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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. In fact, chimp behavior is also motivated by jealousy. Or, did you think that humans were the only species so affected? Regarding the band Uriah Heap, although they are a heap of something, they are not what you might call ..... musicians, particularly. Cacophony to most, seems to be music to your ears. Still, if you love them, then all music is wonderful, even a load. All music is good. If one were to beat on a log, just to make music, still this is good. Or, if one were to drum on a canoe, still, this is good. Or, if one were to drum like this, it might be even better... These college women are very focused on their drumming. Kudos!
  2. Uriah Heep. One of the more interesting and everlasting characters of Dickens' writings. The band of the 1970s stinks, still, to this day, though. Even a great name cannot save bad music.
  3. Do you mean complete and utter dedication to asceticism? This has been tried before, a few times. Destined to fail, in almost every case, so far. Even Mao tried it, by sleeping with virgins, but he failed to Curb his Enthusiasm, as expected
  4. I had always thought that ... Uriah the Hittite sounded much like Uriah Heep. Unfortunately, it was the Hittite who was murdered, and not the Heep. Wondering why? Just listen to Uriah the Heep, and you will know. If one had to die, far better that the Heep bit the dust, rather than the Hittite.
  5. Obviously, it was only jealousy and envy which made Bathsheba seem so alluring. Otherwise, she would have been.... just another broad, and uninteresting. It was the very fact that she was married, and possessed by another, which made her special enough to get Uriah killed in battle. I guess you know this old story.
  6. Jealousy is the root of all evil. Jealousy is the causal factor which leads to other sins, such as overlooking Bathsheba while bathing, and fornicating, as well. If there were no such thing as jealousy, then Uriah the Hittite would yet be alive, today.
  7. Just to put your response in perspective, if this might be helpful, there must be at least 2000 posts, or more, per day. And, the more the merrier. As well, as you can see, and thankfully enough, I only post comments on the topics which I have, myself, begun. Therefore, there is little doubt, as you must agree, that I am not doing appreciable harm, and possibly doing some good, if only I could reach some thinking person, maybe one or two. The reason the WWW is called the World Wide Web is because it is vast, with billions of posts every hour. Therefore, best for you to read posts which resonate with you, and make you feel less agitated. Just a kind word of advice, for you. Still, it's up to you what you want to read, and also up to you to comment, if you feel the inclination. Do what you want, but in the best and most civil way you can think. Do what you want. Best to you....
  8. Nobody loves a crank. Let's keep cranks at bay, while preserving the good. Sometimes, doing so is like walking a fine line.
  9. In every case, there is always a Catch-22
  10. For that I do suspect the lusty Moor Hath leap'd into my seat; the thought whereof Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards; And nothing can or shall content my soul Till I am even'd with him, wife for wife, Or failing so, yet that I put the Moor At least into a jealousy so strong That judgment cannot cure.
  11. To my sick soul, as sin's true nature is, Each toy seems prologue to some great amiss: So full of artless jealousy is guilt, It spills itself in fearing to be spilt.
  12. How many fond fools serve mad jealousy?
  13. O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock The meat it feeds on.
  14. Just one addendum of note: HERE: Dr. Goodall (Me Jane, You Tarzan)... finally admits that her beloved chimps are no better than we humans. This was a long time in coming, for sure. She had always thought that her chimps were, somehow, separate in their behavior, from other primates. She had thought that they were passive and nonaggressive. But...she was WRONG. IF Jane had wanted to investigate nonaggressive animals, then she should have studied Guernsey dairy cows, and not primates. Primates are SMARTER than cows. Intelligence is our downfall, us being primates, and cows being cows.
  15. So, anyway....please do not be put off by your dislike of my verbosity or anything I have written. Instead, do yourself a favor: Tomorrow morning, just three hours from now..... Enjoy your coffee while listening to this very interesting speaker, Jared Diamond. The link to his presentation is copied above, and no need for me to post it again. This is a very engaging talk which I am sure that you might truly enjoy, either for fun or erudition. (This is a talk that I have not forgotten, after many years....maybe, due to Jared's red jacket. I will take full responsibility if you are not thankful for this link.)
