I wonder what it will take, how bad it will get, before one of them goes postal, at least verbally. And get away with it, or even get a consensus among peers.

    Nah, we're dreamin!


  5. 7 hours ago, Hayduke said:


    Does this ban affect Thailand’s trendy and popular “Chemsex” parties? After all, it would be a shame if all those wild and crazy party animals at Government House….have to waste a whole day off.




    More than a few monks are into monkeying around. They sometimes get caught and defrocked, then they swap sides and try and catch and defrock the other dudes at the party.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:


    Domestic tourists if you bother to quote the whole paragraph, they don't need to quarantine.









    Oh they're targeting the domestic market?

    Yes, I didnt read the peice, since it was to be the same pie in the sky garbage they always trot out on any given day, with the word "local" thrown in. Can you blame us? At least they have a captive market! Few can afford or be bothered to fly internationally at the moment, in either direction anyway, and real money doesn't react to "sales".


  7. 31 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

    There is another thread in which we are asked to nominate professions that are undervalued and deserve a pat on the back. I hereby nominate TAT for their relentless hard work, against all odds;  especially providing their deadly accurate forecasts of tourist numbers which is always very much appreciated when those tourist numbers are revised downwards every few days. Without those revisions I would be thinking we were about to be invaded by 30 million tourists this years.


    This is a brilliant initiative and it's great to see that the governor is personally involved in a meeting. I do hope he ensure the success of this brilliant marketing strategy by staying closely involved and issuing a meaningless press briefing each day.


    I just wonder whether anyone is checking whether all the shops and malls will be open for business on July 15th and whether you will be able to sit down inside a restaurant with a beer by then. 

    You forgot to mention that they will use the cunning Rimping grocery  'sale" tactic where the orange SALE sticker covers the white "regular" sticker and they both are the identical price. ????

  8. 3 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:


    The percentage of people getting blood clots from AZ is very very very small so your mate was very unlucky indeed,
    Most people have very mild side effects.
    With Sinovac you'll need 2 shots and it's not very effective at preventing infection.
    If there's nothing else available then sure it's better than nothing but there are others available and Thailand has choices but they chose the Chinese vaccines.

    Mate, no Covid vaccine prevents infection, or the spread of it, the current vaxes only mitigate the symptoms. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Phaser said:

    I do not know one Thai or foreigner that wants Sinovac- not one. 

    I dont "want" it. But ill take it over my chances with Covid in all its delightfully fiendish variants.

    Have you spoken to someone who has had really bad Covid? And I don't mean deaths door, just a bad run.

    One chap in Scotland can barely type a sentence and he's exhausted. He got it last year. 

    I absolutely believe ALL governments connive cheat and lie about many things, the war on drugs being one, yet none of the conspiracy guys ever seem to question that expensive, resolutely anti-science and a freedom-crushing and inhumane clusterfork! But this insistence the global vax program is all some sininster plot is bleeding-edge madness. 

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  10. 36 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    That's because the vaccines were rolled out when the pandemic was raging? Vaccines don't instantly put a halt to the rise in infections. It takes a while for there to be enough vaccinated individuals in the population to reverse the increase..

    This is a complete misuderstanding of what the vaxes do.  Covid infections only decrease because the majority in any given group have already had it, not because vaccines stop it, because they don't. Everyone will eventually get covid, everyone on the planet, vaxxed or not even Xi if he hasn't secretly got it already, like so many leaders.

    We already know most people recover from the first variants anyway, if fortune is with us, then the other variants may not be as harsh, with the help of the jabs, at that point, getting covid wont be a big deal, and they'll have stopped things like the daily tally, even though it will be circulating forever, and still killing, much like the common flu does anyway.

    And people banging on about the death rate are also deluded.

    Death really is the least of one's worries, nobody wants to die, but let's face it, it's the ultimate problem solver!

    The nuance the "death rate debaters" don't understand is that all the disruption is to mitigate even more disruption caused by a scenario like India, where:

    A) The virus mutated to be worse, and

    B) A bad bout of covid really messes up the victim, sometimes for life it seems, plus the healthcare system sustainability overall, as well as the economy. It was foolishly "opening up" that cooked India's goose.

    Opening up will happen only when smarter people than us -who are also helping to save our collective lives, calculate it feasable to do so.

    • Sad 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    Just fly in vaccinated staff from overseas. From the gardeners to the resort GM.

    Very dry.

    I'm sure you are aware all current vaccines do not prevent one contracting C-19 nor prevent one from spreading it. The vaccines merely limit the severity of the known variants. The truth is Covid is like death and taxes. No-one will escape vaxxed or not, it's just a question of when, and how bad...

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