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  1. Have you ever seen a Thai care home? no electricity after 9pm, no running water at night, absolute hell holes.
  2. Yeah mate, the country runs on expats!! They are the golden goose!
  3. No mate, I’m sure you are a golden goose. expats in Thailands really are the backbone of the country
  4. Ha ha, good lord. Describing the sad old soaks who retire to Thailand as the “Golden Goose”
  5. He took no gamble whatsoever, the people who own the bars did and it doesn’t look like it’s paying off. Well, unless the bars are being used for another purpose.
  6. Where did I claim to be his friend?
  7. They are all crap
  8. Well I’m not on Facebook and I know him personally from his days as the Assienda
  9. Imagine thinking Nick Dean is a name to drop? he’s a YouTuber. Just a normal bloke in Pattaya scraping a living
  10. Did you just describe Nick Dean as a tall poppy? good lord, will screengrab that. He’s a YouTuber that’s all, I know him, he will tell you this after a few beers
  11. He makes money from his members and the people who send him money in those “super chat” things he does. a fool and his money, etc
  12. They are marketed different and they do the live streams from there, but they are exactly the same as all other bars in Pattaya. Bored girls sat around waiting for customers to walk past. They are empty most nights
  13. He really doesn’t. He makes YouTube videos in Pattaya and occasionally hangs around the bars he fronts
  14. No, he doesn’t own anything and never has. He’s just a YouTuber. I knew him when he was fronting the Assienda. He doesn’t even claim to own anything
  15. Nick Dean neither owns nor manages any of “his” bars. They all belong to Flowers
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