  16. It is the quality of writing which amazes, maybe. For example: Lin Yutang 林語堂, he did it, too, in a major way. ... Anyway, just a thought of mine... (probably signifying nothing, as usual, unequal to Hamlet, maybe.)
  17. My Dear Friends, Jealousy is truly the root of all evil in our lives today. And so, even though we may not find it possible to root out, completely, jealousy from our everyday mundane lives, still, there are important steps which me might take to significantly limit our feelings of jealously, and thereby improve our wellbeing, day to day. Firstly, we must understand that jealously is not something which is unique to humans. In fact, even our hairier cousins, such as our chimp friends, also suffer from jealousy. Secondly, one of the ways that I have taken to limit my feelings of jealousy and envy is to become completely celibate, and I highly suggest that you follow my lead. In addition, I have stopped watching all advertisements, unless these are ads for academic institutions, such as Harvard, Cambridge, Princeton, or Oxford, schools for fools, and colleges of no interest to me. Watching these types of ads do no harm to anyone. Here is what happens when one chimp feels jealousy, and when his jealousy causes him to go on a rampage…. https://youtu.be/ANvzW_Uaaxw There are better videos of chimp aggression. Yet, for some reason, chimp aggression documentation is not suitable for those outside the university sphere, presumably. (go figure). War is OK. Chimp aggression is Not OK? And so, my friends, if you wish to live a more peaceful and fruitful life, then I urge you to live your lives in ways which will cause you far less jealousy. In other words, don’t be a chimp. Jealousy is a strong emotional state, an irrational state, which we must struggle to avoid, and which originates in our limbic brain, and which we can only try to limit through changing our behaviors and environment. For example, do not get engaged to your GF, and do not marry even if you become engaged. Instead, just prevaricate, and have cheap sex with no commitments. Also, do not talk or think about whether or not a BMW might be better than a Volvo, things like that. Give up all material things, for sure! The more you engage in conspicuous consumption, then the more you might become jealous of your neighbor, and for no good logical purpose. Soon, what was a brand-new car will, in years to come, become a pile of rusting junk, if not a car wreck, in some cases. Remember, please, that, no matter how old you might be, today, still, you will be in your grave, with no material assets, within a very, very short period of time. I know that this logic makes no sense to most people. Man does not make decisions based on logic, obviously. Chimps and Man behave in the same way, and how could this be otherwise? Perhaps you have never heard of the Galapagos Islands, or the reason that this once great civilization deteriorated so suddenly, the main reason being that the Galapagos was deforested. Therefore, why should we continue to fool ourselves that we might be logical beings? I do not doubt that you might find much more logic in Pattaya than in most places of higher learning. This is why, mostly, those from the UK are predominantly represented there, in the bars of Pattaya. LIKEWISE: ===In fact, as Jared Diamond once stated, his Harvard undergrads were not half as smart as the locals in P&G.=== And, we can only assume that the women in Pattaya bars are smarter than the graduates of the Harvard Kennedy School, the John F. Kennedy School of Government, for example. Well, so anyway, I would wish to leave you with just several thoughts: aa. This guy, Jared Diamond is a heck of a lot more interesting than I ever thought, just from reading his books. I MEAN that he is a dynamite speaker. So, just take a listen if you are bored by the Covid lockdown. bb. Find it in your hearts to tamp down this JEALOUSY thing. There are many ways to do this. I have done this, and you can, too. IF you can do this, then you will be a happier human. Envy and Jealousy are emotions which can be easily manipulated by our environment, such as media, for example, not to mention proximity and population density. Therefore, stop being manipulated into rampant conspicuous consumption, and rise above this baser need to consume what is, in truth, mostly garbage which will be discarded in very few years. Also, as I have said repeatedly, begin your regimen of celibacy. You will change your lives for the better, when you do. I am not saying that you cannot have a nice massage, once in a while. However, just try to NOT get massages by the same masseuse, twice. Mix it up. Variety is spice. I am full of wisdom, such as this. Hopefully, in future weeks, I will find enough energy to continue my writing here. Best regards, Glob Note: Please note that I have soaked up a lot of wisdom during the past many decades from places around the world. I really do know what I am talking about. However, being as old as I am, sometimes it is not so easy to sit down at the keyboard and actually force oneself to write down, here, what I know. So, I must say sorry for my old age. NOTE2: Just in case you might wonder about the Jared Diamond video, and what he has hanging in front of his belt…. This is a battery. So, check it out! Jared Diamond is powered by a battery. (In truth, my heart goes out to this guy! My heart goes out to this guy for having his heart being powered by a battery….AND STILL…. This guy is able to come out and give an inspirational and informative presentation!!!!) Could anyone here do this? NOT SO EASY!!!! NOTE3: For those who might be searching here for something to watch, on the Internet, other than claptrap, while enjoying your morning coffee…. then….. I would sincerely suggest you listen to Jared Diamond’s presentation, posted above. He is a very engaging speaker. (Not always easy to find something interesting on the Internet, these days.) And, someday, maybe you, too, will have a battery. (Although, I do hope not.)
