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Posts posted by ronster

  1. You should get a quarantined clearance certificate from the hotel upon leaving to say you have done quarantine. Then from getting this you can go to where you wish but only if direct as possible. If you stayed a night somewhere and moved to another part of country you become same as everyone else following restrictions and liable for more quarantine etc.

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  2. 2 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    Dunno why, but all snakes mentioned in this tread seem to Cobras. In Thailand there are 234 species of snakes. Strange that. Just saying like. Are Cobras attracted to dogs?

    Most likely snake to stand their ground and attack if provoked when trying to get away I would think . Any other non venomous or mildly venomous snakes I have seen tend to be quick and make an exit rather than confront the dog.

  3. 16 minutes ago, FrequentStops said:

    Well, here’s the wrap up, OP here. My wife and the poo yai baan went to visit the farm closest to where the incident occurred. Turns out the guy living there keeps chickens and has been losing some to dogs. He put out poisoned food the night before the incident. Not sure what the poison was, but some rodenticides here can apparently be pretty fast acting.  It’s even possible the dog got into the poison while the wife was feeding livestock earlier the same morning. They were heading home when I encountered them and the dog decided to accompany me.



    Pretty sure putting out poisoned food to intentionally kill dogs is now illegal and can be fined and up to 2 years in jail for doing it .

  4. 9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I stand corrected. Having said that, I've never seen one in the Chiang Rai area. When you say up north, is that north-west, or north-east?

    I will admit to having met a couple of rottweilers on a property here. Once we were introduced, no problem.

    There's a joke that was doing the rounds a few decades ago, about Victoria's Social Services Department.

    Q. What's the difference between a rottweiler and a family social worker?

    A. The rottweiler will give the baby back.

    Think it was north east . My neighbor got a pup a year ago and this thing was massive at 4 months old . It’s now the size of a horse and you wouldn’t want it looking at you never mind running after you ! ????

    If you stepped in their garden or house without them there you have had it . Although the 2m high perimeter wall should keep people out unless they really like dogs or being eaten ! 


  5. 1 hour ago, oslooskar said:

    My friend's big black Lab was bitten on his belly by a Cobra last month on June 15th and died about fifteen minutes later as he was being rushed to the vet.


    In fact, there was a Cobra in my front-yard a few months ago that got withing two feet of my left ankle. A shovel quickly crushed its head and it ended up being someone's dinner. 

    Yeah my dogs had killed a few before but this was about 7ft long and very thick body. Vet said the dog that got bit first most likely got most of the venom and died . Second spent night in dog ICU and was told he would suffer liver and kidney problems through life. He’s still going at 13 yr old and the idiot got bit 6 weeks after the first bite , but was lucky it was only a juvenile about 2ft long. Still cost me a fortune at the vet ! 

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  6. 33 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I was talking about people who let their dogs off lead, or don't even have one.

    I have yet to see a dog in Thailand so well trained  it will automatically come to heel, and reject any food that is not given to it by its master. It would be like finding a unicorn.

    Not true . You can buy Dobermans already trained from a breeder up north. 

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  7. Snake bites will be visible usually and the dog should be still conscious for a while . Had two dogs bitten by cobras , one died other just survived. Rat poison would take a bit longer and would produce a lot of foam usually around the mouth and it’s a slow painful death.

    Quite possibly just heart problems. My 5 year old husky died from this and was perfectly fine and walked in the house past me and turned around and walked about 5m before collapsing on the floor looking similar to a human having a stroke . Just lay there pretty much motionless but alive and slowly heart just stopped over a minute or two. Perfectly healthy dog with zero problems ever and just like that died . I looked it up and it happens quite a bit , but is a shock to owners obviously . I wanted to get her examined to find out the cause but the vet said it would be 20-30000bht to do all checks , but he thought most likely heart just gave out .

    Well vented muzzle will stop dogs eating meat etc left around when out walking and the dog can still breathe freely .

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    Because you don't drink you have no idea i guess.


    You do understand that alcohol is a social lubricant and that those who drink and slowly get intoxicated start to get closer talk louder and disregard rules. Alcohol just makes people do stupid things. We all have done that (me too). 


    The other things you mention like food and transport are essential services. When people cant buy food or eat or go to their work then the country comes to a stand still. When bars are closed it does not impact that much and makes sure that there are a lot less infections.


    Having said that the government must of course support those in the night life.

    Didn’t say I had never drank and as someone who had a father who was an alcoholic and as someone who worked in several bars/ restaurants and owned  one then yes I obviously have no idea about drink and people  ! ????

    You must hang out in all the wrong bars then , as most of places I see the people aren’t swinging from the lights etc . Proper staff won’t let it happen as it puts of return customers, which loses money for the business . Then as for the restaurants that are allowed to sell alcohol with food are you telling me none of them are going to be loud and do stupid things after too much wine ? But yet it’s allowed in these places .

    From transport perspective that is an utter farce . I would rather take my chances in a bar with 50 drunk people than in a tube rammed full of people with the doors shut all standing shoulder to shoulder. 

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