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Posts posted by XtraFly

  1. 6 hours ago, billythehat said:

    “If it was me and I have nothing positive or helpful to say I would maintain my silence instead of projecting my fears and insecurities on others.”


    Sir, you asked and they responded. If you don’t want to hear replies that are, indeed, contradictory to your plans and visions, don’t ask the question. Most of the replies will be from well-meaning (young at heart) old codgers that have been there since the last ice-age and just passing on their own life wisdom and experience; those still in possession of some semblance of sanity, of course.


    It is with some reluctance that I have to agree with some of the advice given by some of the venerable turkeys’ on this forum, the most sage I would suggest is the practice of ‘try before you buy.’  Yes, most definitely go but should you hear the words “I lub yoo too mutt!” run, sir, yes run, run like the wind.  

    I LUB YOU THOO Billy ????

  2. 2 hours ago, zzzzz said:

    People always jump to conclusions here, its what the keyboard warriors do>>> as to my point about 90% more, i was referring to Cambodia vs Thailand

    When i was 32, set out on a 18 month bicycle trip thru SE Asia and than moved to Thailand when i was 34
    Never Looked back


    Go For IT

    When I was 18 I took a one way trip to the US for a summer vacation, and I'v been calling it home since then, but I'm in search for my next summer vacation if you know what I mean. LOL

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Silencer said:

    Two people: Yes

    Eating Out: 2-3 times/week. Meal could be from 500 baht to 2000 baht, usually with at least one drink each, sometimes a bottle of wine. My gf loves to cook Thai food, otherwise eating out expense, with drinks, could have easily doubled, unless you went for cheap Thai meals mostly which we didn't. There were a couple splurges I did not factor in...like a two steak + wine dinner or lobster dinner.

    That aligns pretty well (PRECOVID) with what others were advising, I truly appreciate you.


    that figure 12K+6K comes down to average 600BHT per day for two people eating in and out in nice places which I like from time to time. so my budget would be since I'll be single for a while 300BHT a day between eating at home, eating out at nice places as well as getting to go, eating left overs, and cheap food stands. and I don't drink unless I'm with someone, so the 300BHT daily sounds plenty at least to start, and then I progress into the 600BHT per day.


    Hope I broke down it close enough to reality (PRECOVID) of course.

  4. On 7/16/2021 at 10:12 PM, tlandtday said:

    Xtrafly I would seriously consider the area called Rawai Beach.  Close proximity to Phuket town and great beaches as well as being one of the few areas in Phuket still lively.  The infrastructure is good regarding roads, internet, restaurants etc.  I have spent a couple months there a short while ago.

    I appreciate you, I'm comparing phuket to Samui past few days, and so far Samui seems like a good fit for me. not sure yet gotta visit for few weeks or couple of months and compare the two, but I appreciate the advice.

  5. On 6/28/2021 at 7:08 PM, Silencer said:

    Pre-Covid....80-100,000 a month. Villa rent and expenses 37k, eating out 12k, eating in 6k, insurance 9k, girls/bars/entertainment 30k+, misc 10k. 


    Post-Covid. 40-50k month. What's changed? Rent 1/2 cost, have girlfriend and with bars closed don't go out much for partying, and saving to build house later this year. 

    PreCovid Numbers 12K Eating Out 6K Eating In,

    1- That's for two people correct ?

    2- How many times eating in/out on weekly basis more or less, so I can get a gauge

    3- 12K eating out including alcohol (No-sometimes-Always)


    Or the 12K+9K strictly food, since you have 30K allocated for girls/bars/entertainment


  6. On 7/14/2021 at 7:53 PM, Tropicalevo said:

    And here is a list of participating villas that was passed to me.


    Villa ALQ
    001. Panacea Villa
    002. Clay Beach Villa
    003. Moonstone Villa
    004. So Paradise Villa
    005. Angthong Villa
    006. Saralai Villa
    007. Ban Suriya Villa
    008. Ban Puri Villa
    009. Tawantok Beach Villa
    010. The Samui Beach Resort
    011. Pavillion Samui Boutique Resort
    012. Al's Laemson Resort
    013. Fair House Villa & Spa Koh Samui

    Compared to your home country, what do you like the most about Samui ? I'm thinking to move there so I'm asking different people what they like and hate the most, and what they miss if any about their home countries ? Thx

  7. I'm not denying anything but I'm certain numbers can always be manipulated and inflated for the benefits of of few elites over the majority of the public, and I see the whole thing as developed world taking advantage of the developing world to put them under pressure so they buy their vaccine formula. Always follow the money you will find the answers.


    How come the UK is allowing Americans to enter, while the US is not trusting the AstraZeneca efficiency so they won't let britons in, Interesting.


    And they announced the Us is donating 500 million vaccines to 92 lower income countries, what are the terms or the price for this donation ?


