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Posts posted by Callmeishmael

  1. It was already changing to be more Chinese - Thai style.  Fewer open bars with cute, brown Isaan girls, more discreet closed buildings with 'white' northern girls that appeal to Asian tastes.

    Also, as Chewit pointed out, prostitution is moving online, rather than have to go to a bar and talk to a bunch of old men, the girls will just check their phones once in a while to see if they have any new customers.

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  2. My school has been doing a phased reopening, with different grades showing up every few days.  All of the students and teachers have to do weekly ATK tests and submit them online every Sunday night or Monday morning.  One of the moms thought that two lines was negative and brought her daughter the school!  The school nurse noticed the results while going through the pictures of the results and the girl was quickly isolated and her mom was called to pick her up. 


    With hundreds of students being tested I will not be surprised to see some more positive tests on Monday! 

  3. Here in Bangkok a friend's mother died of covid and his father spent a couple of weeks in the hospital.  Another friend's mother was on a ventilator for a few weeks, but slowly recovered.


    A couple of foreign friend also got sick with covid, one (a half-Thai with a Thai passport) went to a field hospital with his wife and 3 kids.  The other one didn't tell anyone, just self-isolated in his room until he recovered.

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  4. A quick, informal survey of my P4 - P6 students showed that about at least 1/4 of them lived in the same house as their grandparents. 

    Before opening the schools should be asking how many of the students grandparents have been vaccinated? 

    Given the governments priorities unless those grandparents are in the military or work for a company that is owned be some high-so person, I would be surprised if they were all jabbed.

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  5. I've got a different problem.  Back in June & July I signed up for Expatvac for over 60s and got two Sinovac shots (there were no AZ shots available when I was finally was able to make an appointment).  Now, my school has informed me that we will be opening in-person classes on 7 December and any teachers who go Sinovac or Sinopharm shots will need a 3rd booster of any other kind of vaccine!


    I know that many people are still awaiting their first or second shot, does anyone have a suggestion as to how foreigner can get a AZ or Pfizer booster in Bangkok?

  6. The criteria for reopening is limited class sizes - no more than 25 students per class - and the students are supposed to sit 1.5 meters apart.


    Most International and some private schools already have smaller class sizes than that and can easily find rooms that are big enough.  Most government school have 35 to 50 students per class and smaller rooms.  Until these criteria are relaxed, the government schools simply cannot open.

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