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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Very barbaric when they have sex with cattle, and even horses, as sometimes happens...as you know.
  2. Coen Bros..... Good.... Bardem, amazing. Nobody bad in this film.
  3. Please.... Get a LOAD of this good thing....please... Thank you. Sorry. Fyodor.... There IS no GOD.....
  4. The lizards around here are now just beginning to get their groove. They are just starting up.... Soon enough, their sounds will resound from the rooftops. Even more strident and pressing than Paul Revere.... I love these lizards. And, you should too...be...thankful for.... The sounds of the Jungle. Anytime I hear a lizard around here.... I think of.... Martin.... When I wanted to be here....then.... I wanted to be there. Every minute in the Bush... Makes me feel stronger.... I love the bush.... Do you, too....?
  5. Does anyone here plan to become a vegetarian, this week? I do. Eating meat is just so very wrong, and I want to do right.
  6. And, now it's here.... Do Good. Or, Do Bad. Ups to You....
  7. Next life, you mean, of course.... Good Luck, with that....Sir....
  8. He looks more like the Idi Amin type. Wonder if he, too, has a taste for human flesh.
  9. Yes. THIS is the thing about SE Asian countries. It was very unlikely that the likes of the British couple and the aggressive guy from UK came from the same social strata in their home country, England. However, it is often the case that in SE Asia, one unfortunately rubs shoulders with the wrong sort, not out of choice but necessity, or just dumb luck. This is why I stay clear of Farang in Thailand. One has no way of knowing what they might have been up to in their home countries, what kind of setting it was where they grew up, and many other important considerations. This nice couple, most probably, would never have interacted with the other sort, if it had not been for unluckily choosing a house in HH. In the UK, this probably would never have happened. And, this seems to be not the fault of the local community, but the fault of a UK import from the wrong side of the tracks. Stay clear of Farang here, and be happier....!
  10. I do not care about NEED or those who say they have some need to be here. Need has nothing to do with it. Maybe the Africans and Indians have a need to live in London. So then, should they be welcomed with openarms? If they are vagabonds, keep them out. If they intend to become Rascals in Paradise, don't let them in. If their first interest is not Asia Asian culture, Asian language, then they should not be here,because they just become complainers. They don't really care to be here, anyway...so get them out. They would not care whatever country they might be in, as long as it is cheap, and they do not mind bashing the people of the country, whichever one it might be. I do not like them,and I am not too bashful to admit it. I say, get them out, and take those lousy digital nomads and send them elsewhere. Why would anyone want some digital nomad near them? It's like they have no attachment to anything of value. It's all about narcissistic pleasures, and the ME of it all. Truly disgusting people, and same with most YouTubers here, too. Just get rid of them. But, will they? This all began with the dirty backpackers of the 1970s, of course, heading over to places like GOA, and now...they are here, too. I am here in Asia because I actually want to live in Asia, no matter what the price, and Japan was once extremely expensive, but I lived there too.
  11. I would so much like to know more about that UK guy, the tall one doing all the punching and kicking. NOT a quality tourist, by many means. I would be very surprised if they have much of an education, for example. We all know the dregs of our home countries when we see them in action. Unfortunately, the engineer was unlucky enough to build a house next-door to the likes of what we see in the video. There are plenty of bums roaming the world, and plenty of Rascals in Paradise, especially in SE Asia, maybe.
  12. Yes...CORRECT... This is just two FARANG fighting together, it seems. Both aggressors are from the UK. And, we all know how easy it is for fights to erupt in the UK. It's just lucky no knives were involved, as often happens in London. So then, what is the name of the other guy involved? I do not know, but I have heard, that it is sometimes risky to get involved in property deals in that city. I guess we all recall other problems arising over disputes in the past, in HH.
  13. TianJin is an industrial city. No culture. You should move. Also, too close to Xi.
  14. Flying is now almost as bad as tattoos. Both flying, for most people, and tattoos for all people, is just unthinking DUMB behavior. It's nothing but MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO. I have no doubt it is mostly the tattooed unwashed, these days, who are flying most. Many years ago, we had HIGH QUALITY passengers flying, and it was a pleasure not to be stuffed into the cabin with indigents and neerdowells. Back in the 60s, I used to fly back and forth to and from school. I recall flying to California, too. And, the planes were clean, and the passengers just as clean, and well dressed. Now, nothing more than LAYED-off Garbage Collectors is all I see. And, let's not even talk about the AIR RAGE with people dumping hot drinks on the heads of others. This is certainly a RACE TO THE BOTTOM, and I refuse to be a part of it. If I am unable to charter, then I do not fly.... PERIOD....!!!!!!
  15. Stay out of the skies, better. Also, using one's computer is even better than being there, especially now that tourist areas are like Central Station. This is getting just as bad as India. Never fly unless forced to. Why pay to suffer, anyway?
  16. This is about the woman, and not the Bible.
  17. What about a Connecticut Yankee in Court? But, what does this actually mean? Of course you have your Land camera, but they are antiques. The Farmer's Wife is magnificent, and still relevant. Also, that the gods, she is finally happy and respected now. Some people are just no suitable for this documentary. I am a suitable person for viewing this doc, and that's a fact. There are others like me, but maybe not too many around here.
  18. Bread is healthier than beer, but not white bread. Just listen to that guy Lustiig, Just don't binge on bread, might be sound advice...
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