    I think Covid is real and deadly but at the end of the day it's a Virus like other vicious viruses.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 11 hours ago, digibum said:

    Most people have no idea what they’re talking about.  

    Like when someone complains about traffic in Phuket, even 20 years ago, it often took me 1.5 hours to go 12 miles in LA.    It’s 10x worse today.  

    Or people talk about crime in Thailand.  LOL, try going to a fast food restaurant in LA that has bulletproof glass like a bank between the cashier and the customers.  

    Poverty?  My buddy owns a multi-million home in Venice (why he didn’t just move a few blocks south to Marina del Rey, I have no idea) and he’s got people deficating in front of his house.  

    Way better in Phuket.  

    You sound like an Angeleno that knows LOL. I’m glad I found someone that knows what is real LA and not thinking LA in the movies lol

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

    Hot water?  I lived in Thailand about 3.5 years and had no hot water.  Sometimes no water pressure at all.  Had to have a bathtub-type thing (ang/ong) and let the water drip in there all day. Electricity was a joke.  I had several rented houses. I graduated from a mattress on the floor and mosquito net to a bed frame with a mattress and net.  No other furniture.  I had  monaural cassette player until it got stolen one day.


    Up in Loei in the winter, I had to put an old bus window on a 20 liter washtub and set it out in the sun all day so I could take a bucket bath comfortably before sunset.  No screens or glass windows, just lizards and bugs fighting it out inside before bedtime.  I miss it. 3,000 Baht a month salary was sufficient.

    You would be a great candidate on naked and afraid LOL. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Is there any place in Phuket without taxi mafia?

    (I am asking, I don't know)

    I seriously believe every popular exotic tourist city has its own cartel network which includes the taxi mafia for example places I visited and noticed the same thing Cancun, Rio, Cape Town, Belize. So for sure Phuket and other places are gonna be just the same and it’s very common when you bring tourists with dollars or euros and they have no idea what they are doing along with drivers that live below poverty line in a country that doesn’t enforce its laws strictly enough. Thoughts ?

    • Like 1
  11. 55 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    When you ask the hot water question, it sounds like you have not been to Thailand very many times.

      At 36 years old, you likely have not had any great lengthy vacations either.  A month in Thailand is nice, but

    the seasons are very different, and it is rainy season now. I have seen years when  even over the Winter months, rains

    still happen in Phuket.  It would be wise to travel to Phuket a few times at different times of the year on vacations

    to see what the weather is like.  You also will have little or no family around you if you move to Thailand.

      Being homesick is something a lot of people do not think about until they have been away from family after a few months

    as well.   The culture shock is a real thing as well.    Many things to think about, when you are planning to move to somewhere

    else in the world for more than a few months. Maybe if you can, take off several months and do a long visit and rent and

    concentrate on all aspects before committing yourself completely.


    At 36. I lived at 6 different countries extended period of times including Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica, Dubai. Homesickness doesn’t work on me since m family are not in the US anymore. Rain doesn’t bother me it’s the humidity I’m not sure how I’m gonna handle it since I’m spoiled by having probably the best weather on the planet here in LA.

  12. 1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    None of the beaches Im up north in Chiang mai---actually stuck in states(east coast) dying to get back.....left the state scene in 2008....explored all over thai for 3 months and started south(nope) and worked my way north--settled in CM....good mix of locals and tourists(when I want a decent convo) and tons of food choices and is dirt cheap compared to south...is a quick flight should I even want to go to beach(not) and $30 hour flight to BKK ot sleep on the night train (14 hrs)


    3 reasons that still apply today for packing up and living in Thai   cheap housing--affordable healthcare and access to healthy mix of cheap fresh local food.

    When my funds run low and Ive had enough of the massage gals clapping at me during my daily bike rides I head home(4 months CM -no visa) and jump back into

    work and enjoy Xmas and seeing old friends and family.....when I get tired of racism-hate politics-trumpism-Q anon nuts--mass shootings i jump back to thailand


    One foot here--one foot there..I travel only with a carry on for easy airport hopping--everything I own fits in my car when a friend holds it for me when I travel

    Rinse lather repeat--simple life--live like a local...old honda dream 95 paid for and a workhorse--simple studio in Cm for $125..eat fresh tasty street food and may

    enjoy a german beer or a bit of sangsom sugar cane rum on a friday and I flirt with ladyboys and tell the real girls I dont pay for love---living the dream-freedom


    After over a decade of this Im becoming thai and see how awful the states are, when people wonder why I leave I ask give me one reason to stay....good riddance!

