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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Hey Man!, All that I am telling you is that diet, alone, is NOT ENOUGH to account for such high variance in body height of northern Europeans. These guys are really tall. Why? This is NOT just due to a different diet or different environmental conditions for their ancestors. Now Way. No. There MUST be an important genetic difference involved which leads to this 11 cm average height increase. For sure. For example... "In a paper published in Nature, the researchers show that northern Europeans seem to have a stronger genetic link to a particularly tall nomadic population from the Eurasian steppe who came to Europe around 4,500 years ago. Because of these genes, northern Europeans are still tall compared to others on the continent. Southern Europeans became shorter as they turned to farming, as genes connected to reduced height were passed down through the generations. These shorter genes were inherited from Neolithic and Chalcolithic populations on from the Iberian peninsula, though it’s not clear why this happened in the south but not the north." We all know that Economists are idiots. We all know that Economists are not scientists. Economists pretend to predict the future, every day of the week. Real scientists should never predict the future. Science is a matter of testing hypotheses, but not engaging in prognostication and prophesy. Economists are soothsayers. So, please do not quote articles written by economists when you wish to engage in an evidence-based discussion. There is a reason northern Europeans are so much taller than Americans. And, this has very little to do with diet. Of course, you know that I am right. Right?
  2. You know what? This article was written by an economist. Economists, in case no one has mentioned this to you before, are NOT scientists. Economists are basically more akin to those who use a divining rod to find water. In fact, there are reasons why Europeans are very tall. In my next comment submission, I will do my best to link to the science which explains this. And, the causal factors have NOTHING to do with economics or diet. No worries.
  3. You are correct that genes are turned on and turned off due to environmental influences, such as diet. And, I also agree with you that the environmental conditions of one's ancestry, such as one's great-great-grandfather can also influence expression of one's genes. I grant you this, of course. However, it has been recognized, for many, many decades that climate conditions for peoples living in the northern regions and southern regions of the planet have a huge influence on manifested morphology such as body height, "etc, etc, etc". You can read the literature, if you wish. It ups to you. But, you know that I am right. Right?
  4. I will not bore you with the many studies that show that climate influences body size, including height. Instead, I will link just one article in The Guardian which, in the text, also links to Science journals such as "Nature" You see? Even here, it is possible to expand your mind... https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jul/08/human-body-size-shaped-by-climate-evolutionary-study-shows
  5. Actually, it is true in a way. For example, human adaptation to colder climates... Humans have adapted to colder climates by shrinking their appendages, such as noses and the thing down below, not to mention body height. The shorter we are, the better, in cold climes, way up north. Down south, however, humans are taller, and this is obviously an evolutionary adaptation. Everybody knows this. Just read the literature, as Chomsky always says. Also, we have changed the amount of melanin present in our skin, favoring less in colder climates and more in southern climes with more solar radiation. So, again, regarding that thing you love most, your best friend, then if your ancestry is from the very cold climes, you are bound to be shorter. And, if your forebears hail from more balmy climes, then it is longer, on average. Don't take my word for it. Just check out the science concerning long and short noses, as influenced by many generations of adaptation to living in various climates, either cold or warm.
  6. Would this really work? I am just seeking a young woman who might motivate me to improve my health, in a fun way, as well as a virtual way, which might also have consequences in the real world. The age group should be 24 to 28. Also, I would expect that the woman had a degree from a decent uni, like Chula. I can pay her for her time online, helping me to get back into shape. The only way this might work would be if she were a nursing student, a student interested in gaining hands-on experience with a real geriatric person, perhaps to do a research paper required for her graduation. Personally, I would love to contribute to the research of a young woman, such as this.
  7. Friends, I have plenty of barbells at home, maybe about 120 Kg. But, I am too tired and bored to lift them, by myself, unless some girl is watching me. How might one find a Thai woman to do some video conferencing over Google Meet, for reasonable compensation, in order to get me back into shape? In other words, what might be the best place to advertise for such a woman. I am looking for a young woman who is hot, and who is also able to lift some weight. She should be a person with some athletic interest, and also somewhat of a nurse-type, for being willing to help a geriatric person get back into shape. Perhaps, most importantly, where can one find this type of young woman who is willing to exercise with an older man, on line, for a fee? Do you know? What is the best platform for this, other than Tinder? Being celibate, I am only seeking a woman, not unlike Madonna, who is able to work out with me, but who is Thai. The internet here is working well, now. I have a camera which is high resolution. If I could find the right woman in Thailand, for me, then.... there is no doubt that this would improve my health. We know that the population of Thailand is over 70 million. Out of these 70 million, there must be about 37 million women. And, there must be one of these who would not find it uninteresting to exercise with me, virtually. I have very little experience with virtual women. Where would one seek such a relationship, as I have described above? If this were to become a real and sincere relationship, then I am sure that this might improve my health during this period of the virus. Any thoughts about this will be appreciated, not just for me. But, maybe for others in this same boat, as I. Regards,
  8. President Taft was a monster of a man. Even his bathtub was big. Regarding Taft's progress in losing fat, "By the time Taft was inaugurated as president in 1909, he had indeed regained all he had lost, and more, weighing 354 pounds. He became the butt of jokes, with many relishing a story that he had gotten stuck in a White House bathtub. But Taft never gave up. When he died in 1930, he weighed 280 pounds."..... According to this quote from the NYT. Never give up.
