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Everything posted by Midwit

  1. Do they also get the free choice to stop paying taxes into the national health care system? If so then it sounds fair. I’m also sure you are one of those people that say health care is a basic human right while trying to deny this “basic human right” because they make a personal decision about their health.
  2. Collective health doesn’t exist. You are an idiot. Health is individual. My health has no impact on your health at all. Have a nice day. Enjoy the gulag when these dictators find something to use against you next.
  3. So we went a long way from 2 weeks to slow the spread. That was what 613 days ago? Just slow the spread to protect the health care system. No it’s going to you can’t work if you don’t take a jab. All of you POS’s that are defending this thought are exactly that. Look up the actual death rates. A 20 year old has no need for this jab unless they are obese or have other co-morbidities . A person that has had the virus and recovered has no need for this jab. A person that has had the jab can still catch it, spread it and die from it. “But what about the viral load”. F off!!! So you want to spew all of this <deleted> about protecting society by destroying someone’s life because they make a decision on their own health can go f themselves. You are all worms that hide behind the boot of the state. So give me a strike for hurting someone’s feelings. All of you Karen’s will get the same treatment soon for not having your 6th booster or something else that violates the new normals social credit system. How about if you are fat you can’t do certain things in society. I’m sure that will exclude about 3/4 of you.
  4. Just know that clowns like this have been telling you 2 weeks to slow the spread for the last 612 days. Wear your mask, spray hand sanitizer on everything, close your businesses, schools, you can’t see your family, you can’t travel, you can’t go to the gym or park. That list goes on and on. The best one is get the jab, double jab and 4-6 months later get a booster because the jabs may now not be effective. Keep listening to these clowns because I’m not.
  5. At any time did he say for people to go exercise? Obesity is one of the main factors of having a sever case of covid. Last I saw 78% of sever cases were in people that are obese. So if his job is the health of the Thai population and we are in the midst of a health crisis that seems to be what he should focus on.
  6. Do you check the vaccination status of every person you interact with? If you do you are beyond hope. The covid monster isn’t hiding under your bed to get you. If you personally have been injected with the good stuff why do you care about anyone else? I’m sure you are also wearing 2 masks, spraying hand sanitizer on everything and running away from anyone that stands closer than 2 meters from you.
  7. So if you are vaccinated your symptoms are less? How can this be proven? Statistics? Lol there are lies, damn lies and statistics. If you don’t get the jab and contract covid you have no idea if the symptoms are better or worse because you personally haven’t been jabbed. Reality is we will all catch covid at some point regardless of vaccine status.
  8. They should be shot. Imagine walking around outside with no mask. We’re they sent to a hospital and instantly put on a ventilator?
  9. I think your wrong in you saying if you don’t wear a mask you don’t care about others. I think your health is not my responsibility. If I see someone smoking should I grab their arm and put out the cigarette? If you are eating too much should I force you to stop? If I see a motorcycle rider in front of my car should I pull over and stop so I don’t accidentally hit them? Now reverse it. Should you follow behind me when I go up stairs to make sure I don’t fall? Should you run up and hold a ladder that I climb on? Should you come to my house and make me go exercise if I’m over weight? The only thing is I have the obligation to willingly do you no harm. You have the social obligation to willingly do me no harm. To say if I don’t wear a mask I’m willingly doing you harm is completely wrong. Freedom isn’t safe. I would rather breath air as a free man than muzzle myself or force others to muzzle themselves as a slave. If you think the air is dangerous you have the freedom to stay home or wear as many masks as you want. the other issue I have is the thinking that everyone is carrying a disease. This behavior is not sane. If you have your double jab you should be safe right? So how would my breathing without a paper mask covering my mouth change anything for you?
  10. You can wear 2,3,4 or how ever many masks you think. I think that the social effects are more harmful than the perceived benefit. Change my mind with facts and any peer reviewed studies from actual members of the public from normal mask wearing. I’m still waiting on how effective they are after an hour, 2 hours, 8 hours of constant wearing plus how effective they are in high humidity, sweating and rain.