    I feel I’m watching no reservations episode lol. But that’s what I’m thinking most of the happy people I observed they live between two countries and they are minimalists. That’s when the statement less is more sometimes! I’m on my way to decrease my footprint and own less and less so I can live free and enjoy more. Your message is very encouraging. My understanding you are not a fan of the south either cos it’s pricey or the beach life is not your style. Or both lol. I have to live and die by a beach preferably an island.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, khunPer said:

    Even by November, or January next year, the nightlife might still be a fraction of what you expect, if it's reopened, as number of business is linear equal to number of tourists, and other visitors, with interest in the nightlife.


    1) Kamela Beach is Okay, and so is neighboring Karon Beach, but clean shall be considered after Thai standard.


    2) Considering nightlife you might find only local bars in Kamela, and Karon, the "real" nightlife is in Patong, and to get there you shall consider some kind of transportation, for example motorbike or car.


    3) The closer to the beach, the less mosquito; living beachfront (like me) there are almost none.


    4) Fairly Okay, depending of expectations. Most places now have fiber with speed from 100 Mbit and up, but often with shared wi-fi and speed depending on routers and repeaters, but 100 Mbit can be expected many places. However, depending of where in the World the other end of your connection is, Internet can be little slow in periods, "little" relative to what speed you need.


    5) Expats and long-stayers are spread in villa neighborhoods all over.


    6) Normally, i.e. before the pandemic, a great variety of food and restaurants are available, but what happens after the pandemic is unknown at present. Predicting the future has always been a difficult art, so it can be anything from November 2021 till November 2024 before it could to be any kind of "normal" again, I'm leaning more against 23.


    7) Occasional black outs happens all over Thailand, but are "relative" rare. Very short power cuts are normal, and also fluctuation of voltage. Most of us use a UPS for power stability, and protecting our electronics, and enough time for a safe close down in case of a black out. You can buy UPS locally for around 2,000 baht ($65). Make sure to store local copies during work, in case your connection is disrupted


    8.) Depending of how little you wish to pay for accommodation, a typical cheap 2,000 baht to 3,000 baht per month "Thai-room" might not have hot water. Normally the water heater is a 3.5kW instant electric heater, that last as long as you have the water open (you might even have a choise of two taps, warm water and hot water). If you find a "green" place to live, it might be solar heater with warm water in the morning, and hot water from noon till late evening on sunny days (I have solar water heater, but an electric instant heater as supplement for shady times of the year).


    9) I moved from bitterly cold in the winter time Northern Europe, so among other reasons were "all year sommer and barefoot Xmas"; in general half to one third of living costs; little, but all legal, tax benefits; smiling happy people around me; and not to forget the importace an alien in close encounter with locals (in my case preferably younger ladies)...????


    10) After 15+ years residency it's still perfect, only regret is that I didn't do it 15 years before; however there were neither www nor wi-fi by that time.


    11) If you are considering staying longer than 60 days (tourist visa) plus 30 days (extension), what visa type do you have in mind?


    I'm not living on Phuket, but been the several times, so before you decide to settle for one specific area - you seem to not being familiar with amazing Thailand, based on the questions you ask - take a look around; i.e. try other destinations also, as there might be places of Thailand you haven't yet found.


    Many digital nomads stay on the island Koh Phangan on the other side of the Malacca Peninsula, i.e. an island in the Gulf of Thailand. Phangan has more nature and has more relaxed atmosphere than Phuket, and a younger party life where you also meet many younger foreigners, but very few typical beer bars with ladies.


    Also the larger sister island, Koh Samui, which is the second largest Thai island, holds a number of digital nomads and much more nightlife than Koh Phangan - it takes about 15-30 minutes to commute between the islands - but different from Phuket, as it's more clubs, beach parties and trendy cafés than typical beer bars with ladies.


    If you don't need beach and sea, many likes to stay up in Chiang Mai. So do get a bit around, before you decide to settle...????


    PS: I've been around numerous places in Land of Smiles, and I decided to live on Samui...????

    Hi There,


    I read every single post, negative, useless and helpful, to me you are one of the few that really understand what I'm asking and looking for, I wanted to thank you for the detailed answers you provided and I'm very appreciative of the advices. I'm also considering Samui and Koh Pha Ngan.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 11 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Phuket?  Hmm, let's see what happened to me and my guesthouse business over the 10 years or so that I lived in Phuket:


    - 2 of my staff shot dead - police didn't bother to investigate.

    - My personal car stolen and crashed by a druggie - police not interested

    - My $100,000 investment guesthouse 'invaded' by druggies and I physically ejected - police supported the druggies because they (the police) were the druggies' main customer

    - Me threatened at gunpoint by druggies and warned never to return to the island - I didn't


    Yep - I had a lovely time there NOT ????

    1- What business did you have ?

    2- Which part of town where they shot dead, and which part of town your guesthouse get invaded ?

    I live in Los Angeles, so this is the norm here LOL

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