  9. For example: According to Arnold, his bodybuilding career began when he escaped from the barracks of the army, as far as I know, in order to visit the gym to build his muscles. Therefore, as you say, maybe it was at this time, during life in the barracks, when Arnold compared his endowment to that of his peers, and found his peter wanting, and then found his very constructive way to make himself a stronger man. Who knows, really.
  10. Yes. This is Arnold's only shortcoming. Perhaps, though not certain, this may have been one of his main motivations for increasing the size of his muscles, to such a great extent, due to overcompensation. Many of us have wondered about this point, which is not Arnold's most prominent point.
  11. Dear Friends, I have gained about 12 kilograms of mass during the past two years. Most, if not all of the weight added has been fat. Particularly, I have gained most of this fat in my brain. Some call it BRAIN FOG, but I call it excess fat. Sometimes I can't even think straight, due to the lockdown, and due to the excess fat in my brain. Recently, I have been watching muscle movies, such as Pumping Iron, trying to get my brain back on track. For sure, Arnold is an amazing human being, not only a wonderful physical specimen, but also a man who can teach us how to stay motivated, no matter the hurdles. When I was young, I hated the sight of men who engaged in bodybuilding. And then, I heard of Arnold, and my thinking changed, slightly. Arnold has always strived for excellence, especially in his muscular approach to excellence. Back to the topic: During the past two years, I have put on about 12 kilograms of fat. If I had been an Arnold, then, by now....I would be almost as muscular as a young chimp, after two years of dedication to building my muscles. The past two years of isolation have been good for some, I guess. Anyone who took full advantage of the past two years might be better off now. Do you now look more or less like Arnold, after two years of muscle building? Or, did you waste the past two years, just by not lifting weights, and eating cheese dip, instead? There are no do overs. And, this SARS-CoV-2 virus provided some of us with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something useful for ourselves. This only happens once. So, did you add fat or did you add muscle....during these past two years? Do you regret not taking full advantage of this downtime? Regards,
  12. Please be informed: This is a serious topic and not a satirical one. Also, if anyone were to tell you that you had met a polymath, anywhere, no doubt that you would insist you hadn't. You know, even if you met a god, you might yet refuse to recognize her.
  13. So, what you are stating is that Annie Hall is not a film to die for? Also, how many polymaths do you know? Would you even know one if you encountered one?
  14. No! Please read the preamble to the constitution of our Farang Pub. The Farang Pub is for purposes of serious amusement, entertainment, and fun. No one here is against fun, providing that the fun is well moderated.
  15. If I might be of some help, the best way to avoid trolls is to stay on TV. Why? Because, here on TV, we are self-policing. We are intelligent enough to recognize a troll, and then weed it out. As is well known by medical doctors, we can't cure that which we are unable to see. Take care, my friend. Be well.
  16. Yes. It's serious. This thread is the only serious submission that I have posted during the past 24 months. For some of us, constant noise due to overflying jet aircraft is a serious issue. Having access to airport environmental noise maps might be seriously helpful to us when we are ready to make our next relocation.
  17. Perhaps the most alluring of lingerie is that which enhances the attractiveness of a woman below the waste, as well as above. Unfortunately, googling lingerie brings up nothing but what might be fit for the lower classes, or maybe what might be fit for mud wrestling. When we were young, however, we were not completely sure how to remove it. Slipping your arm around to unclasp a bra, for a young teen, is not something that easy to do. The lingerie worn by Mrs. Robinson was OK, for the time. Still, the best lingerie must be that worn by rich girls in the 30s and 40s. There are good examples in films of that era. The removal of lingerie is just part of the excitement that young boys dream about, when they dream about girls. How many of us had never dreamed about making love to a woman twice our age, when we were 16? These days, now that we are much older, making love to a woman twice our age is just not possible. Robinson was very hot.
  18. Regarding very expensive lingerie, which is not exactly germane to this topic, but somewhat related: Lingerie should be subtle so as to accentuate the skin tones of a woman. In other words, lingerie should be chosen just as carefully, by a woman, as if she were choosing the hue of here lipstick. Personally, I prefer a very light shade of brown. What about you?
