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Everything posted by rskdev21

  1. Hey Bob, Cheers to ya. I am 62. Been drinking since high school. First alcohol drink I ever had was a bottle of Red Ripple. From then on, it was party time. I have been able to maintain myself without getting into any serious situations. Thank God. I am from Hawaii originally. But now moved here to Bangkok. US does not interest me anymore. Yes, having the afternoon buzz helps with finishing off the day. The world is so crazy these days. I just trying to take it day by day. Don't feel like you are doing something all bad. I always get the ear from other people about drinking also. But hey, my life. I do what makes me feel happy. I am not hear to make other people happy according to there way of life. Also smoke a pack of camels every 2 days. Never been sick or had the so called covid thing. Be safe,
  2. I use this one.> https://www.website.com/
  3. Suckerberg does not know about Hawaii. He, Billy Gates and Charles Shwab have Mansions down by the 4 seasons hotel. They are on the BIG ISLAND. I have live in Hawaii for 47 years. My brother is a Valet there. He says anytime those guys come in, Major security is around them. At least 14 men. They all have there own jets. They fly into KOA international airport and park there. The area he is planing on would have to be up higher. Down by the Hotels would be to obvious. And, yes, The locals have loose lips. There is no way they could keep a lid on it.
  4. My choice is Asian Ladies even if they are a little stocky. Compared to Western women.
  5. Always take a look at the Mother. How does the Mother look in her old age? Fat, Skinny, Average. Not 100 percent accurate. But better than nothing.
  6. Swung into "Action" like monkeys in the jungle.
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