  11. So you want a 2 tier society for people with the jab and without? Should the dirty disease spreading unvaxxed be put in camps until they wake up and get smarter? Do you have the spine to go and force someone to take an injection or will you hide behind the powers of the state to force someone to do it? I think you will hide like a worm. What about the million plus that have had covid and recovered? They should get the jab also or live in your camps? What about the “break through” cases of jabbed people that catch covid and then spread it. They are not adding to the problem? I will be waiting for you to personally come and stick a needle in my arm, I don’t think it will go well for one of us.
  12. It’s just the right thing to do. You should check under your bed before you sleep for monsters. It’s just the right thing to do. To think that the covid boggy man will get you outside while you pass by a stranger is the same thing. Can you show me some stats about the spread of covid outside by walking past someone?
  13. So when did it become the job of the government to tell all business owners what to do? When did it become the job of the government to determine who should holiday in their country? When did it be some some government clown with maybe a IQ of 100 to determine the “new normal”? Sorry but the free market will decide where people will travel, what they will do when they travel and what businesses they will visit when there. The free market has the ability to adjust and transform the economy into ways no government worker can even imagine. I trust some street food vendor selling chicken and rice to know what customers want more than some guy in an office any day.
  14. Seems like scary pictures on cigarette packages has stopped smoking. Just ban cars, religion and personal responsibility. That will solve all of the problems.
  15. Just ban car, trucks and motorcycles to save lives. Wrap everything in bubble wrap and bunker down at home. I ride a motorcycle here and I love the free for all. No one is holding a gun to anyones head to either live here or ride/drive here. Remember any law that is passed has to be enforced. More power in the hands of the brown shirts doesn’t seem like a good thing to me.
  16. Health first? What about the number of children that have killed themselves the last year and a half because they can’t deal with isolation? If you think only if your personal health over the well being of a child you may want to think long and hard about things. The covid boggy man may get you from an infected child. Guess what you can catch it from the person at the market, can catch it from a neighbor, can catch it from your doctor when your wife gets her first injection. I’m a teacher and I’m willing to possibly get sick from one of my students as long as they are not imprisoned in their homes another second. I talk to them everyday and they hate being locked at home with no interaction with their friends. I can also see the next wave of obesity coming due to inactivity. I wonder what that will do for long term health.
  17. Anyone with half a brain can see that kids have statistically a zero percent chance of dying from covid. The people at risk should already have gotten the jab since the health ministry is saying Bangkok is at 70% fully vaccinated. Anyone under 30 should be allowed to live a normal life which includes going to school. If you are afraid stay home and take all the precautions you feel necessary.
  18. Maybe with enough social distancing, masks and jabs no one will ever die again. Just wondering how all of that is working for Sweden….
  19. Thailand was built on mass tourism. I’m sure all of these high class tourists will want to step in dog <deleted> on the sidewalks, fall into a hole that was covered by a thin piece of wood, smell the aroma of a local klong or enjoy the trash on any vacant lot or street. High end tourists don’t want to deal with the realities of Thailand. They can still fly in, have a car take them to their private resort and enjoy life that way. They can do this in other countries and Thailand is old hat to most anyways.
  20. https://www.newsmax.com/health/health-news/covid-test-home-rapid-antigen/2021/10/06/id/1039369/ the false positives could be as much as 25%.
  21. If only they would’ve had a paper mask on for 16 straight hours. That would’ve stopped it for sure.
  22. let me get this straight. If you have had the disease, recovered and have antibodies you should get the jab to boost your immune system? You need to teach your body how to fight the virus? This is like after you know how to ride a bike you have to go and take lessons on how to ride a bike. You can keep getting jabbed time and again but if you need to get booster shots every 6 months maybe the vaccine isn’t the best that man has ever created. https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/06/study-vaccine-of-no-benefit-to-people-who-already-had-covid-19/
  23. Just wondering what the percentage of lives don’t end with death?
  24. It’s called evaluating risks to yourself and not being locked up in your homes by some “health expert” it’s a thing that adults used to do when people valued freedom and individual liberty.
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