  19. Dear Friends, Probably, about 60 years ago, maybe more, before bed, I would don pajamas. Why? These days, I would not even wear pajamas to go for a walk around my neighborhood, or to work at home, drinking tea. I never wear pajamas for sleeping. When the weather turns cold, I just turn up the central heating. And, likewise, I am beginning to feel the same way about underwear. Is there any real purpose for underwear, now that we have washing machines which can wash our clothes, every day, with little effort? In days gone by, underwear provided a useful purpose. We could wash our underwear in the sink, and then we could avoid washing our outer clothes, for a month. It is far easier to wash underpants than it is to wash a wool suit, obviously. These days, very few of us are wearing three-piece suits, with garters. So, then why is underwear still required? We wash our jeans every day…right? Also, underwear can influence virility. The tighter one’s underpants might be, then the lower the motility of the sperm, or the sperm count, according to some sources. We all love a nice brassiere on a woman. However, as we also know, bras might cause atrophy of breast muscles and sagging. And, very few of us like sagging. Listen, my friends, please do not take my word for this. There is plenty of data. As Chomsky says, you only need to read about it. In conclusion: Underwear is a waste of resources. Also, underwear, in the daytime, is just about as uncomfortable as pajamas, while sleeping at night. Is underwear, other than risque lingerie, now out of fashion in this new age of electric washing machines? You can wear underpants, as a matter of tradition. However, you might be uncomfortable. And, if your underpants are too tight, then, you might also lower your sperm count. (Please check this data on Google, yourself. No time to post citations at this time.) On another note: It seems clear that if one keeps one's stones cool, then one’s sperm count might be maximal. Final Note: This I do not know about. But…maybe icing your testicles regularly can counteract previously heat-damaged motility. https://austinurologyinstitute.com/blog/how-to-increase-sperm-count/#:~:text=Keep it cool&text=Additionally%2C some research has shown,by up to approximately 100%. True or not, I once read that President Nixon did not wear underpants. Hopefully, someone can verify this, since I am unable to find a citation at this time. If Tricky Dick did not wear underpants under his suits, at the White House, then I can only think better of him. Nixon had a very high IQ.
  20. Thank you...but... While the Walken sequences in this video compilation are top-notch, yet, the female narrator of this video compilation is annoying and distracting from Walken's art and greatness. Anyway, thank you very much for getting onboard here, sharing our collective love for this amazing actor, an actor with zero peers in a profession which, in recent years, tends to rely 99% on copying genius that came before, many years ago, when Hollywood was better than Bollywood.
  21. Dear Friends, Before you reply to this question, please do take another look at the following informative and entertaining video clip. Also, here in Thailand, we could use more men like Walkens, if only we could make him feel at-home enough to come. Sometimes, at odd times, we feel just not completely right. And, when we feel this way, a helpful thing to do is to watch Christopher Walken clips. I am sure that Natilie would agree, 100 percent. You know, feeling foreign in a foreign country feels strange, on occasion. All foreign farang know this. And, thus, we sometimes benefit through identifying with strange people, in order to help us to feel slightly saner again. Therefore, this early morning, here is my gift to you, just to remind you of what you already know. Walken is like nobody else. Following is one video of the beloved and much revered, and never to be trumped, dance by Christopher Walken. Walken seems spooky to some, for sure. What has led to Walken’s spookiness? Is it his tone? Is it his timing? Is it his intelligence? Is Walken just a knife-edge away from being a mass-murderer type? Of course, we love Walken, and we cannot get enough of him. Love is too weak a word for feelings about this man. Regards,
  22. My Dearest Friends, I don’t know if you might be like I, a humble person, and a person sometimes drowned out by overhead noise emanating from aircraft engines. I do not mind the streamlined slipstream sounds of the aircraft, so much. However, what really bugs me about aircraft overhead is their CFM, GE and Rolls Royce engines, not to mention Pratt & Whitney, all great companies, it must be admitted, for sure. Anyway, every time I am lying in my garden having a conversation with my loved one, and just as we are about to get to the punch line, then, often as not, some large jet airliner, (maybe a Boeing 777), passes overhead, roaring, and this always spoils the mood. Even, sometimes, my thing goes from being straight up to being half-past six (liu dian ban) on such occasions, and understandably so. After many years of this, I have decided to relocate. However, where to go? How do I know where to rent or buy a place to live if I do not have accurate airport noise mapping info. In my opinion, this information must exist somewhere, and be readily available. If only one knew where to find it. And this would be helpful to all those who love to make love in their gardens, especially during peak holiday seasons when aircraft fly far too much. So, do you know? Where to get noise mapping information for airports, here? Obviously, there is a tradeoff in this situation: a. We like to have our airports close to the city, just for convenience sake. b. We do not like to have large jet aircraft flying overhead blessing us with sounds of their whining engines, even though most aircraft these days only have two engines, instead of four. So, anyway: Where to find noise mapping maps for airports in major cities here? Do You Know? Surely, with this helpful information, we might find it easier to seek out quieter places to call our own. And, these places might add years to our lives, if one can believe studies done concerning this important issue. Best regards, Glob Note: Please leave your helpful comments below, as usual. Thank you. Note2: Although it is true that I am now planning to move, due to radically increasing airport noise pollution after the virus lockdowns, I am not asking this question solely for myself. During Covid lockdowns, my present place was quiet and peaceful, and it was true heaven. Several months ago, the noise began to pick up. And now, due this factor, I must pick up sticks. Where to go? I need to first check airport noise maps. But where to find them? I do not know. These maps, normally, extend far out from the airport runways, by 10 kilometers, I would imagine.
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