  18. The other obvious and important consideration is that Conrad wrote his novels, and novellas, in English, a language not his native tongue. How amazing is that?!!! And so, knowing that Conrad did what he did, writing so fluidly and fluently in a language which was not his native language, Conrad has always been an inspiration to learners of foreign languages. Some day, if I or you work very hard on our passa Thai, then we, too, may be able to write important works of literature in the Thai language, literary achievements which will be read by millions, and go down in history as revered classics of writing. And, since we are not dead yet, then our accomplishment of such an amazing feat is not beyond the ken. Where there is life, there is hope. Someday, some of us may write a novel which might challenge even the best works of Conrad. According to what I just watched on YouTube, there is at least one good author of Conrad's caliber who has written 27 books, while living in Thailand. Being in Thailand, the hot weather is ultimately conducive to profundity and prolificacy. In fact, living in Thailand, one might even become as prolific as a Balzac. (Just keep on writing. Some say, a billion monkeys typing can produce great literature. Anyway, this is what I do.)
  19. Moralistically speaking, what are the most terrible things you read, as a youth, while reading Lord Jim? And do these lessons still guide you in your approach to Asian Life, even today, in Thailand? Conrad is not such a celebrated writer, after so many years, even today, for no reason. Conrad's writing had meat on its bones, and sticking power. His stories are not easily denied, even today, in this present-day desert of FB silliness.
  20. Sad to hear this sorry tale. What was the price of said bike? I assume, rather very expensive. (Anyway.... Very sorry to know these terrible tidings! Was the bike insured, hopefully?) Really NG!
  21. My Dear Friends, As for me, pre-puberty, I read, and re-read, Conrad and W. Somerset. I even cried over the injustices written about, so many times. Now, after so many decades, I think my Lucky Stars that I bought these old second-hand books, and kept them by my bedside, just in order to refer to them, time and time again, as I continued through puberty, until, here I am, almost ready to pass through the senility stage of my life. Good books make the man, and not clothes, one presumes. Although, as I have mentioned, once in the distant past, the wearing of shorts in Thailand should not be tolerated among the polite class. Anyway, kidding aside, reading books such as those written by Conrad and Maugham should only be done while one is still young enough. After this stage of prepubescence has passed, then moral concepts are less easily internalized, in my opinion. So, read good books while one is young, or forever lose the opportunity to be turned on by them. Yes. It is definitely true that my appreciation for living in Asia, over a number of decades, has been colored and enlightened and transformed through my reading of short stories and novels written by W. Somerset, and, to some extent, by Conrad, also. Being an upstanding farang is not so easy if one is ill-read. No doubt you all have read these books, or otherwise, why would you even be here? Best regards, Glob Note: I wish I could return to those days of innocence and bliss, and read these books, once again. Alas, once one has read these books, then they are over and done with, never to be read, again, for the very first time. (Madonna: “Like a Virgin, for the Very First Time” Madonna knew, years ago, what I am saying now.)
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