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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. LI Rail Road, in 1963, was not so much a railroad as it was an amusement ride. Getting stuck on the LIRR was one of our greatest amusements, particularly at night. Being a boarding school student at the time, being stuck late at night seemed the ultimate in high jinks. Unfortunately, these days, the LIRR is just Blah, by comparison. ==== By the way: Where were you when the lights went out, November 9, 1965? Besides this, did I ever tell you the time I rode on Ken Kesey's bus, Furthur? We were such a Merry Band.
  2. James Hansen might agree that your approach is a good one. Hansen would be the first to admit that he is not a particularly gifted speaker or writer of Pop books, like this. Still, he is a scientist worth his salt. Anyway, see you in the future, on the Planet of the Apes. Looking forward to this, in fact.
  3. According to "The Planet of the Apes" writers, Man is a weak fragile animal, etc, etc, etc. However, according to Duckworth at U of P, Man is a strong and resilient animal, if taught early to be so. Are both views simultaneously valid? Therefore, does education always trump instinct?
  4. My Dear Friends, There is so much news of Nukes and Nuking flying around, these days, that I have begun to watch old movies, including The Planet of the Apes. Here is the scene in this film in which Charlatan Huston begins to get a glimmer of what might have gone wrong, including a heart valve artifact found in a cave: So, do you think that this film is a particularly prescient film? How much longer do we have to enjoy ourselves in Pattaya? And, in the event of a "catastrophic event", such as a Nuclear Magnetic Pulse weapon being released high up in the atmosphere, then..... How would you try to survive in Thailand with no access to electricity or electronic devices? Would you relearn old ways in order to survive? Would you find a better existence singing around the campfire instead of using Facebook, during evenings of the future? Could you depend on your friends for support? Or, would you just give up without a struggle for continued days of your life? And, without the Internet, then how would be keep in touch with our friends on TV? We know that Man will survive, unless we are outcompeted by the apes, which is unlikely. There will always be Man, until the end of recorded history, and this is for sure. Best regards, Globule
  5. Very interesting and, especially, thoughtful post, in fact.
  6. You intentionally searched the wrong one. Here she is...and....she is a real cutie, and smart as a whip, too. Very hard worker, is she, as well. Her name is Angela.
  7. "Pick up a mid 20s bird who had a good education and she'll be maturer than you are at 40." What? This is the strangest utterance I have encountered on the Farang Pub, in almost a decade. Still... Thank you for it!
  8. Angela Duckworth, my friend. Great gal. https://angeladuckworth.com/ Thank you for asking.
  9. Maybe they want to be a part of New York, New York. And, who can blame them? Maybe they want to wake up in a city that does not sleep, top of the heap? Maybe, they will slay it there. So many try, and so many fail. Still, there is always hope.
  10. Interesting. Then, your building was fairly close to the quadrangle. And so, then, you will appreciate the work of Duckworth, that much more. Duckworth is a star, these days. What is your name to fame? Are you just another quant?
  11. Good mentors are difficult to find....for anyone. Good teachers are also difficult to find, simply because there are not enough of them. If you wish to know more about mentoring, resilience, and ways to help students, then please contact this teacher from Harvard College, University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Duckworth U of P? Yeah, great.
  12. Actually, I think we need to ask ourselves concerning how effectively our schools teach the STEM subjects. What once, in the past, seemed to be an adequate education, up to age 18, is no longer adequate. These days, without a very rigorous science curriculum, then the student will not be adequately prepared for his or her future. Just as an example: Cas9 protein What is Cas9? Why is it important? And, is there a better substitute for Cas9, which is already in use, today? Of course, I know you know what Cas9 might be. However, some of our young students do not. And they need to know things like this, in order for them to prepare themselves for their future careers in Law, Science, Government, and much more. You know that I am right about this. Right?
  13. OK. Just please keep in mind that mentors and teachers are more important, for the future success of a student, than parents, by a long shot.
  14. Just be sure that you get what you pay for when you pay, and pay, for a school. Check the credentials of every teacher. These days are not the good old days of Mr. Chips. For sure.
  15. For some reason, we are talking apples and eggs, here, and you do not get my meaning, for some strange reason. I am talking about getting a decent education, by age 18. You know, something like you might get at Phillips Exeter Academy, for example. But, not really. I am talking lesser known schools like The Hill School in Pottstown, or the very Shady Side Academy. Most schools are garbage. Or, not really. In fact, most students should not be in school. Instead, they should just be robots. And, we know how to program robots, do we not? Most likely, your children are robots, I would guess.
  16. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking Great book https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8520610-quiet I can only assume that you have already read this book.
  17. Anyway, before you die from Putin, which is a real possibility, then, please listen to Cripple Creek. Earl Scruggs is to die for. (Don't blame me. Blame Putin.)
  18. Chimpanzees could not do THIS...right? We are the only intelligent life in the universe.
  19. Was it really necessary to expand NATO eastward? Was it worth it? Revolution must come from within. Self-determination means just that, baby.
  20. Flags are for idiots. No matter what the colors. Flag waving is barbaric. I would rather throw tomatoes than wave a flag. Humans are just as logical as the chimpanzee. So, bombs away, baby! Kubrick new this.
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